Chapter 47. I Want to Work With You

The last actor in the audition room stood before him – none other than Heath Ledger, who would become a legend for his role as the Joker. His mesmerizing and terrifying performance overshadowed Christian Bale.

He recreated the image of the Joker – a mix of psychopath, criminal, child, artist, and philosopher, with incredible power and horror, making him the ultimate nightmare from Gotham and placing him among the greatest villains.

In Nolan's "Batman" trilogy, the hero could defeat Ra's al Ghul and Bane, but he couldn't defeat the Joker.

Eric never hid his admiration for certain actors, and Heath Ledger was one of them.

However, his type didn't fit "Transformers" at all. When Eric saw Ledger's resume, he couldn't think of where to place him. Offering him a cameo role would be an insult, so he had to pass.

At the audition, after Heath Ledger introduced himself, Eric didn't follow the usual process and asked, "Heath, are the filming of 'The Kelly Gang' finished?"

This film hadn't been released yet. Ledger played the lead role – a character who goes from restraint to an explosion of emotions under societal pressure and ultimately dies.

Thinking that Eric was worried about his schedule, Heath quickly replied, "The filming is complete, and I have plenty of time."

"How did it go? I saw the trailer, and your role seems very complex. How do you get into character?"

A bit puzzled, Ledger answered, "The dramatic conflicts in 'The Kelly Gang' are indeed complex, and the character's emotions are very varied, but the director recognized my talent."

"As for my method of getting into character, besides studying the script and interacting with others, I like to lock myself in a room. A quiet environment helps me think more and get into character faster."

Eric nodded, "Heath, I have no doubt about your talent. You've already proven it in 'Monster's Ball.'"

Ledger was surprised, "You watched 'Monster's Ball'? It's a rather obscure film, and I only had a small role in it."

"Big or small roles don't matter. But I'm concerned about your method of getting into character. Locking yourself in a room helps you get into character, but it can drive you crazy."

At this point, Ledger was completely baffled. Isn't this an audition? Why has it turned into a conversation?

The others were also looking at Eric in surprise.

After a few more minutes of conversation and advice to spend more time in the sun and less time isolating himself, Eric announced the result: "Heath, you don't need to audition, you don't fit the role of Sam."

Ledger was stunned. They were just having a pleasant conversation, and now this sudden blow.

He desperately pleaded, "Wait, sir, let me at least finish the audition, please."

"No need, I've seen your films: 'Two Hands,' '10 Things I Hate About You,' 'The Patriot,' 'A Knight's Tale,' 'The Four Feathers,' 'The Order.' I know your repertoire, maybe better than you do."

Hearing Eric list all his works, Ledger felt pride but also resentment and couldn't find words.

As he was about to leave, Eric said, "Heath, you don't fit the role of Sam, but I want to work with you. We just have to postpone the filming."

Ledger was stunned, "When?"

"I'm not sure yet, maybe next year or in a year and a half."

"That's fine, I have no problems, but I need to see the script first."

"No problem."

Since he wouldn't get the role of Sam, another role would be fine. Actors fear being out of work.

Ledger left the MGM building, a bit confused. He didn't even ask what movie it was and what role he was offered. And could the producer, no matter how talented, make such decisions instead of the director?

He suddenly realized it might be a trap. But by his nature, he couldn't break the promise he just made. Especially since he was dealing with a person who, despite a similar age, was effectively running MGM. It scared him a little.

"Alright, let's see what happens next," he thought.


The auditions finally ended, and all the participants stretched tiredly.

After a short break, the discussion of candidates for the main role began. In the end, only two remained for the final consideration – Chris Evans and Ryan Gosling.

However, in Eric's mind, there was another, more suitable candidate – Andrew Garfield.

When Eric was reviewing resumes, he didn't find Garfield and assumed he was overlooked. After further inquiries, it turned out Garfield hadn't even applied. It was unclear if he was in the entertainment industry at that moment. Eric decided to leave it at that.

After long discussions, they decided to exclude Ryan Gosling because his face was too long, and he didn't look good next to Gal Gadot. There was no chemistry between them.

In the end, this audition successfully selected the actor for the main role, the computer genius, and several American soldiers.

Imagine a "Transformers" movie with Captain America, Wonder Woman, Professor X, Magneto, and Bane. It's just incredible.

When they become famous, fans re-watching old movies will be thrilled by this discovery.

Three days later, the casting results were announced, as well as the identity of Gal Gadot, sparking a new wave of discussions.

"Why didn't they choose James Franco? He would have been the most suitable."

"Nonsense, James Franco is a terrible actor. He doesn't come close to Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Joseph is way better. Is the director blind? Why didn't they choose Joseph?"

"I like Jake Gyllenhaal. His deep eyes are simply enchanting. He would have been the perfect choice."

"Are you crazy? Jake Gyllenhaal is too unattractive. He's not suitable for 'Transformers,' let alone acting alongside Gal Gadot!"

"Doesn't anyone like Chris Evans? He's so handsome. The director really made the right choice."

"In what way is Chris Evans handsome? He's just a beefcake who plays dumb brutes. His films prove it."

"The choice of the lead actor is terrible. But the lead actress is good. This new girl looks very hot!"

"Agreed, that's the only correct decision by the director. I love her nose, it's so cute!"


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