Chapter 60. The Girl Seeking Opportunities

Park City, at the Sundance Film Festival.

The film "The United States of Leland" no longer interested anyone. The entire press had focused on Eric Cooper.

They initially came to the festival as part of their routine work, and then luck struck – a real sensation! The journalists couldn't contain their excitement.

"Everyone calm down, I know what you want to ask. Let's do this one by one. You, yes, you, go ahead."

The named journalist beamed with joy:

"Hello, Mr. Cooper, I'm from the Chicago Tribune. Is it true what MGM announced last night?"

"Of course, it's true, there's no doubt about it," Eric confidently replied.


All the journalists exhaled simultaneously and immediately rejoiced. This was a real bombshell!

"Mr. Cooper, you studied finance, but you seem to have no experience in directing. Why did you decide to become a director? Are you sure you can handle 'Transformers'? It's a big project."

Eric laughed:

"No one is born a director, but anyone can become one, right?"

"Many people shoot videos on DV or 8mm film, like in 'The Blair Witch Project.' You can't deny that it was a successful film, can you?"

"I indeed did not study directing, but Cameron also started as a truck driver and then made 'Titanic'!"

The journalists could barely contain their laughter, looking at the overly confident Eric.

Are you seriously comparing yourself to James Cameron? He's the king of the world.

If making "Titanic" were so easy, why has there only been one such film in a hundred years? Anyone who says things like that is clearly out of touch.

Many journalists recalled the press conference where Eric claimed he would gross $700 million.

"Mr. Cooper, do you really believe that as the director of 'Transformers,' you can gross $700 million?"

"Yes, I am confident in myself and in the 'Transformers' brand. We are a powerful alliance! $700 million is no problem."

Hearing the words "powerful alliance," a journalist from the Los Angeles Times loudly asked:

"Mr. Cooper, is this a game for you, or are you seriously planning a career as a director?"

"I think I'm serious. It's an interesting job, creative and not boring. I like it; it's fascinating."

"So, you want to become a director because it's interesting?"

"Any endeavor starts with interest. That's what we're taught from childhood."

"Who is your idol? Spielberg? Martin Scorsese? James Cameron? Or Ridley Scott?"

Eric paused for a moment and looked into the distance:

"I don't want to be any of them, and I don't want to imitate anyone. Why can't I become someone others will imitate?"

It took almost an hour for Eric to satisfy the journalists' curiosity. He finally managed to get away from them.

Although the newspapers would print the interview only tomorrow, the information would appear on the internet today – the journalists wouldn't delay.

Leaving the hall, Eric decided not to stay there. The goal was achieved; now it was better to hide. If someone couldn't find his father, they would surely turn to him.

It was already around noon, and the streets were still crowded. Looking around and making sure there were no journalists nearby, he pulled his hat tighter and melted into the crowd.

After walking a bit, Eric finally got out of the crowd and felt relieved.

Continuing forward, he nostalgically remembered the times with a navigator. This was his first visit to Park City, and due to the current circumstances, he couldn't bring Chen Xing with him to find a good hotel.

Eric stopped to ask for directions from several people, but they all turned out to be tourists who knew nothing either. Finding locals among the tens of thousands of guests in a small town with a population of ten thousand proved to be a difficult task.

"Hey! What are you looking for? Maybe I can help? You've been wandering around for a while," a voice called from behind.

Eric turned around and saw a slim blonde smiling at him. He had noticed her earlier when asking for directions, as she had been following him for some time.

At first, he didn't pay much attention – after all, with so many people here now, following the same path was entirely normal. But now it seemed different.

"Yes, I'm looking for a place to eat and rest. Do you know any good hotels?"

The girl nodded:

"Of course, I do. And that's exactly what I need too. How about we go together?"

"Are you local?"

Eric decided she was just trying to attract customers, although that was rare in the USA.

"No, I'm here for the film festival, just like you. I'm an actress."

These words made Eric wary. He asked suspiciously:

"Who are you and what do you want?"

The girl didn't hide:

"Chloë Sevigny, and I'm interested in you. I'm seeking opportunities."

She extended her hand for a handshake.

Her candor slightly calmed Eric.

What can an actress do? Most likely, she just wants to offer her services, hoping for a role.

The name seemed familiar to Eric. Chloë Sevigny was an actress with some recognition, though her awards and popularity didn't quite match. She was in her early twenties but had already received an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress, playing a lesbian.

However, at a time when the LGBT movement had not yet gained strength, such a role did not lead to significant success, and Chloë still struggled to land major roles.

Eric also remembered that she had once openly expressed dislike for Jennifer Lawrence, calling her a phony. This was during Lawrence's peak popularity, and such words indicated a strong character.

Unexpectedly, Chloë grabbed Eric's hand:

"Come on, I've been here for several days and know all the best places."

"Wait, do you always advertise yourself like this? It seems a bit aggressive."

"So what? I don't care, because right now you're in my hands."

"And where do you want to take me?"

Chloë winked at Eric:

"To the tastiest place."


"To my place!"


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