Chapter 68. The Olsen Sisters

Having completed all their business, Eric and Elin simultaneously sighed in relief, as if a huge burden had been lifted from their shoulders. Recently, by pledging the copyrights of A.K. Films, "Barbershop," and "Saw," Elin had illegally provided him with a loan.

It was about hundreds of millions, and even a high-ranking manager like Elin couldn't hide such a large transaction for long. She said they had no more than a month before the accounts were audited. If they couldn't resolve everything within that time, she faced imprisonment.

Fortunately, the plan to manipulate Hasbro's shares was successful, and within less than two weeks, everything was completed. Eric had come to New York precisely for this.

Initially, he didn't have enough collateral assets, but now, after acquiring 16% of Hasbro's shares, he had enough to secure an unsecured loan.

Was his behavior illegal? Possibly, his actions could be seen as market manipulation. But how else does one make money without engaging in some shady deals? That's why the rich get richer, and the poor increasingly become victims.

Having finished all the business, Eric and Elin turned to more pleasant topics. Raising his glass, Eric took a slight sip of wine:

"By the way, what were you saying in the car about your nieces?"

"What, intrigued?" Elin smiled with a mysterious expression.

Eric, smirking, crossed his legs:

"That depends on how beautiful they are. Are they better looking than you?"

"Ha! You really know how to talk. How many points would you give me?"

"In terms of looks, out of ten, I'd give you 7.5. But your maturity and business acumen add points, so it's 8 and above."

Elin was pleased with the answer, smirking:

"Then you can expect them to score at least 8. And considering they're twins, even a 9!"

"Twins? Born at the same time?" Eric was surprised, thinking they were just regular sisters.

Elin playfully said:

"Yes, identical twins, born no more than two minutes apart. And they look very much alike."

Eric suddenly realized whom she was talking about and exclaimed in surprise, using Elin's full name:

"Wait... Elin Carla Olsen, are your nieces Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen?"

Elin just smiled mysteriously, saying nothing, but her expression said it all.

Eric laughed and shook his head:

"Although I knew your surname, I never thought in that direction. The world is full of surprises."

Elin sighed:

"Yes, they've been in show business since childhood, even the younger Elizabeth followed in their footsteps, while I work in banking. Truly, completely different worlds."

"Ashley and Mary-Kate are in New York right now. As a caring aunt, I decided to entertain them and mentioned you. And they wanted to meet you."

Eric waved his hand:

"Alright, I'd better leave. If someone specifically wants to see me or uses connections for this, they probably have a favor to ask. And I don't need such problems."

Saying this, he got up and headed for the exit. Elin, seeing this, hurriedly blocked his way:

"But I already told them. The girls are on their way and will be here soon. You can't leave!"

Eric wagged his finger:

"Lady, that's not for you to decide."

Seeing that he was about to leave, Elin jumped on him from behind. Although she wasn't heavy, being caught off guard, Eric fell onto the sofa.

There was a crack, as if something had torn.

At that moment, the doorbell rang.

"Auntie, it's me, Ashley. Open the door."

Hearing the voice, Elin glared angrily at Eric. He just shrugged, as if to say, it was you who jumped on me.

"Auntie, open up, it seems journalists are following us."

Hearing her niece's voice, she rushed to open the door, not even fixing her hair. Soon she brought in two girls.

If the paparazzi had caught the Olsen sisters in the hotel, the news would definitely make the evening broadcasts.

When the girls entered, their eyes started darting between Eric and Elin, noticing her disheveled hair.

Eric maintained an unflappable demeanor, as if nothing had happened. He looked at the two beauties with golden hair, whose youth radiated energy and attractiveness. He stepped forward and extended his hand:

"Ashley, Mary-Kate, nice to meet you. Eric Cooper."

The Olsen sisters shook his hand in turn:

"Mr. Cooper, nice to meet you. You really are as handsome as the media says."

Eric slightly smiled:

"Thank you, but honestly, I thought the famous Olsen sisters would be less photogenic."

After these words, a silence fell in the room. The Olsen sisters looked at him in confusion. They were used to praise from a young age. At nine months old, they were already acting in TV shows, and at one year old, they had roles in the hit "Full House."

For eight years, they were America's darlings. Everyone who met them praised their beauty and talent. And now, for the first time, they were being criticized by a stranger, even if he was as attractive and influential as Eric.

Elin also looked at Eric in surprise, thinking he was displeased that she had brought him here under false pretenses. But while the women were puzzled, Eric continued:

"Now I understand that those films and magazines don't capture your true beauty. The real Olsen sisters are much more dazzling. When you entered, I felt like two stars walked into the room."

The sudden turn almost made Elin lose her balance. A few phrases, and the Olsen sisters bloomed into smiles.

Ashley Olsen flashed her pearly whites:

"Mr. Cooper, it seems the newspapers omitted one of your qualities."

"Which one?"

"Your sense of humor."

Elin angrily glanced at Eric, thinking he was never this witty with her. Watching her laughing nieces, she hoped they wouldn't fall into his trap.

She knew that Eric, like her, demanded a high price for his services. Like in a deal with the devil, she wasn't sure if her nieces could afford the price he might ask.


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