Juluis sighed, going through his father's old racing relics. He wasn't sure why his father Johnny had left him with all his valuables.

He had received a note letting him know he was going to sit down and retire with Julia. They had decided to spend the remainder of their time of life exploring the universe. A note had been left for him with a lawyer letting him have everything he had to inherent.

To Juluis, I have decided to spend more time with your mother. I have left you my estate here on Earth. I'll stop by whenever I can. I know you have been busy trying to get into the galactic smash fest. Although, I disapprove of the decision. After all, my experiences in Banzai Bangers were enough to convince me if I had children. I'd do my best to persuade them from trying to follow the same way. Especially after the whole fall out of dealing with the Loathing One.

Anyways, my estate has all my old racing equipment, data, and things to help you. If I remember correctly, I have an old racing sim set up in the basement. It had come from the destroyed remains of the prototype car I had driven.

Cheers, Love Johnny.

Next the note had a picture of Johnny and Julia. In Julia's arms was Julius. It showed them all in front of the house Julius just inherited. Johnny was standing smiling at him. While Julia was holding him. The photo was an old one. Most likely taken after the events this supposed Loathing One had been defeated.

Julius on many occasions growing up wanted to hear about the epic battle. Johnny on the other hand wanted to forget all about it. He said it was too much and things needed to stay buried.

Julius had looked around the mansion that was now his. He had been through his father's old trophies, memorabilia, photos, etc. Looking for any signs of his father's past. He eventually gave up and decided to go look at the old racing sim that was left behind.

Juluis made his way to the basement and turned on the power. The racing sim was beat up and burnt. He wasn't sure why his father kept the charred husk of a wreck car. He could never get the story out of Johnny from how it ended up that way. All he knew it was what was left of the prototype in the final battle against the Loathing One.

Juluis climbed into the simulator as he powered it on. He was excited to try it out. Even though the frame was in poor shape. The simulator was top notch with the best money could buy. Julius had practiced with his racing career to appease his father by racing virtually instead of in real life. There wasn't any risk with the racing simulator of getting killed.

He wondered what his friends would think of the racing sim he had now inherited. He had experience with all kinds of racing simulators, but this one was totally new to him. It took some time to figure out how to get it on and running. Once it was up and running Julius, logged into one of the servers he was use to racing.

As soon as he hit the button to enter the racing sim. Things went horribly wrong. The simulator began to light up so brightly it blinded Julius. He had to shield his eyes as sparks and flashes went off. Soon the glow faded, and Julius had to blink to see what had happened.

He no longer was sitting in the cockpit of the racing sim, but in a blank white room…

Juluis could hear a voice laughing. It was old and raspy. Before the voice vanished.

Where am i? Thought Julius

His thoughts were interrupted by a display screen that appeared in front of him.

Welcome to the racing nexus. The next thing is racing simulation technology. You will be competing against other drivers to win the racing nexus championship. This is a multidimensional racing league. Hope you enjoy your stay. You will be aloud one starting car…

The message cut out as the room changed again for Julius to find himself looking at something that looked like a garage. He began to panic when he couldn't find an exit. 

Julius struggled to deal with his situation for a good while. He had tried pinching himself to see if he was dreaming. Realizing he was trapped in the racing simulator. He decided to look around the garage.