
"Get Deku to safety! I'll hold my dear brother off." Todoroki said, summoning his fire in one hand, and ice in the other. "You mean we!" Kirishima said, getting into his fighting stance. "I know what I'm doing!" I yelled, and dialed the emergency number, trying not to panic. He just passed out for no reason! Did Dabi do something to him? Was he just overwhelmed? Was he scared? Gah, I'm thinking too much, I need to focus on my surroundings in case Dabi brought his friends! I scolded myself, keeping an eye on my surroundings. Then noticing who was behind me."Dunce face? What are you doing?" "We're here to serve as backup in case the rest of the League shows up." He answered, standing in front of us protectively. "Yeah! We can't let anything happen to Deku! He's too much of a cute cinnamon roll!" Mina added, standing behind us. "Shut it, Raccoon eyes. He doesn't like you." "Jeez, I was just being honest." "Hello, what's your situation?" "My friend passed out, but I don't know why. Could you possibly send an ambulance?" "No problem, and what's your address?" I told the lady on the end of the line, and answered the rest of her questions, then hung up when she told me it would take about fifteen minutes. "How long do we have?" Mina asked, worried. "Fifteen minutes." "That's a bit of a long time. Can Todoroki and the others hold Dabi-Touya?-whatever he goes by now!-off until then?" "Of course they can, idiot!" I snapped, running a hand through Deku's hair softly, trying to calm down. "I can't believe he thought you were just messing with him-he knows you've changed!" Mina decided to strike up a conversation. "I mean, sure, you weren't that great to him back then-but you said sorry, and he forgave you, didn't he?" "Yeah." "I mean, if Bakugo hadn't defended himself, we wouldn't be here right now. I don't know why you were so embarrassed to admit it to Kirishima, of all people, though." Kaminari cut in, frowning slightly. "It was just-He caught me in the middle of confessing-and I couldn't control myself-" "K-kacchan.." I blinked, and looked down at Deku, panic squeezing my heart. I put him on his feet but made sure to grip his shoulders so I could steady him. His eyes were barely open. "Izuku, I wasn't pranking you, I really really love you." "Oh...y-you do?" The freckled boy was blushing, making him look even cuter. "I'm obsessed with you, dummy." " you, too...Kacchan..." And he passed out again. I caught him, and held him bridal-style, before I heard yelling. "Hand him over, kid, he doesn't want to be a hero!" I side-stepped to avoid Dabi's hand, but it caught my arm, and he used his fire. "Shit-" I almost yelled, shifting Deku onto my shoulder, and trying to pat my arm out. "I'll get him!" Kami yelled, shooting some of his disks-which stuck to the ground around the villain. He then used his quirk, and electrified Dabi, who was shaking violently on the ground. Mina patted my arm out, and I actually thanked her, which she made a big deal about. The sound of the ambulance pulling up cut her off, though, and once it parked, the nurses rushed to get Deku on the stretcher. But one of them came up to me. "You better come, too, your arm needs immediate treatment." I didn't even argue, and climbed in, trying not to move my arm-it felt like a thousand knifes were stabbing it over and over. Then, we were driven to the hospital, where the nurses took care of us both.