
About half an hour later, everyone showed up, and I was still pacing. They all watched me as I did, but I ignored them, now trying to come up with a plan to get Deku back, to make sure he was safe, to help him-A hand laid itself on my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks. I looked up at whoever had touched me, finding Aizawa standing there, his expression stoic, but his eyes showing concern and worry and anger. I wondered why he was angry. Maybe because Deku had left with Dabi? Maybe because Dabi needed Deku for this plan? For a minute, we just stared at each other. Then he spoke, his voice calm yet firm. "Bakugo, I know this situation it troublesome, but we need you to calm down, alright? We'll find him. We'll make sure he's safe. I need you to take some deep breaths for me, alright?" I nodded, and inhaled deeply, then exhaled, and repeated the process while everyone waited.


I was finally clam enough to stand still and actually talk. "And you said it was Dabi, Bakugo?" Iida asked, doing his weird arm thing. I nodded. Uraraka stepped up, her expression worried but determined. "Any ideas on where he might be?" I took a minute to think, but then shook my head once I couldn't find anything. "I'll get the other heroes in on this. It's clear we're going to need help." And just like that, we were making our way back to UA, ready to explain what had happened.