Kai Cooks/Liam Schemes

A thin finger pressed the start button on the front panel of the rice cooker as a burner on the stove heated up. 

Kai filled a cooking pot full of water, then placed it on the burner. He grabbed a cooking board, placed the washed potatoes on it, and cut them into bite-sized pieces.

Green eyes looked at the carrots as he remembered the bento tools Mika had gifted him. He pulled both a star and flower shaped metal tool from a drawer. 

After slicing the carrots into thin rounds, Kai laid each one flat. He positioned the shapes in the center of a carrot round, firmly pressing down to form shaped, orange flowers and stars for the curry. It took awhile to shape each carrot slice, but it would be worth it in the end.

Being one not to waste, Kai ate the carrot scraps as he made the shapes. They were perfectly tasty carrots.

Out of all vegetables, carrots were Kai's favorite. They're a good source of vitamin A.