Sickening Sweet Birthday

While tossing and turning in bed, Kai could sense something bizarre happening around him. He couldn't tell what it was, but it made him feel weird.

Slowly, he opened his eyes. When he opened them, he noticed a bag of gummy bears in front of his face. Not one to turn down candy, he granned them, ripped them open, and shoved a few into his mouth.

He chewed.

They were chewy. He wondered if they were stale. They were getting stuck in his teeth. He felt the urge to floss.

He always thought gummy bears were weird. Each color would have a corresponding flavor, but all he could ever taste was sugar.

It didn't take long for him to eat the entire bag.

He grumbled. 

Liam appeared from seemingly nowhere, flopping into the bed next to him.

"Happy birthday!"

Liam blew on a plastic whistle. The sound from the whistle was piercing.

"Thanks, I hate it," Kai frowned.