Chapter 21: Love

After the disappearance of Eunwoo's soul, Lucifer and Steve go to Lucifer's mansion, only to find Lucas awake. Shenzi and Luna went with Vanessa, so that they could have an eye on her, thus they would stop her from doing any harm to herself.

Steve and Lucifer told everything that happened in the castle. Lucas's eyes became teary. He wanted to see Vanessa.

So he went to her house.

"Please, leave me!" As Vanessa said this, tears fell from her eyes. 

"Vanessa, harming yourself will do no good!" Luna walked to her. 

"Who told you that I was going to harm myself?" Vanessa wiped her tears. "I just want to be alone for a little while, I promise to see you all tomorrow!" As soon as she said, the bell rang.

Lucas came near to Shenzi's ears. "Please leave us alone!" Lucas whispered to Shenzi. 

"Luna, I think we have to leave Vanessa for some time, 'alone'!" She specified 'alone' and grabbed Luna's hand and pulled Luna along with her to leave the house.

Lucas sat beside Vanessa. "I heard about Eunwoo!" He took a deep breath and said "I also know that you loved him more than you love yourself!" To this Vanessa nodded in reply.

"I.. Why did he have to go?" Her tears did not stop. 

"He was going to die this month". Lucas wanted Vanessa to look in his eyes.

"But why? He was saying the same thing! Why?" Her tears fell on her lap.

"He was a soul whose desires had not been completed. He desired to avenge his parents. And so he did kill Arena!" He looked away, with tears in his eyes.

"If that was his wish... If only I knew. I wouldn't have helped him! At least I can have him now!" She wanted to scream and kill herself because she was the one who helped him fulfill his wish, and because of that, he is not anymore.

Lucas took a second to say "But I was happy, just because you were the one who helped him in completing his desire!"

"But only if I had not!"

"Then you wouldn't be able to see him happy with his whole heart!" These words from Lucas felt like arrows pointing at her heart.

She gasped and realized that she had helped him to live his life freely. He had been training himself hard, to just kill a vampire named Arena.

"And would you also ignore the fact that he also loved you the way you loved him?" Lucas had eye contact with her.

She stood up and went to her balcony. It was about the time when the sun was to set.  

"You know, after killing Arena, Eunwoo and I became close friends. He often comes to my house. He always said that coming to my house made him happy!" She gently kept her hand on the wall beside her. "But I didn't have courage to confess my love for him!" She looked at her plants. "He also said that he would love to have a wife like me. If only I had taken it seriously!" She was regretting it. She held her golden butterfly locket. "This is the locket he gave me when he last came there. We would sit there and talk for hours. But only if I had said what I felt!" She took a pause and said "But now that his wish has been completed and because of me he was happy, I would not blame myself for his disappearance!!" Her eyes were teary, but a very little smile came on her face.

"You wouldn't be able to love anyone as you loved him. Would you?" He stared at her.

"Mm-hm. No." She was sure of her reply.

"The sunset is beautiful, isn't it?" He looked at the sunset.

"Yes indeed" She also stared at the sunset. Then she said "I think I may not be able to fall in love again!"

"If you ever have a chance to fall in love again in the future, please, please fall in love with me!" He mumbled under his breath, so she had not heard his words.

"Now, you may want to have some time alone! So I may leave!" He went to the door.

What did he just mumble? Like what he said? Did he really fall for Vanessa?

But poor thing is, Vanessa would never-ever love him back.

"Have a nice night!" He says before leaving.

"Goodbye to you too!" She locked the door and again started crying her heart out. 

She was comforting herself. Lucas's words really had an effect on her. Now she won't try to kill or harm herself.

Lucas went to the mansion. "Brother, what about our parents?!" He was standing at the doorstep of Lucifer's room.

"I don't know!" He gestured to Lucas to sit on the bed, beside him. "But I did find a diary! The problem is, I don't know if this is real or not!" Lucifer stood and took out the diary from his almirah. And sat where he was sitting before.

Lucas sat beside Lucifer. "Have you read it?"

"Not yet!"

"Then how will we be able to find out the truth without opening and searching for clues?" Lucas snatched that diary and started reading it.

"Shenzi, why would you take me out from there?" Luna and Shenzi were at Shenzi's house. Luna kept silent throughout the way, becauss she was expecting Shenzi to tell her.

"Lucas whispered me!" Shenzi was making coffee for both of them. "Now would you like to tell me how you were both trapped?"

"Long story short! I don't know, but as soon as I opened my eyes, the Master came and told me that there was another mission! After a few days on that mission, I was lying down on a cold floor. I tried to get out of that house, but each time I tried, there was someone who would beat me for escaping, although I was in Lucas's dream. But, I felt pain. After a lot of tries, Lucifer came and helped me to escape. After that, Vanessa had a graduation party, in which she proposed to Eunwoo, but Eunwoo rejected her. After another few days, we found out that we were trapped!" Luna didn't want to reveal that, she and Lucifer kissed.

Shenzi gave a coffee cup to Luna. "How did you both discover that you were trapped?!"

Luna took a sip and again explained to her. But this time she told Shenzi in detail. 

Steve was in his own old, earth house, missing his friend. Eunwoo and Steve were friends. Eunwoo shared every single thing with Steve, because Eunwoo didn't have a single male friend to talk his heart out. Steve even knew that Eunwoo loved Vanessa. But Eunwoo never told us that he was going to die this month. 

Steve was crying.