chapter 22: statues

"Lucas, are we not going to the castle again?" Vanessa was on a phone call with Lucas.

"I thought you would never ask!" Lucas was excited about going. "But first, let me ask Lucifer!"

"Then ask and call me back!"

"Okay then, bye!" He hung the phone with a cheerful voice.

Lucas asked Lucifer if they could go back again. Lucifer just nodded and asked "Have you asked the others or are we both going alone?"

"Well... Vanessa is coming, but I will ask others to join us!" He went out of Lucifer's room. He was happy. After all, he was going to see a castle for the very first time. He happily called everyone and asked if they wanted to come or not.

"Hm... It seems like an adventure. So, yep, I am in!" Shenzi liked to go on adventures.

"Is Shenzi coming?" Steve asked.

"She kinda liked the idea!" Lucas replied.

"I will be there soon!" Steve said and declined the call.

"Why are you asking? Don't you know my answer?" Luna asked. She was sleepy

"So... May I assume this as a yes?" Lucas was a little confused.

"Of course! Why wouldn't you?" She said and hung the call.

After a few hours, they arrived at the castle. But this time, after entering, due to the sound of footsteps, Lucifer's dragon came there and made Lucifer sit on its back. While Lucifer said "Woah bud! You look great!"

"That is not fair! You had not told me that you had a dragon!!!" Lucas crossed his arms.

"Maybe I forgot!" Lucifer said, looking down at Lucas. "We haven't named you, have we?" Lucifer asked his dragon. But in reply he only received a smile.

"Hmm... What should it be?" Lucifer asked, looking at everyone.

"Snowy?!" Vanessa sounded fresh

Shenzi and Luna rolled their eyes.

"Frosty?!" Steve said.

"Snow fury!" Lucifer and Lucas said at the same time. "Then it is decided!" Lucas said. Dragon's smile became huge.

They proceeded, according to the diary which was with Lucas and Lucifer. Last time they came to the castle, they did the checking in every single room. They again cross-checked every room and every corridor. They went to the throne hall, they checked everywhere.

"Woah! Looks like there is a secret!" Luna said while opening the cellar door. But no one heard her. "I am going downstairs!" She said while going down.

They realized that Luna was not there. "Have you seen Luna anywhere?" Lucifer asked Lucas. He shook his head. "Did anyone see Luna?!" He yelled so that everyone could hear.

They all yelled "No!".

"Screw her! Where the hell is she?!" Lucifer mumbled to himself.

They started to search for her in the castle. It is 7 in the evening.

They were all tired. But then Steve realized "Guys, if houses and mansions could have secret rooms, cellars, basements and all, then why can't castle?!"

"Hmm. He is kinda right!" Shenzi was low, but she still went to find Luna.

Finally, Lucifer saw that bulkhead, behind the middle throne.

'Lucas, I saw a bulkhead, behind the King's throne!' Lucifer linked their brains.

'Lucifer, wait there still, I am coming with others!'

'I will count till ten!' Lucifer had a sly smile on his face.

Lucas and Steve used their super speed.

"That was something expected!" Lucifer said.

"Yea. Yea" Steve had Shenzi in his arms.

They went into the cellar, where they found crowns, wine, bears and some weapons.

Luna was amazed, but at the same time scared of spiders. After walking some distance, Lucifer found Luna. Lucifer rushed towards her. "Who told you to come here?!" He was furious. "Did you even think to inform me?"

"I told you! You were the one who didn't listen to me!" She said in an obvious way.

"Oh really! Are you calling me deaf?!"

"You really need to ask that? Maybe you are dumb too!"

"Watch your mouth, know that you are talking to me!"

"Yes, I am watching my mouth and my hands, because of that only you are still here!" She crossed her arms.

"Do you think you are more powerful than me?!" Lucifer raised his right eyebrow.

"And smart too!" In return, Luna raised both her eyebrows.

"I think you forgot your brain outside!"

"To think, we need to have a brain darling, don't you know that you lack it?"

"You said that I don't even have a brain!"

"And just now, you agreed that you are deaf!"

"Why the hell are you so annoying?!" He pointed at her with his index finger.

"I am the one who should ask that!"

Both of their voices were really high-pitched.

"Guys, guys, we are here to find Lucas's parents, right?" Steve tried to stop their argument.

"Shut up!" They both turned to him and said at the same time.

Shenzi and Lucas were having fun by watching these two arguing.

"Why did you come here?!"

"Tell me, why should I inform you? I don't need you! I can take care of myself!"

Lucifer's lips parted to say something. Just then he realized what Luna had said, so he took a short pause. His eyes softened and looking at Lucas he said "Lucas, the cellar is the only place left, let us just find it here and go back home!" He said with water in his eyes.

Looking at Lucifer, Luna's anger calmed down. All of them were busy in search, and Luna realized what she said to Lucifer. She immediately went to see where he was. She was on her way, and she bumped into a human-like structure which was made up of stone. She looked up and found another structure, but this structure was of a woman.

'Shenzi! I found something. Please come here and help me take these with us!' Luna linked hers and Shenzi's brain.

'Give me 10 seconds!'

The cellar was as big as the castle itself.

Shenzi used her smelling sense and reached Luna. "Whoa! These statues... Are awesome!"

"I know, help me levitate these" Luna said. "But where is everyone?!"

"First let us take these up, and then we can scream, so that they will hear us!"

"Why to scream? When we have bluetooth! Silly!" Luna gave a pat on Shenzi's head.

They somehow levitated both the statues to the hall.

"Lucas, we are up, we found something. Please gather everyone here!" Shenzi connected her Bluetooth to Lucas's.

In just 10 seconds, everyone was out of the cellar.

"Do you have an idea what these statues are?!" Luna stared at Lucifer. But Lucifer ignored her.

"There was nothing about statues in the diary!" Lucas said.

"Then the only way to find out is to have them speak!" Steve said.

Vanessa kept both her hands on each of the statue's chest. She found two hearts beating. "These are humans, or supernatural creatures!" She took her hand off of them. "But someone transformed them into stones!" Vanessa said.

"Do you know how to get them back to normal, or to have them speak?" Lucifer asked.

"No, but if I can take them to Fairea, other fairies can help!" She saud with a spark in her eyes.

Shenzi and Luna looked at each other.

"Oh no, no! Don't worry! Let me inform Madam Rosy, then she could send help!"

Shenzi and Luna sighed in relief.

After 2 hours, some fairies and male helpers came. Vanessa went with those statues.

They all got home after that.

3 days passed. Lucifer hadn't talked to Luna yet. And Vanessa also had not given any type of information.

"Shenzi, why isn't he talking to me?!" Luna was at Shenzi's house.

"Maybe... He just misunderstood you. Go and try to clear things." Shenzi handed Luna a coffee cup. "But why do you care about it this much? Maybe you fell in love with him?!" Shenzi smirked as Luna was blushing.

"Now you are misunderstanding me!" She stopped herself from blushing. And turned furious

"Ok,ok. I won't talk about it!" Shenzi said.

"What about going tonight?" Luna asked.

"Hey! It is only you going. I am not coming with you!" Shenzi took a sip of her coffee.