chapter 29:

"What is it?" She asked, running her fingers through his silky hairs.

"Why can't we just be together?!" Lucifer asked

"We will get married soon!" A smirk formed on Luna's face.

It took a minute for Lucifer to understand what Luna was saying. "That's my baby girl!" He giggled and kissed her cheek.

They heard a knock. Luna's eyes widened. "Where am I supposed to hide myself?!" She was looking for a place to hide herself.

Lucifer unwrapped his hands and grabbed his shirt. "Help me wear this". He was trying to hide his huge smile.

Luna was confused. "You may come in!" Lucifer yelled and Luna held that shirt and started pretending.

Shenzi walked in. "Oh! I am sorry!" She said "Are you coming to the dining table or are you going to have your breakfast here?" Shenzi asked.

"Here" Lucifer said. Shenzi was leaving the room, then he added "I would like Luna to spoon-feed me."

"OK!" She said and went out giggling.

As Shenzi left, Lucifer again pressed Luna's body against him. "Leave me before someone comes out of the blue." Luna said while blushing.

"Let them. I do not fear anyone" As Lucifer said this, Vanessa came in without knocking. It was clear that she witnessed both of them 'together'.

Vanessa closed the door with one hand and kept the tray on the tea table. "At least lock the room!"

Luna sat on the sofa with Vanessa and Lucifer sat on the bed.

"I knew it from the start!" Vanessa covered her mouth with her hand and started giggling. Then she remembered something and gasped "But Lucifer is Clara's fiancé!"

"She tried to kill me!" Lucifer said.

"So... What is the plan? And do I have any role to play? And except me, does anyone know about it?"

"Relax Vanessa. I will tell you everything, but you need to promise that no one knows about it!" Luna said.

Luna and Lucifer explained Vanessa the plan. "Woah! That is great! I will surely help you both!"

"Thank you!" Luna said.

"I think... I should leave you both alone!" Vanessa left the room and made sure that it was closed.


Lucifer entered the castle and Clara hugged him. "Where were you hubby? I was so stressed!"

"Get off of me!" Lucifer said in his deep and husky voice. Hearing this, Clara stood in front of him.

"I want to talk to you" Luna whispered to Clara.

"I am all ears" Clara was hearing her. Lucifer looked at her with his dead eyes. And went straight to his room. "I meant, super secret talks couldnt be in the hall, could they be?"

"Okay then, follow me to my room" Clara said and walked to her room.

Luna marched after Clara.

"So what is it?" Clara took stand on her right feet.

"You," Luna smiled "were the one who tried to kill Lucifer, right?"

"Are you in your senses?" Clara taunted.

"So, does it means yes?" Luna sat on the couch.

"I am going to marry him!"

"That does not change the fact that you tried to kill him!" Her broen eyes lovked on her Ruby red eyes.

"You do not have any proof that i tried to poison him!" She started sweating.