chapter 30: some time

Lucifer, Luna and Clara visit a nearby Bridal Boutique. Lucifer and Luna were sitting a few inches away from each other while Clara was trying one dress after the other.

It took 2 hours to decide the wedding dress.

"This one?" Clara asked, wearing a white bridal gown.

"Yes, it looks good on you, unlike the others" Luna said while smiling. 

Clara glared at Lucifer, and he nodded in acceptance. Clara smiled and said "If my baby likes this, then I will wear it" And she went into the changing room to put on her daily-wear clothes.

"'My baby likes this'," Luna mocked Clara. "As if she is going to marry my Lucy" Her brows were ceased.

Lucifer chuckled and said "Leave that dumb girl. After dropping her in her room, I am going to talk to father, and it will not be easy, so I need you there."

"If you want me, then I will be there for sure". A smile formed on Luna's face as Clara came out holding her dress in her hand.

They went to the counter and Lucifer paid.


It was evening, Clara was sleeping in her bedroom. Luna was preparing herself. After all, she had to be there and speak if Lucifer wanted that speech out of her mouth.

Suddenly, Lucifer came into his bedroom and saw Luna walking around the bed. He grabbed her hand and took her out of the room. She understood that they were going to talk to her father, she was ready for that problem.

Lucifer knocked, "Father, may I come in?" He asked.

Orion opened the door. The first thing he saw was Lucifer holding Luna's hands.

"What is the matter?" Orion closed the door as they went in.

"Dad, Clara tried to kill me". Lucifer sat on the couch.

"And Luna told you this?" Orion was annoyed.

"No, because I was the one she tried to kill". Lucifer pulled Luna and made her sit beside him.

"Come to the point," Orion sat in front of Lucifer. "You want to marry Luna?"

Lucifer was surprised "Yes."

Orion shook his head and said "But I will not allow you to."

"Dad please, I want to marry Luna" Lucifer said.

"I will get you married to someone else from our species, but not Luna."

"Why not Luna? What is wrong with her?" Lucifer frowned.

"It is simple, if you marry anyone other than a vampire, you will die," Orion said, wishing that Lucifer wouldn't put in an argument.

"Dad, everyone dies in the end," Lucifer said angrily.

"Lucifer," Luna kept her hand on his. "Your father is right, if I marry you, you will die."

"Luna, why don't you understand--" As Lucifer was about to say, his dad interrupted.

"Lucifer, love is not an excuse, you will fall in love with others too", Orion was calm.

"But that other girl will not be Luna, dad". Blue eyes locked on Orion.

"But better than me," Luna said.

"I want you, not less than you or more than you, just you". He looked at Luna.

"Father," Lucifer changed his gaze, his eyes were fixed on those green irises. "I never have I ever asked or demanded or begged for anything," Lucifer's eyes were filled with tears "But today, I am asking, demanding and begging to just marry this girl, Luna. Father, please", Lucifer pleaded.

Tears were just about to come out of his almond, wide-set eyes, and Orion said "OK my child, you may marry her," Then the king's demonic and cunning eyes met with Luna's innocent eyes. He said "But only if she is ready."

Listening to these very sweet words outside his father's mouth, a huge smile appeared on Lucifer's face.

It may seem sweet, good, caring and simple, but the fact is, it is a message for Luna to stay away.

Luna understood that, fear was visible on her face.