Chapter 66: The Game Begins

"Seven days, $500,000? What kind of model is worth that much? Of course, I'll take it," Bryan Mills said enthusiastically. This was the highest-paying job his team had seen in years.

"The person you'll be protecting is Alessandra Ambrosio, my employer's girlfriend. She's currently in Miami for a fashion show. After the show ends tomorrow, you'll escort her to Switzerland. My boss mentioned that if you can handle everything without alarming Alessandra, you'll get an additional $200,000. Bryan, I'm really looking out for you here. I know you're the best at quietly neutralizing threats, and I made sure my boss knows that," Barney said, seeking a bit of credit.

"Thanks, Barney. You're a good friend. Drinks on me when this is over," Bryan Mills replied.

"We'll have plenty of time for that. But listen, make no mistakes. If something goes wrong, my boss will hunt you down. I don't want to lose you, buddy," Barney warned.

"Don't worry, Barney. You know us; we never mess up. If our failure results in the protected person's death, I'll give your boss my head," Bryan Mills assured him.

"Okay, I trust your abilities. Otherwise, I wouldn't have recommended you. Be careful, Bryan. You might be dealing with armed kidnappers. Make sure you're fully equipped," Barney advised.

"Understood. Seven days to protect Alessandra Ambrosio, possibly against armed kidnappers. Barney, this is exactly the kind of situation I excel at," Bryan Mills said confidently.

"Good to hear, Bryan. If you do well this time, you won't lack work in the future. My boss is wealthy and generous, and he's prompt with payments. You can even request cash if you prefer," Barney continued.

"Thank you, Barney. We'll decide whether to take cash or checks after meeting with the employer. Appreciate the opportunity," Bryan said.

"Alright then, good luck, Bryan."

"Goodbye, Barney. Good luck to you too."

After ending the call with Barney, William dialed his mother, Lena. She answered, sounding frazzled: "Damn it, William. Why are you calling now? Don't you know it's the busiest time at the café? And I hear you've run off to the Bahamas alone, chasing after women. How many girlfriends do you plan to have? Tina saw your picture with that model in the paper this morning and cried. Why did you have to upset Tina?"

William thought, 'It's not me upsetting Tina; it's our little Tina who keeps chasing after me.'

"I didn't do anything to Tina, Mom. She's only 16; I wouldn't mess with her," William replied.

"So, you mean if Tina were older, you would go after her? Good grief, William Devonshire. I never imagined you'd turn into such a rascal once you got rich. First, it was that Diana Rigg, and now a Brazilian model. And now you want to corrupt the girl who grew up with you? You're impossible, William. Get back to London immediately. You can't keep fooling around out there," Lena scolded.

The stern tone from his mother made William a bit nervous. He replied meekly, "Mom, I can't come back right now. I'm in Montenegro on business. I'll return as soon as I'm done."

Hearing that William was on business in Montenegro, Lena softened a bit. "Alright, business is important. But how long will you be? You'd better not be lying to me, or you'll be in for a scolding."

"I'm not lying, Mom. It might take about ten days. By the way, a team will come to see you tomorrow, led by a guy named Barney. They'll take you and Tina to the village near the Devonshire Castle in Oxford. We're buying the castle back, but since I can't be there, I need you to sign the contract," William explained, hoping to shift the conversation.

"Are you serious, William? You're buying the castle back? That's wonderful! Thank you, dear. We can finally return to the castle. I love you, darling," Lena exclaimed with joy, momentarily forgetting about William's antics and the need for protection.

"Yes, Mom. Tomorrow you'll go back to the castle. For safety, I've arranged for a team to protect you on the way. If anything comes up, talk to them. Make sure to close the café after your shift today and head to the castle tomorrow," William instructed.

"Alright, darling. I'll close up today and head to the castle tomorrow. I'll make sure the castle is all set up, just like when you were a child," Lena said excitedly.

After finishing the call with his mother, William called Alessandra Ambrosio. They spent some time chatting affectionately before William mentioned the temporary bodyguards he had arranged for her. After the show, they would escort her to Switzerland to meet him.

Initially, Alessandra was reluctant to have bodyguards. At twenty, she felt capable of handling herself on the trip. However, William managed to convince her, emphasizing that the money had already been paid and that he would feel much better knowing she was safe. Eventually, she agreed, albeit reluctantly.

With everything arranged, William felt more relaxed. Whistling, he changed into a fresh outfit and decided to explore.

He had never been to Montenegro, and after glimpsing Kotor from the car earlier, he was eager to delve into the ancient town. As he entered the hotel lobby, he noticed Bond and Wisper heading out, but chose not to follow them.

Strolling through the historic town, William felt transported back to the Middle Ages. He wandered without a set destination, stopping at a café when he grew tired. The slow-paced life of the town soothed his restless heart.

After enjoying a local dish at a café, he tried to make his way back to the Royal Casino but found himself lost. It wasn't until a kind local offered help that he finally returned to the Royal Hotel.

By the time he arrived, it was already 5:50 PM. He hurried into the hotel and was immediately approached by a few middle-aged men.

"Good evening, Mr. Devonshire. I'm Steve from the Swiss National Bank. Your wild card is ready, and the poker game starts in ten minutes. We've also prepared the tax avoidance plan you requested. However, given the time constraints, I suggest we focus on the game first and handle the paperwork during the intermission," Steve said.

William nodded with a smile. "Thank you, Steve. Let's go."

"Follow me, Mr. Devonshire," Steve said, leading William to the specially prepared gaming room within the hotel.


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