
"Who sent you?" Meimei asked coming out of her hidding place

"You think I'd tell you?" The young man sneered

"Hmm really? We'd see about that" with that she striked him at the back of his neck making him faint

Her driver who was hiding close by came out

"Take him to the car" she ordered before turning to go

"Yes ma'am" the driver was both a bodyguard as well as her driver

He was someone employed by the Johnsons family after her arrival in China .

"Investigate him" meimei said to Mira who was nonchalant the whole time .

"Okay" she nodded and faced back her phone

"What exactly is attractive enough to get you this distracted" meimei was amused by Mira's sudden attentiveness to her phone

"Something that doesn't concern you" she said

"What ever do what I asked you, you have less than an hour"meimei said

Later at meimei's apartment basement

The young guy was tied to a chair with his hair messy

Meimei walked in with Mira trailing behind her, both had a creepy smile hung on their lips

"Wake him up" she ordered and the bodyguard/driver walked to the guy's side before stimulating him awake

"Why didn't you let me wake him up" Mira whine and meimei just ignored her

This wasn't a serious criminal so there's no way she's handing it Mira's hand

When it cams to torture, Mira finds joy in torturing criminals a lot, if it weren't for her parents objection shed have made a name for herself at the police department.

Back to the point,

"Ahh" the young guy groaned in pain as he opened his eyes

"Where am I?" He asked turning fully awake

"Welcome to my house" meimei suddenly said him on the other hand suddenly hearing the familiar woman's voice

"You...let me go" he had a frustrated look on his face

"Of course I'd let you go eventually but you have to tell me who sent you" meimei asked spinning the pen in her hands

"You should know the rules of our underground business I can't divulge my clients information" the young man said adamantly

"Not when it involves your mother?' Meimei asked and the young guy expression changed

"My mother? What are you talking about? She obviously is In..."

"You're trying to say that she's in the hospital receiving treatment? So sorry she was transferred out twenty minutes ago, now she's under my Care" meimei said

"I'll talk please spare my mother, the person who sent me is called qiao wan" the guy said in one breath....meimei smiled

"Your name?"


"Good" meimei smiled brilliantly, she had long known it was wanwan's handwork but she wanted to make a good opportunity out of it

After Mira's investigation she felt she had underestimated wanwan's ruthlessness

She found out that jack was a guy who venture into the underground just to cater for his sickly mother and protect her

Thus, making his sick mother his vital weakness, which wanwan used against him .

Now she has a hand over of his weakness she would let wan wan know what it means to have a taste of her own medicine

"Please let me go" jack pleaded

"I will let you go, but! You'd have to do something for me"

"Any thing" he nodded eagerly

"First what did wanwan ask you to do to me?" She asked and Mira watched the transaction quietly

"She asked me to follow you and give her updates about you" he said

"Good! Did you know what you'd do now? You'd be a double agent" meimei said


"You are working for me now but you'd pretend to still be working for her, you'd only release news I want her to hear, so in a nut shell you'd be my spy" meimei said

"Aren't you afraid I'd betray you?" Jack said

"Do you dare?" Meimei asked with a smile


"Good then"


GU mohan sat at his study flipping the pages of a random financial book ..

"What?"_ he asked Lucas who walked in without raising his head up .

"I came to report about miss meimei"he answered

"So did you find out who was following her?" GU mohan asked

He was informed by Lucas previously that her car was followed after the party and that the person seems to be tailing her where abouts

"We didn't catch him he was caught by miss mei" Lucas said

"She caught him herself' mohan asked surprised

"Yes sir" Lucas said but inwardly he was shaking his head, thinking of the actions of meimei against the guy tailing her he was shocked

"Where is the guy?"

"Locked in her basement" Lucas replied and Gu mohan smiled

"The meeting with her is on Monday, get the location prepared okay? You can go" he said while Lucas nodded and as well hesitated

He was wondering wheater he should tell him about how she dealt with the guy

"He'd find out himself" he muttered taking a bow before finally leaving...


After meimei released jack he was brought up to the house and introduced to the kids and the nanny

"Hi uncle" Lilly greeted with a smile whereas jack was shocked

He didn't know she has children as well

"Hello" he waved his hands at the little girl

He greeted Henry who was by the side as well but Henry just glanced at him and turned away as if he didn't see him, jack rubbed his nose in embarrassment

Meimei saw also of this and just smiled

"Since you'd be working for me you have to know something's and people around me" meimei said as she walked towards the embarrassed jack

"Aren't you afraid I'd betray you" jack asked again wondering why she was doing all this

"If you doubt them don't use them, but if you use them don't doubt them, besides if you betrayed me.....you wouldn't even know how you died" Meimei said with a smiled and jack nodded in fear

This woman was not to be trifled with

Its better to be friends with her not an enemy at all..


On Monday morning,

Meimei laid on her bed in deep sleep dreaming about the man she slept with five years ago when the door opened

"To think that I have been calling her since morning yet she's actually still sleeping" Mira was annoyed

She walked to her bed and yanked the bedcover on her body

"What are you....yawn...doing?" The sleepy meimei said

"You are still sleeping by this time its past 7 in the morning and you have an appointment with GU MOHAN!"

"Oh shiit! How could I forget" meimei muttered scrambling out if bed

"Oh now you know how to wake" Mira taunted with her hands under her chest

Fifteen minutes later,

Meimei was dressed and claded suit picking up few documents, her bag and phone....Mira looked at her in horror

"You are going like that?" She asked and meimei nodded

"Check yourself in the mirror" Mira smiled and meimei raised her brows .

Looking at her own appearance at the morrior she'was horrified

Her hair is a mess and there was something stuck on her face

She definitely knew that her little daughter did it while was sleeping

"Oh Damnnn!" Meimei slumped to the bed