Mr Gu You Are Drunk

"Mr Gu what's this all about?" Meimei suddenly asked

"That....I also want to know" Gu mohan said calmly turning to face Lucas

"Erm....this...i..I was just following instructions" Lucas stuttered before finally having the guts to say it out

" I orders this?" Gu mohan asked calmly

Meimei on the other hand watched silently as the boss and surbodinate played the blame game

Since non of them was willing to admit she'd just watch....

"There might have been an hint of miscommunication between us" Lucas said in fear

'Oh damn I ruined miss meimei's first impression of boss' lucas cried silently in his heart

"I apologize for the misunderstanding since we're already here we will just make do with it" Gu mohan said looking as calm as ever even though he was angry

He didn't want to create a bad impression of him to her

"Okay, no problem" meimei fianlly spoke sitting down

She actually didn't Care but her initution told her that this man had ulterior motives so she was always guarded.

Now coming to meet him, only to find this romantic setting it further made her suspicions intensify

"Great! What will you like to order before we proceed" mohan asked settling down and placing his phone on the table

"Nothing complex, just order something" meimei said sounding relaxed when she was actually very nervous within

"Okay, serve us your signature food and a bottle of kuren wine" Guohan said facing the bell boy and meimei was stunned

As expected of the richest man in the country, he was really generous with his spendings

The signature dish of the restaurant was more than three figures and very expensive and the wine he asked for was a highly expensive wine costing up to six firgures

If she was not mistaken it should be about two to three million Chinese yuan ..

Thankfully she had asked him to order himself else she have felt embarrassed

'It seems I have to hug the thigh of this big money tree' meimei thought inwardly

Gu mohan smiled mildly unaware of what meimei was thinking

Even if he knew he would happily give her his money to spend

Lucas as mohan's personal bodyguard stood at the private room's entrance naturally he saw everything that transpire

His mouth twitched as he looked at his boss in daze

Having lived together with Gu mohan for years how could he not know what his boss was thinking

He was clearly showing off to get Miss meimei's attention

Because he knew how low key Gu mohan liked to appear in front of people

While all this was going on the bell boy returned with several waiters bringing in. Their dishes in a grand style

The owner of the restaurant was informed of Gu mohan's presence in the restaurant and thus ordered a luxurious treatment for him

Meimei gaped at the roll of delicacies in front of her

Gazing at the food she seem to have forgotten that they had initially came here for a business deal

"Its here let's eat" Gu mohan said passing the pawns as crabs to her plate

They ate in silence and the gossip monger Lucas was feeling stiffled

"Why are they silent' he thought his boss would use this opportunity to talk to meimei

"You seem to enjoy the crabs much" Gu mohan suddenly broke the suffering silence

"Hmm...its something I liked to eat since young, and after been away for five years I felt the sweetness of the food again" meimei replied

Gu mohan nodded enthusiastically as if he hadn't investigated and found out her favorite

He wouldn't have asked for their signature dish in vain

He felt delighted as he watched her smiled as she ate.


"Excuse me" meimei blushed in embarrassment as she burped in satisfaction

"Its all right" he wiped his hands clean and the waiters came in to pack out the dishes leaving only wine

They Immediately got to business

"So why did you pick us?" Gu mohan asked

"As you know that out company is just entering china's economy and working in a related business line I'll go for the best succeeding the industry for collaboration" meimei answered eloquently

Gu mohan was impressed

Gu mohan's company was large and involved in all the business industry as well as real estate and construction

Which meimei's company deals with as well

Though vanguard, meimei's company isn't as large as the GU corporation

It was involved a few industries as well

And all of China GU corporation was the only best options to chose from

And for Gu corporation wgi was intending to expand their businesses overseas it was good working with vanguard since it had a firm root overseas

With that they came to a conclusion to work together

Meimei brought out the business proposal plan

They both signed the necessary documents and shook hands,

Gu mohan who had been sipping his wine for a while smiled after seeing they are working together

He suddenly leaned over to meimei's side and she was stunned

She looked up only to see that the three bottles of wine place on the table had been reduced to one which was half and also the one she was drinking

It was obvious Gu mohan drank the two, his eyes were now hazy and drunk as he stare into her eyes bluntly

She was mesmerized by his eyes and was momentarily lost

Lucas who was watching from the door was speechless

GU mohan suddenly raised his hands and touched her face

"Mr Gu you are drunk" she said trying to evade his touch to no avail

"Hmm...carry me" mohan said slowly and Lucas was speechless

He knew for a fact how high Gu mohan's alcohol tolerance is

'His boss was acting drunk just to scheme at meimei' he screamed in his head

The fooled meimei was worried and called for Luca's help

Lucas knew very well that his boss wouldn't want to be carries by him else his punishment will increase

"Miss Ling why don't you help him out yourself" Lucas said

Meimei who was held tightly by mohan felt he was right and agreed

On their way out the restaurant owner, Aaron Coleman, one of mohan's friends was stunned as he watch him being escorted out by a female

He wanted to approached them when he caught mohan's murderous gaze

It was as if his facial expressions was telling him 'come if you dare'

He gulped and stayed back, obviously he was a willing party then

This was an explosive gossip, with that Aaron snapped mohan and sent it to the group chat


Yeqian the happy father to be was in good mood as he entered his house

"Why are you just coming?" Mrs Jiang appeared as soon as he entered the living room

"I..." He didn't even know how to retort

He knew his parents waiting for him to come home was because they wanted to find out if he had broken off his relationship with wan wan

He knew that after knowing that meimei was back and finding out her identity as the president of Vanguard group of companies and her small chat with Gu mohan the other day at the party. He knew its only a matter of time before they pestered him

Right now they are still harping on his break up with wan wan

Soon they will urge him to date and pursue meimei again.

"Why are you stuttering have you broken up with her?' Mr Jiang asked

"Dad! That; I..."

."you didn't?" Mrs Jiang raised her voice

"I couldn't, I found out she was pregnant!" He said and the Jiang couple was stunned

"She's Pregnant?" Mrs Jiang was loss of words

She was happy becoming a grandma but now?

What are they going to do they have to get meimei to marry yeqian so they can exapand their company

Mrs Jiang wanted to keep wanwan's baby but also wanted meimei's wealth!

She was simply plain greedy!