Blind Date

The following morning what hit headlines was wanwan's pregnancy and her suspected early marriage to the Jiang family

The previous scandals that seemed to have been forgotten was once again brought out

While people were speculating the inside story, wanwan smile in satisfaction

Whereas Mr and Mrs Jiang were caught at a corner, they can't approach the media houses to bring it down else it will attract speculations they can't expression their anger else their reputation is at cost

They were really caught in a tight corner, Mrs Jiang could only grumble in anger at home

Yeqian was the one who beared the whole heat of their anger

Wan wan was successfully discharged from the hospital

Out of nervousness Yeqian proposed that they cohabit while expecting the baby so that no accident could occur

Wanwan agreed while smiling inwardly, all she had to do now is to fake this pregnancy miscarriage and she was free they will never find out

But first she needed them to get married first so she turned to yeqian as soon as they entered his house where they will be living together from now on

"What about our marriage? Yeqian I don't want our child to be given birth to without a status" she said pitifully folding the edge of her clothes as if in fear

"Don't worry, our child will have a proper status okay" yeqian comforted at the same time was thinking

He'd propose this to his parents and find out their reactions

Wanwan glance at his retreating back and smiled cunningly, even if he had no way to do it she has lots of ways

Her phone rang!

"Sister, I wasn't the one who exposed the news" Liam's voice was heard as soon as she picked the call

"You weren't?" Wanwan furrowed her brows

"Yes, someone was faster than me, by the time I woke up it was already over the net, the post was made 12:55 midnight" he said

"Thats strange!" Wanwan said but inwardly she was contemplating if it was yeqian's handwork .

"Forget it, what ever motives the person who release the news had it had served it purpose for us okay let it be" wanwan urged before hanging up the call

What people don't know about Liam is that his parents death cast a shadow on him and was mentally unsound except for wan wan no one can calm him down

And Like that wanwan easily manipulated him to do her bidding , well that is story for another day

.. ...

Meimei who had woken up early today and had all her anger from previous night washed away was sited at the sitting room browsing her phone

At the sight of the trending headlines she knew this was for her to know

How could she not have guessed wanwan's thoughts

Though wanwan behaved as if she was confident in her relationship she was guarded against her so the pregnancy news was just to tell her that the man was hers, how childish

"Now you're calm?" Mira asked as she walked out of her room yawning

"Hmm?" Meimei raised her brows

"Why giving that look as if you didn't come home looking angry yesternight" Mira said taking her seat beside her at the dining table

"So? I don't want to talk about it" meimei pouted.

Thinking of yesterday, with her tolerance it was hard before she got angry but yesterday she was actually that angry,

" must be juicy since you are this tight liked" Mira pouted leaning on her like a child

"Fine" meimei signed and began to narrate all that transpired last night

Though meimei couldn't deny she enjoyed His company but still felt annoyed at the way he kept holding on to her and refusing to let go

"Hmm? Seems like someone is interested in courting you" Mira said while meimei scoffed in annoyance.

Remembering that the kids will be starting school today she didn't dilly dally anymore she sprang up to go wake the kids only to meet then half way already dressed

"You are that interested in going to school" meimei narrowed her eyes to the two kids who had their bag packs on

"Yes mom, I really want to know how China education is" lily answer blinking her eyes innocently

Seeing that innocent look, meimei was sure they were up to something naughty again

She glanced at henry and decided not to talk, since the age of three Henry had finished reading primary school syllabus and was on the high school syllabus already

Technically he didn't need to go to school but he's not throwing tantrum after she declared that they go to school as punishment

There's no doubt they are up to something, and true to that they sure are

Henry, after finding out Gu mohan was the one monitoring them, he wanted to investigate more and going to school is an opportunity so why not

Meimei could only watch calmly as they went to take their breakfast


At the GU mansion

For some reason after waking up this morning,Gu mohan found out that the dining table was unusually filled

At the head of the table old master Gu who was GU mohan's grandfather was sitted eating his breakfast slowly to the right Mrs GU, Margarette Lee who was mohan's mother was present as well and Gu shan

Gu Chen, mohan's father was overseas and wasn't present. This made it look odd, because normally he hardly meet any of them whenever he's having his breakfast but today they are here?

Gu mohan threw a look at his sister, and she threw him an haughty look then he knew this had something to do with her

"Good morning grandpa, morning mom" taking a deep breath he greeted and sat down

Master GU grunted a reply and the whole place was silent

They all ate and the only sound heard was of the plate and spoon

"Mohan" master GU suddenly said causing him to drop his spoon

"Sir" he said

"How old are you this year?" He asked his gaze imposing and elegant as expected of a retired millitary man

"Twenty seven" mohan answered calmly already knowing where the discussion is going

"Twenty seven, your mate are already father of one if not two" he said and GU mohan pursed his lips

"When are you getting married?" The old man asked looking at mohan who seemed indifferent

But within GU mohan's heart, am already a father of two

"Soon" he reply calmly

" keep saying soon and I have not seen...cough!.."the old man choked in anger and everyone there

Held their breath

After calming down a little,

"I have arranged a blind date for you be there today at two" he said

"And don't let me hear tale of you scaring them away" he added before leaving

GU mohan nodded in affirmatiom and then shot a look at GU shan, he dropped his chopsticks and left as well


Later that noon at bamboo tea house

Gu mohan stood in casual attire, his eyes scanned the shop before setting his eyes on the so called blind date

It was a girl in black hair in high pony tail, dressed in red gown, her beauty? Hmm average and had an obvious air of a rich man's daughter

The lady after seeing him she scrunched her nose in disgust, looking at his dressing, it portrayed the image of a mid class man, his shoes were just worth a thousand and the top he was wearing was a common clothe sold at kiosk.

"Are you the one I am meeting?" She asked arrogantly looking pissed

"Yes, my name is..."

"Don't bother, I am leaving" the girl said before walking away briskly

Gu mohan lips curled to a smile, his grandpa didnt mention anything about the girl leaving on her on accord right?