Where Did You Get That!?

"Ahhhh" she screamed out

Hearing her scream, both the servants, her parents and old master Tang ran out In panic

Still wrapped in bath robes, Nancy was startled like a frozen statue in front of her mirror

Seeing the blisters and pimples On her face, they came to a conclusion on what happened

Everyone in the Tang family was aware how Nancy prioritize her face. And how she took extra care of it

Its no wonder she screamed like that.

The papetrator, Lucas was still hanging by her window for the past two hours just to see the effect of his handiwork

Since his boss had asked him to disturb her for a while he found out what could make her lose rationality which was her face

To make it last a while longer, he added what will aggravate her condition to her cream, since this was as a result of what she had added after her bath while asleep

This will occupy her for a month or two, with that he left the tang family house with joy.

The victim, Nancy broken down in tears

Mrs tang, Nancy's mother couldn't bear see her daughter cry thus went to comfort her

"Calm down, Nancy how did this happened?" She asked

"How will I know the answer to that, I slept and woke up like this!" Nancy yelled upon catching she glimpse of servants watching she once again roared in anger

"Get out!! Out!! All of you! I don't want to see anyone" she screamed throwing anything her hands could touch

Old master tang who was at the door shook his head in sadness, this is hopeless she was spilt rotten

Seeing he's not needed here he turned to leave, his son, Nancy's father as well followed suit

He understood his daughter, even his wife who was comforting her will leave her soon since she can't be comforted

"Why? Why?" Nancy wailed her eyes watery and nose filler with snort

She looked more ugly and unsightly like this, after effortless comfort her mother left

"I didn't even get The chance to see mohan In my beautiful state, how am going to do so now!" She was so annoyed that she could faint


Jiang yu, stared at the door in surpressed disgust and anger but still pretended to smile

As a daughter of a prestigious and rich family, she could pretend as well

After exposing the matter of wanwan's pregnancy by her paparazzi friend she discovered that, wanwan had the same intention ..

She had wanted to come visit her on the orders of her parent to show the public that they were good to her when she overheard her discussion with Liam

Though she was disgusted by her behaviour she won't inform yeqian nor disturb her schemes, since wanwan didnt come from a prestigious family, yeqian's chances were reduced

All she had to do was get herself a man from a rich family then she'd be a step ahead of yeqian

Wanwan emerged with a smile which was returned by Jiang yu

"Sister in law you didn't inform me of your visit" wanwan said

"Its because I didnt quiet plan it as well, happened to just pass by, by chance"jiang yu replied

"Thanks" wan wan passed her the Drinks before sitting down

Jiang yu who was sipping her drinks calmly caught a glimpse of ring on her finger

"My brother proposed?"

"Hmm, since mom had agreed to our wedding he got me a ring" she smiles bashfully and Jiang yu couldn't help but sneer in her heart

Knowing the kind of mother she had she knew her mom won't agree without an ulterior motive

Wan wan was especially happy since the marriage proposal had made the Ling family gift her a car,

This car gift was made known to yeqian mother who in turn remembered that wanwan was now adopted by meimei's parent and could still earn money from her thus she treated her well again

Apart from money, nothing else appeal Mrs Jiang it was a well known fact.


It's been two weeks since resumption to school, the two kids were all well known throughout the whole of shixia schools

Mr nie the principal, who didnt know that the kids had plans for him praised them continuously

After this two weeks, Lora and Lily's friendship had grown deeper

As well as their truancy, the two Ling twins are known throughout the school as geniuses as well naughty

Everyone knows that, the moment you target lily you are Henrys enemy, as well as vice versa. The two had each others back

Meimei was filled with headaches because of various complaints from the teacher

Not because of their academics but because of their naughtiness

Last week she was called to school because henry filled a classmate food with bugs just because he stared too much at Lilly.

After two weeks he had grabbed blackmail material he needed on the principal and miss mu

"That's all" lily asked

"Yes, this can do it" Henry answered

"Then who should we face first?" Lily asked

"Miss mu"


After break while all other students had gone for extra curricular activities, the two approached Miss mu

"What happened" mulan asked when she saw the two of them approach her

"We want to see you" lily said

"Okay you can see me now" she answered

"Privately" Henry answered

"O..okay" she looked at them strangely before leading back to the class

"Okay I am listening"

"Okay this is it, we will be sneaking out of school once in a while, you must not report us to our mother" henry said and mulan was speechless

"You will be sneaking out of school? So you want to make me an accomplice by covering for you?" She asked and the two nodded

"Yes, and you are not the only accomplice, the principal will join as well" henry answered

"What are you saying there is no way I am going to allow this conduct from you, your mother entrusted you to our care..." She began lecturing when she saw what was in Henrys hand and her words were stuck

"You....where did you get that!? Give it back!' She reached out to snatch it

"No, if you don't cover for us we will tell uncle Joe from fifth grade that you have a crush on him" lily said

"He won't believe you" she yelled as her heart raced

"He will if we show him this" Henry said showing her her diary and various pictures

"Give it" Mulan gritted her teeth

"No, agree else we will spread it around the school" henry threatens

"Fine" she agreed not wanting her crush to be exoosed if the school found out shed lose her job

"Okay to make sure you won't go back on your words, sign this agreement" lily said placing it on her table

After she had signed it the two high fived and mulan could only watch as the went out

She can't believed she was conned by them.