Who are you?

String of tears fell from wanwan's eyes as she stared at yeqian

"Why? Why would you slap me? Is it because of the baby?" Wanwan asked as she looked at yeqian in disbelief

"You are asking me why? Why don't you think of what you have done?" Yeqian was angry and livid

Wanwan's skipped a beat as she stared at his angry looking face

Yeqian on the other hand sighed how could he not have noticed how vicious she is

It's not that he didn't but his manhood made him her fool

"Is It because of the miscarriage, yeqian you promised me you won't leave me, now you don't want me anymore" she cried as she spoke

"Miscarriage? You? Miscarried? You were never even pregnant you bïtch!" He yelled

Wan wan felt glass breaking on her head as he said that and her expression changed

'He found out?' She thought

"What are you saying? How can I not be pregnant?" Wanwan said refusing to admit it

"You won't admit it?" He started at her

"What should I admit? I was pregnant!" She insisted

"You know what you really made a fool out of me,

Mom kept saying that you didn't increase weight even after two months of pregnancy you said it was your body type

You don't have cravings and hardly eat, you show no signs of pregnancy and I even argued with my mother because of you

At the end of It all you weren't even pregnant!" Yeqian yelled as he recalled all

He really had been blinded

The fact that she could betray her best friend and get her fiance had shown the kind of woman she is

But he had been basking on the hope that she did because of her love for him and because she offered her body to him

He didn't realize that she was this bloody

"You....you...yeqian what are you saying, where did you hear all of this? Did meimei say it" wanwan was confident that he can't find evidence as the doctor won't dare risk his family by revealing the truth

She could only blame it on Ling mei

"Meimei? She does not even have your time! Now I get it, you are jealous of Ling mei, you didn't know how I found out and blamed it on her" yeqian yelled

"That fall on the staircase was part of your plan too right, and you even tore your thigh just to make it real, you are really ruthless to yourself when going all out,

Now listen to me qiao wan, its over between us don't let me see you near me again" yeqian yelled

"No! You can't do this to me! Jiang yeqian! Where is your evidence!'" Wanwan refuse to back down

Yeqian stare at the woman In his front that had gone haywire and smiled coldly

"Why don't you check your phone" with that he strode out

Wanwan's heart dropped not caring he had gone she picked up her phone in haste

"Wanwan's pregnancy, the miscarriage, apologize to Ling me I" was what was trending online

She clicked on each and she tremble as she watched the video of her transaction with the doctor even their $ex video

"No....no....no....it can't be....no it can't be" she she tapped her phone anxiously searching for Liam's number

After she found it she dialed

"The number you dialed is switched off" the female electronic voice replied


"I am doomed...so done for!" She cried

As she cried the door opened and mrs jiang strode in

"Mom" she called in choked sobs

Mrs Jiang smiled looking calm

"Hmm? I don't remember having a daughter like you?" She said as she walked slowly to her

"You know I have been suspecting you for a long time, but my stupid son fell for you

You have not only disgraced the Jiang family by dragging it to the mud with you, you even cause us to go bankrupt

Now tell me are you satisfied?" Mrs jiang's expression became more twisted as she talked

She grabbed her ears as she stood by her front and began raining slaps on her

The door opened and Liam strode in

He ran and grab mrs jiang away from her

The nurses behind him help hold her down

Wan wan injury was much

Liam, stood silently as they treated her

After they were done

"Liam" wan wan cried reaching for his hand

Unlike before, liam didn't help her beat up Mrs Jiang which was odd considering his mental illness

He'd kill anyone bullying her

"Calm down I came to take you out of here" he said coldly which she found odd

She nodded and she allowed him take her


Meimei was satisfied with the outcome

After the release of her news and evidences, the doctor was arrested

Wanwan was left to be dealt with my the Jiang family

But surprisingly that same morning the Jiang family went bankrupt

Yeqian's illegal crime were dug into and he was sent to prison.

Mr Jiang was charged with crime of embezzlement and was in court

Mrs Jiang ended in police station for attempted murder of wanwan

In short the whole family went down at once

"The fall of the Jiang family seems fishy" Mira said

Meimei who had come to the branch office today nodded

She just came to pick the files in her hand, after all the project she collaborated with the gu family will be rounding up if there are no issues by next month and she needed to prepare for another

"Someone who wanted to deal with the Jiang family took care of using this opportunity" matt added

"Yeah whatever kudos to whoever did it, they saved me the trouble" meimei said

The complimented person who is GU mohan, who was in a meeting sneezed

After getting what she needed she left

The office became awkward, when it remained Mira and Matt

Seeing the silence Matt was uncomfortable

"Mira..." He called out affectionately

"I have works to do bye" without waiting for reply she left

Matt sighed, how long was this going to go on?


Gu mohan spinned on his chair as he received reports on the Jiang family

He dealt with them, because of how they talked to meimei at the party

As for wanwan, the way he dealt with her was more heavy after all she Is a threat to his dear meimei


At a dark alley a dark shadow over around the two going

Looking at the serene and quiet place, wanwan was creeped out

"Where are we going?" Wanwan asked

Liam glanced at her and didn't say anything but went forward

After walking a distance from her he turned to face her

His face was cold and deviod of emotion

"Sister" he called out

Hearing that wanwan's mind was relived

"Did you remember what you said when our parents died?' He asked

'Why is he asking?' She thought and shook her head

"You said if you ever find the person and kill them but what did I say?" He asked

Hearing that wanwan felt fear in her heart

"You said it will be dirty and you will do it yourself" she said

"Yea I did, I have found the person" he said

Wan wan shuddered at his gaze

"Oh! Where is he?" She composed herself and asked

"Standing right in front of me!" He said coldly is expression changing

"Liam what are you doing I didn't" wanwan's first instinct is to protect herself

"See I always found it suspicious about it now I confirmed after watching the video...haha....how heartless....though they weren't your biological parent but they brought you up, yet you killed them! Wan wan you ! Killed! Them!" He roared

Wan wan shrank backwards In fear, who could blame her

Her adopted parents were righteous people and filled with dignity

But they caught her where she had mistakenly killed someone, and wanted to report her

The young and impulsive wanwan panicked and the only way to silence them was to kill them

Its not her fault, it was theirs for wanting to be righteous

"It's not my fault" she cried


Gunshot was heard

Wanwan's eyes widen in disbelief as she fell

Almost slipping into unconsciousness a figure appeared in her front

"Do You want me to save you?' An unclear voice said

"Who are you?"

"Someone who hates Ling mei as much as you do!"


With that the person carried her away