005 A farce

"Stinky girl, stop running!" Four security guards chased behind, and Gu Xiaoxi seemed to fly on her feet as she zigzagged rapidly through the crowd.

After weaving through seven streets, she finally shook off the four sturdy security guards.

In the central park of City A, under the great fountain, Gu Xiaoxi bent over, hands on her knees, gasping heavily for breath.

She turned to glance at the bustling crowd, eyes blazing with fire, "Quan Shaoqing…" her voice was filled with suppressed rage.

In the end, she cursed his ancestors for eighteen generations in helpless anger, then sat by the fountain to rest.

The brilliant afternoon sunlight cast a beautiful rainbow behind her as Gu Xiaoxi sat leisurely on the edge of the flowerbed, legs crossed.

Although she had been tricked by Quan Shaoqing and was very annoyed, she would get her revenge!

Her gaze wandered with interest toward a commotion not far away.

A twenty-something-year-old fat man was followed by four bodyguards, looking mighty. A limited-edition luxury car was parked behind him.

A middle-aged woman, about fifty, riding an electric bike, passed by him and damaged the headlight of his luxury car, and then the drama began.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do it." The woman turned pale with fear and hastened to take out all the money from her worn wallet, "I'll compensate you, please go fix the car!"

"Are you f***ing kidding me? Do you know how much my car is worth? The repair cost is three million, get the money right now!" The fat man glared with angry eyes, slapping the money out of the woman's hand to the ground, where the scattered bills were blown by the wind right to Gu Xiaoxi's feet.

Upon hearing "three million," the woman's legs buckled from fear, and she knelt down pleading. So shocked that she even forgot to pick up the bills that flew away, she said, "I have two children in college, that 3,000 yuan was my salary for the month! I really can't come up with any more money."

"Get lost, you old hag! If you can't cough up the money, let your kids pay for it. Three million, don't think you can dodge even a cent. Everyone here saw, it was you who damaged my car," the fat man pointed at the woman and spat viciously. His bodyguards assumed a posture ready to pounce.

At this point, passersby started to gather around, pointing and talking, but no one stepped forward to help.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The woman couldn't stop wiping away her tears; three million was a huge sum to her. She couldn't imagine compensating him; she hadn't even earned that much money in her entire life.

"What good is sorry! Call your son immediately and have him pay!" the fat man shouted angrily.

The woman just wept, regardless of how the fat man pressured her, she wouldn't call her children.

Suddenly, the plaza became quite lively.

"Not talking, is that it? I'll call the police and have you arrested!" the fat man huffed, pulling out his phone to call the police.

Just then, a strong, angry hand grabbed the fat man's shoulder.

"Bullying an elderly person, what kind of man are you? Who told you to park your luxury car at the roadside? Serves you right to be hit." The person speaking was a nineteen-year-old young man named Gao Jinxin, who worked at a Taekwondo gym, young and full of vigor.

Gu Xiaoxi lazily lifted her eyelids, looking at the commotion not far away, her deep eyes revealing no hint of her thoughts. She gave Gao Jinxin a couple of extra glances, finding his features handsome, with a height of 1.85 meters, he exuded an impression of uprightness.

"You little punk, what did you just say? Believe it or not, I'll beat you to death." The fat man's eyes bulged with fury as he pointed at Gao Jinxin, shaking all over, "Come on, hit him for me! Don't think just because you're tall I'm afraid of you!"

Four bodyguards lunged at him with fists flying, but Gao Jinxin, with an overbearing grip, effortlessly restrained their wrists.

Seeing this, the fat man immediately took a few steps back, "You... What do you want?"

"Here's 3,000 yuan for you, now get lost!" Gao Jinxin picked up the money the woman had dropped and stuffed it into the fat man's hand.

The fat man clenched his teeth, "Don't think for a second that this little bit of money will appease me!"

Gao Jinxin said, "What do you want to do about it?"

The fatty's eyes swiveled, and a vile smirk crept over his lips, "Unless you let my guys beat you up for twenty minutes. After twenty minutes, I'll take the 3,000 yuan."

"Okay!" Gao Jinxin agreed without a second thought.

The fatty snatched the money and coldly waved his hand at his bodyguards, "Beat him up! You heard me, just don't kill him, beat him as you like."

Four bodyguards stepped forward at the command, two of them held Gao Jinxin down, while the other two began to punch and kick.

Gu Xiaoxi glanced indifferently at Gao Jinxin, casually crossed his legs, swung his little leather shoe, and exhaled two words, "Idiot!"

The bodyguards were somewhat skilled, and Gao Jixin did not fight back. In just ten minutes, Gao Jixin had fallen to the ground vomiting blood, curling up as if about to die.

The old lady rushed to the fatty in terror, pleading for mercy, "Please don't hit him anymore. You're going to kill him."

"Get lost, I want to kill this meddlesome fool," the fatty kicked the old lady away.

The old lady crawled in front of Gao Jinxin, ignoring her own injuries, "Child, I appreciate your kindness. You're going to lose your life, just run away!"

Gao Jinxin's face was bruised, he clenched his fists tightly and ground his teeth, just glaring viciously at the fatty, "I hope you keep your word. After twenty minutes, please don't bother the old lady again."

"Still got energy to talk, keep beating him!" the fatty viciously kicked Gao Jinxin once more.

Twenty minutes later, Gao Jinxin lay on the ground like a dead man, motionless, with both his arms and legs broken.

The old lady cried her heart out on the side.

The fatty, holding the 3,000 yuan, spat on Gao Jinxin's body, "You little punk, let's see how arrogant you can be now."

Everyone cast sympathetic glances towards Gao Jinxin while their anger towards the fatty grew more intense.

Just when everyone thought Gao Jinxin might be dead, the young man barely opened his swollen eyes, grabbed the fatty's trouser leg, "I'm not dead yet. Don't forget what you said, if you take the 3,000 yuan, don't bother the old lady again."

"Hahaha! Are you dreaming? I took the 3,000 yuan, but the remaining 2,997,000 yuan can't be a cent short. Old hag, you can't escape."

"You deceitful fatty, you didn't keep your word." Gao Jinxin tried to rise in anger, but was unable to with his injuries, unable to get up no matter what.

"You misunderstood my meaning. You willingly let me beat you up. Kid, you're still too green to play mind games with me," the fatty laughed heartily and turned to the old lady, "Old woman, hurry up and call your son. Otherwise, I'll have you locked up in the police station."

The old lady's eyes were red from crying, and she naturally wouldn't trouble her child with her mistake, even if it meant going to jail.

The fatty grabbed the old lady's hair, turned his head, and fiercely spat on the ground, "Not talking, huh? Then let's go to the police station and talk slowly..."

"Who spit on my sister's shoes?" Just then, a pleasant voice rang out from the crowd, like a stream flowing by, melodiously tinkling, immediately turning the scene into a tranquil and beautiful one.

Everyone turned to look, and there stood a girl in clean white clothes, her beautiful black hair cascading over her shoulders, basking in the sunlight, her exquisitely beautiful features appearing almost unreal.

She had her hands in her pockets, one foot stretched out, and her whole being exuded an unusual air of grace and defiance. At that moment, her black little leather shoes had a few spots of dirt, causing her to frown in disgust. Her eyes, twinkling with a cold light, stared faintly at the fatty.

The fatty felt a chill as Gu Xiaoxi's gaze seemed to make his hair stand on end. After coming to his senses, he boldly raised his head, "What if I did?"

Gu Xiaoxi squinted her eyes with a bright, adorable smile and beckoned to the fatty, "Come here, let sister tell you, how about that?" She bit down extra hard on the last two words.

Instinctively, the fatty shuddered.