009 The king lurking in the night

Gu Xiaoxi brushed off her hands and stood up, her gaze sweeping over the forest. Even though she had taken one down, wasn't there another one still?

And that one seemed to be the least approachable of them all.

Her eyes scanned the treetops and settled on a tree trunk not far away.

Leaning casually against a branch, Wu An sized up Gu Xiaoxi from a distance, while she also watched him.

To her, his posture, though seemingly ordinary, was filled with crisis. He was like a lion sizing up its prey casually, analytically, before seizing the opportunity to pounce.

His commanding presence made Gu Xiaoxi feel irked and put her on alert.

Almost in a flash, Gu Xiaoxi darted into the bushes, leaped over shrubs, crossed a stream, and ran with all her might.

Wu An's features, noble and handsome, were enhanced by his bronze skin, exuding health and charisma. His narrow eyes sparkled sharply, like a cheetah poised to leap. He pursued Gu Xiaoxi without any hesitation.