Chapter 100: Trading with Mi Xi

"What have you found out from Mi Xi? What exactly did he say about Luo Luo and the Coffin?" Quan Shaoqing looked at Gu Xiaoxi and asked bluntly.

Gu Xiaoxi picked up a piece of fruit from the table, took a bite, and glared at Quan Shaoqing, "I'm not telling you. I promised I wouldn't blab, and I intend to use this secret to nab the real traffickers."

"You... Gu Xiaoxi, don't forget, I am your superior!" Quan Shaoqing could not help but say angrily.

"I'll report back to you when I return tomorrow," Gu Xiaoxi said.

Quan Shaoqing was at a loss with her, so he picked up an apple from the table and took several aggressive bites.

"Don't you have anything you want to tell me?" Quan Shaoqing asked.

"Did you find any criminal evidence against Mi Xi? Like, stealing blood or desecrating ancestral graves?" Gu Xiaoxi inquired.