Chapter 30 Cover My Face with Saliva

Qian Sisi giggled and hooked her arm through Qian Guozhong's, "Dad really is the best to me!"

Qian Guozhong laughed, "You're my only daughter, if I don't treat you well, who will I treat well!"

The two chatted and laughed as they got home, where Miao Peiqin had already prepared a table full of fruit and was peeling them for Bai Cheng'an, inundating him with all kinds of questions.

Feeling left out, Qian Sisi was bored in the kitchen, picking vegetables, washing them, and cutting meat. Occasionally, she glanced toward the living room and saw Bai Cheng'an sitting there properly, responding diligently to the elders' questions with a polite and approachable manner, completely different from the Bai Cheng'an she remembered!

Moreover, this guy even took out gifts for the elderly from his suitcase. For Miao Peiqin, it was high-end cosmetics, and for Qian Guozhong, it was expensive foreign liquor. The elders were overjoyed when they saw the gifts!