Chapter 324: Those with Eyes can See, Those with Hearts can Feel


Truth be told, every time Qian Sisi saw Bai Cheng'an's indifferent attitude towards Bai Xingzhi, Xue Yulan, and Bai Qingqing, she was afraid that one day she would be treated the same way.

Her emotions were written all over her face, a reaction that brought a conflicted smile to Bai Cheng'an's face.

"Silly girl!" Bai Cheng'an pinched her nose and twisted it side to side.

Only after Bai Cheng'an had let go of her nose did Qian Sisi, with eyes like those of a puppy, cautiously ask Bai Cheng'an, "Are you really never going to forgive Dad? He... he's getting older..."

Bai Cheng'an's brow furrowed, clearly showing his extreme reluctance to discuss the topic. If it hadn't been for Qian Sisi, he might have sent the person who asked flying to another planet with a slap.