Who? The Post

Early in the morning Cassie opened her eyes as she felt her body a little tight from Kevin's embrace, since Kevin never let go of that hug all night.

After being tired of crying all night together, in the room that they missed so much. Until finally sleeping together gave each other the strength to continue living. They did seem to fight a lot every day, but believe they were two brothers who loved each other.

Cassie slowly released her little brother's embrace, according to Cassie Kevin was very cute even though he was nineteen years old but in Cassie's eyes Kevin was still like a child. Especially when he was being spoiled like this, it felt like Cassie really missed the old days when Kevin was still fussy.

When she felt that she had managed to let go of the hug gently, Cassie stepped into the bathroom. Inside, the nausea, aches and pains in her body were getting worse. Cassie again ended up in front of the sink spilling everything in her empty stomach.