Shattered Illusions

Her gaze fell upon her wings, which lay broken and scattered on the ground. He had severed both of her wings. She would have accepted her demise if he had taken her life directly, but her wings...

The pain, both physical and emotional, was unbearable. It felt as though a part of her very essence had been ripped away, leaving her feeling incomplete and utterly lost.

Her gaze lifted to the man before her, his figure illuminated by the flickering crimson flames of his artifact. Fear and grief warred within her as she struggled to comprehend the depths of his brutality.

Did he not understand the sacredness of their wings? Did he not realize the significance they held for their clan, passed down through generations as a symbol of honor and pride?

But as Lyanna looked into his eyes, she saw no remorse, no hint of empathy for the pain he had caused. Instead, she saw only cold indifference, a chilling reminder of his true nature.

For her people, their magic and inheritance were intricately woven into the very fabric of their wings. Without them, they were reduced to mere mortals, stripped of their pride and identity, destined to serve as slaves to other races. It was a fate worse than death.

In the past, various races had practiced the desecration of wings, but it had long been banned. Still, every member of her clan had been taught from birth to never allow their wings to be torn apart. It was a sacred taboo, a symbol of their dignity.

As Lyanna trembled with grief, her miserable cries echoing through the depths of the forest, she couldn't help but feel betrayed. He knew the significance of their wings to her people, yet he had callously disregarded their customs and traditions.

As he looked upon her broken form, his expression was filled with complexity. Her heart-rending cries pierced his own heart, stirring a sense of remorse within him.

With a determined resolve, the man calmed his stormy emotions and, with a graceful wave of his hand, caused Lyanna's broken wings to vanish into thin air. In their place, a portal materialized in the sky.

Taking hold of Lyanna's arm, he lifted her and soared towards the portal, their bodies enveloped in the glow of its swirling energies. As they passed through the portal, a chilling message resonated in everyone's ears, sending a shiver down their spines:

"Capture the child and bring it to the kingdom by any means necessary, or do not dare to return."


It had been two days since that fateful night, but Valaraeth was still far away. Reynard had constantly changed teleportation points, moving from kingdom to kingdom, fearing that using the teleportation device from Labyrinthia would surely reveal his location.

He couldn't take that risk, especially when the journey to Valaraeth required three more days of travel.

Reynard looked down at the sleeping baby in his arms. He had cast a sleeping spell on her; she had been relentless and distraught after being separated from her mother, her choked sobs unbearable for him.

Yet, an unsettling sense of dread filled him. He felt an eerie unease, as if something was about to happen. No matter where he went, the feeling of being watched grew stronger, but he could never pinpoint anyone.

He gazed at the next teleportation portal before him, which would take him to the forest near Valaraeth. Beyond this portal lay only a dark and mysterious forest, seldom travel by anyone. This isolation was why the kingdom of Valaraeth, the realm of beasts, had few connections to the outside world.

Reynard took a deep breath, steeling himself for the next phase. The portal shimmered before him, its ethereal glow casting shadows on the forest's edge. He stepped through, feeling the familiar disorientation as the world around him shifted.

When he emerged on the other side, the air was thick with the scent of damp earth and ancient trees. The forest of Valaraeth was a place of legend, whispered about in hushed tones for its dangers and mysteries. Reynard adjusted the cloak around the baby, ensuring she was well protected from the chill.

As he moved forward, the oppressive feeling of being watched intensified. His hand hovered near the hilt of his sword, ready for whatever might come. The forest was unnaturally quiet, the usual sounds of wildlife absent, replaced by an eerie silence that set his nerves on edge.

After hours of wandering in the dense underbrush, Reynard paused to rest. He found a small clearing, concealed by towering trees and thick foliage, where he could take a moment to gather his thoughts. He gently laid the baby down on a bed of soft moss, her peaceful slumber a stark contrast to his own inner turmoil.

Suddenly, a rustling noise caught his attention. Reynard sprang to his feet, sword drawn, his eyes scanning the darkness. From the shadows, a figure emerged. It was a tall, armored man with a familiar, presence—General Cedric.

"Reynard," General Cedric sneered, stepping forward, "it seems you've run out of places to hide."

Reynard's heart pounded in his chest. "Cedric," he spat, his grip tightening on his sword. "What do you want?"

"You know very well what I want," Cedric replied, his eyes narrowing as they fell on the baby. "Hand over the child. She belongs to my king."

"Over my dead body," Reynard growled, positioning himself protectively in front of the baby.

"That can be arranged," Cedric retorted, drawing his own weapon. "You can't protect her forever."

With waiting for anything, reynard lunged at Cedric, their swords clashing with a metallic ring that echoed through the forest. Sparks flew as their blades met, each strike charged with the fury of their hatred. Cedric countered with a powerful swing, forcing Reynard to retreat a few steps.

Reynard quickly cast a spell, his hands glowing with arcane energy. "Aegis Ignis!" A shield of fire erupted around him, blocking Cedric's next strike. But Cedric was quick to respond, hurling a dark green orb of magic that shattered the fiery barrier.

"You'll have to do better than that," Cedric taunted, his eyes gleaming with amusement.

Reynard summoned another spell, this time directing a bolt of lightning at Cedric. "Fulmen Iras!" The lightning struck Cedric's armor, causing him to stagger, but he recovered quickly, deflecting the next bolt with a wave of his hand.

Cedric drew an artifact from his belt, a dark crystal that pulsed with malevolent energy. "Behold the power of the Shadowstone!" He thrust the crystal forward, unleashing a wave of magic that knocked Reynard off his feet.

Gasping for breath, Reynard struggled to stand, his body aching from the impact. He could see Cedric advancing, the baby now within his reach. Desperation fueled Reynard's next move. He reached for an amulet around his neck, a powerful artifact of his own.

"By the light of Solara, I banish thee!" Reynard shouted, the amulet glowing with a blinding light. The light engulfed Cedric, forcing him to shield his eyes and stumble back.

Taking advantage of the moment, Reynard grabbed the baby and bolted deeper into the forest. He could hear Cedric's enraged shouts behind him, but he didn't look back. His only focus was on keeping the child safe.

The forest seemed to close in around them, the path ahead shrouded in darkness. Reynard knew they were running out of time and options.