Schemes [6]


Atlas groaned in pain, but he realized that he had no choice but to deal with it. Since this was the work of his own treasure, it was at least guaranteed that he would not die.

For several seconds, Atlas existed in the world without a heart. The qi that gathered around him and formed a torrent inside of his body substituted its presence and provided vitality to his body, allowing him to live at the very least.

However, he was not free from the pain. He felt as his blood lost its path of circulation and aimlessly wandered through his body. His eyes opened wide as he gritted his teeth and forced himself to stay silent.

Those several seconds were a true hell, but they were bound to come to an end. The pieces of Atlas' heart and the blood spread throughout his body coagulated near the center of his chest. It formed an organ much more powerful than the one that was left behind, one bathed in a misty stellar blue light. 
