It happened too fast for either of them to react. Atlas' eyes widened in shock as he felt his connection with the artifact disappearing, and the ferryman…
He disappeared in a cloud of blackness. The treasure pushed into his body and started the process of merging with him. It believed that he was the best possible host for it, so it didn't want to miss this chance.
In the first place, Atlas told it that he was only holding onto it. He promised it to find it a master worthy of its power and ambition.
This wasn't necessarily how he planned to do it, but that didn't change the fact that this was a great situation for him.
A wave of power emanated from the ferrymen as the merger came to an end. The Death Relic vanished entirely, but beneath that cloak were two blue flaming eyes that didn't exist before.
One didn't need an expert to say that he had experienced positive changes.