Journey [5]

[You have come to a decision?]

Atlas stood in front of Hades once again. 

His conversation with Persephone ended rapidly. After their brief encounter, she simply ushered him away from the garden.

[Well then, it is time for you to leave, is it not? I will see to it that you are treated well in the palace if you plan to return.]

With such words, she made it impossible for him to stay, not that he had plans to overstay his welcome. 

If he wanted to converse with Persephone again and learn more about her, or if he wanted to see more of the gardens she'd created around the palace, he could do it at a later time. 

Now wasn't that time. 

Nevertheless, after he left the garden, he didn't dwell on the conversation. 

He'd met too many Gods in rapid succession. At this point, he couldn't bring himself to be surprised and linger on every detail of those interactions.