Approach [4]

It was stupid, wasn't it? 

Everything Atlas said was based on assumptions that things would go his way. If something happened that he didn't expect, wouldn't his whole plan become dust?

Realistically, if safety was Aeon's concern, then his explanation wouldn't have held any weight. She wouldn't have helped him no matter how hard he begged.

He wasn't being safe at all. Everything about his words screamed that he was essentially hoping that the dangers existing on the Isle of Siczelle didn't find him.

However, safety was not Aeon's concern.

The word safety was somewhat irrelevant when it came to cultivators and their quests. It was pointless to ask a cultivate to be safe, because if they didn't take risks, they wouldn't be cultivators.

The desire to go to the 70th Neutral Zone…it was a preposterous thing, but it was also expected from a cultivator.