
Three hours after the burning of the forest...

* * *

The moon was encroaching on its apex.

Nyx sat in relative silence, back leaning against the stone base of a dilapidated house. Silas was just by his side, groggily rubbing his eyes with his bow crossed over him like a makeshift blanket.

Looking around, the area was almost completely void of Phantoms — the only two remaining being a nameless one Nyx had yet to meet as well as the stern man. Two hours ago, when the hellfire was deemed a success, they walked back up toward the cadets with minimal injuries.

Two hours ago, Nyx could hear the order as clear as day. The Sixth Descent was to officially begin.

There are three camps of cadets scattered throughout the city. Of the seventeen Phantoms who went on this mission, an unknown amount actually went in. Five people were present in Nyx's group. Now, only these two remain to help defend the ruined city.

Nyx shivered.

His mind, as if to distract himself from the cold, immediately began to jump to thoughts on the other camps. He wondered if they did just as well as his own. He wondered if they had any casualties.

As if sensing his weakness, a sudden voice suddenly shook these thoughts from his head. "Are you cold?"

Snapping back to reality, Nyx was quick to follow the sound back to its source. It was the stern man. "No-" he blurted, "I'm fine."

The man let out a slight grumble, quickly walking just before Nyx as he continued. "I'm sorry we're unable to go somewhere warmer. With the city being engulfed in fire, we need to assume the buildings will collapse at any moment- we need to stay out in the open."

Nyx nodded. The man's eyes slowly dragged to the side, stopping on Silas. "You two seem to be close. What's your story? Childhood friends?"

Silas gave a slight chuckle. "More like brothers, sir. My family took him in after-" he stopped himself.

"After what?"

There was a brief silence. Being clear that Silas wasn't going to answer, Nyx didn't hesitate to speak for him. "I'm from Hearth, sir."

His eyes slightly widened, though was quick to return to normal. "Ah... Hearth- The Black Pyre. I had forgotten about that incident... I can't believe you're the survivor from that day. I apologize if the events of today... brought back any traumatic memories."

Nyx shook his head. "No, it's fine. I don't remember much, anyways."

"What's your name, kid?"

"Nyx. Nyx Correon."

He nodded. "And yours?"

"Silas Faye, sir."

"Well, it's nice to meet you both. I'm Ryland Coute. I hope this is the start of our... professional relationship."

Upon hearing his name, Nyx was met with an odd feeling of Deja Vu. 'Ryland Coute... where have I heard that name before?' He thought, slightly rubbing his head trying to remember, though his attempts proved to be futile.

"Don't worry, you two, you both can rest. Me and Thane over there will keep watch over you cadets." He gave a slight jolt of his head towards the other Phantom, silently overlooking the western edge of the city.

Nyx peered over to Silas. He had failed to notice, but Silas' eyes were practically glued to the sky. Thinking he had felt bad about bringing up his past, Nyx tried his best to comfort him. "Silas, you okay?"

"Yeah..." he murmured, though he kept his eyes locked on the sky. Still being filled with smoke and ash, it almost appeared like a sandstorm over their heads. You couldn't see anything but the slim light from the stars dimly shining through the clouds.

"What are you looking at-?" Nyx asked, trying his best to leer through the smokescreen above. Overhearing the conversation, Ryland couldn't help but look up as well.

"Nothing-!" Silas exclaimed, "It's just that... do the stars look... odd to you?"

"The stars?" Nyx muttered. His eyes traced around the sky until he could spot the subtle glow of one. At first, it seemed normal. The more he looked, however, the more a deep frown began to grow on his face.

The stars looked as though they were crying — like their light was dripping from their core and straight down to the earth itself.

The stars were bleeding.

"Holy shit..." Ryland muttered, looking as though he had just seen a ghost, "Everyone up, now!"

Every cadet present stood without hesitation, aimlessly scouring the clouds as if to confirm for themselves. The stars were actually bleeding. They were in the midst of a starfall.

Nyx had only heard the stories. Supposedly, there was one active during The Black Pyre as well. The stars will begin to leak downwards, and their glow completely changes the Terrors. They become... faster. Stronger. Deadlier.

The smoke made it nearly impossible to tell until now. They were caught with their guard down and were in the furthest depths of despair.

Only then did the smoke above their heads begin to fade. It was horrifically beautiful. It was dreadfully wonderous. The omen of death had just appeared over their heads, yet they were glued to its visuals like a moth to a flame.

They had just entered purgatory without them even knowing it.