There were men moving through the white snow.
About twenty men, all armed with vicious weapons, walked cautiously, scanning their surroundings with sharp eyes.
"Can we trust that guy?" Zayar asked Vlad, who was walking beside his horse.
"I can't trust him. He seems like a swindler," Vlad replied.
Vlad answered while looking at the mercenary walking ahead.
He was Gott. He turned his head and looked at Vlad with resentful eyes.
He had an unfair look in his eyes as if saying that's how you pay my goodwill?
"I can't trust him, but at least he doesn't seem insane."
"And he's the only witness."
After hearing the report that Knight Rodrick was missing, Josef stopped all preparations for his return and organized a search party to find the missing person.
"Maybe this is an opportunity."
The weight of a mercenary going missing versus a knight from a noble family going missing was different. This incident raised strong doubts about Josef's capabilities and could lead to severe reprimands.
However, Josef did not panic due to the accident that occurred under his responsibility.
"Discovering unusual trends like this may be more beneficial than mediocre subjugation achievements."
A man who remained calm even in sudden crises, seizing opportunities in moments of danger – that was Josef of the Bayezid family.
Zayar was very disturbed by the report that men with the same hair color as his lord, Josef, were missing.
"It does seem suspicious."
"Still, there's nothing we can do."
Zayar's top priority was always to protect Josef, but this time he had no choice.
Knight Rodrick had gone missing, so someone stronger than him needed to step up to handle the situation, and although they couldn't be sure, they had to take into account the existence of the woman who had taken Rodrick.
In that case, the only person among them capable of handling all of this was Zayar, a knight skilled in handling aura.
"There are three knights left at the base camp, so there's no need to worry too much, right?"
"That's because there aren't any decent ones."
"Wouldn't it have been better if I had stayed?"
"But they are still better than you."
Zayar's judgment was likely correct.
It was natural that the knights who had been using the sword formally for more than ten years were at a much better level than Vlad, who had only been picking up the sword in earnest for over a month.
Only Vordan, who bought his knighthood with money, might have skill levels comparable to or worse than Vlad.
However, Vlad had no reason to be disappointed by Zayar's harsh evaluation.
If Vlad really had poor skills, he wouldn't have been brought to the search party right now.
"Uh, it's over there."
Gott, who was leading the search party, pointed ahead with trembling hands.
A place where there are still traces of the subjugation team camping.
It was the same place where Gott had stood for watch, and now, the search party arrived at the location where Rodrick had gone missing, and everyone became vigilant.
"Did you check the forest? No traces at all?"
"Yes, yes. That's correct. The mercenary, who was a hunter, searched but couldn't find a single footprint."
The command of the subjugation team was left hanging with Rodrick absent, and the one who took the initiative, even if briefly, to search for him and lead the unit was Rodrick's squire.
"I did my best, but..."
It was a reasonable initial response, but that was the extent of his capabilities.
The fact Gott's quick return to the base camp from the subjugation team, even before others, was possible because of the squire's lax command.
Zayar scanned the surroundings with sharp eyes, and tied his horse to a nearby stake.
From now on, he had to venture into the mountain himself.
"From now on, we will form groups of three and search the surroundings. And be in each other's field of vision."
The serious situation of a knight's disappearance, the presence of Zayar as a commander, and the existence of Vlad, who had been controlling the mercenaries.
Although they were just mercenaries gathered from different places, at this moment, they moved swiftly and efficiently like well-trained soldiers.
"You two are coming with me."
Among the groups of three, Zayar was accompanied by the squire, Vlad, and the only witness to the incident, Gott.
"Captain, how could you do this to me? People, people shouldn't be treated like this."
"..... I'll make it up to you later."
"This is a scam, taking advantage of people's goodwill."
Although Gott was speaking in a quiet voice out of awareness of Zayar, his voice was gradually becoming more and more aggressive.
"I said sorry."
Vlad was listening to the complaints of a swindler for being scammed, but his eyes were keenly tracing someone's trail.
Honestly, he wasn't paying much attention to Gott's words.
"Do you see anything?"
"No...," Vlad replied.
He had been diligently searching for any suspicious traces, but he did not find anything on the snow-covered mountain path.
"I'm from the city."
"How do you find someone who goes missing in a back alley?"
"I usually grab anyone and beat them up."
"..... You are really useless."
For Vlad, who had lived in the city his whole life, it was something that could not be helped.
Vlad knew how to make a fire, but he had never learned tracking skills to find traces.
Zayar sighed, thinking there would be a lot to teach Vlad.
"The sun will set in a little while."
Zayar looked at the setting sun, confirming that there wasn't much time left for searching.
This place, where the search party is now located, was a half-day's walk from the base camp.
Taking that into account, they set off before the sun rose, but the sun was bound to set quickly in the mountains.
As Zayar pondered when to stop the search, he saw something.
A frozen river.
There was a forest beyond that.
"Did we search beyond that river?"
"As far as I know, we didn't cross the river, Sir."
Upon Gott's response, Zayar thought, 'We won't find anything here.'
They had already searched in the forest, there were no traces of a battle, let alone footprints.
If Rodrick were to be found, it wouldn't be here.
The mysterious woman with a floating head was also unlikely to be found here.
To find them, they needed to search further away, somewhere they hadn't explored yet.
"We'll cross the river."
Crossing the river might increase the chances of finding traces.
Zayar signaled the mercenaries with a short whistle and gestured towards the river, indicating for them to gather there.
"It is not completely frozen."
"Because it's the end of winter. It's been relatively warm lately."
Zayar, who reached the river with the mercenaries, confirmed that the river they were crossing was not completely frozen.
"Still, we should be able to cross."
"I think it would be okay if we split up and cross."
The ice made ominous cracking sounds with each step, but it seemed strong enough to withstand the weight of adult men.
"The group from here to here will cross first."
Concerned that the ice might crack, Zayar decided to disperse the men and send them across the river.
"What's wrong?"
Vlad looked at Gott, who was groaning behind him.
Gott's face turned pale as he watched the mercenaries crossing the river slowly.
"I have a bad feeling about this…."
"Feeling? My foot. You are just scared."
"Of course, I'm scared! I am different from great people like you, captain."
Gott said to Vlad, biting his nails nervously.
"People like me can only survive if we have a good gut feeling."
"Yeah. You need good instincts to scam people."
"..... Anyway, my gut is telling me not to cross that river."
"Then try convincing Sir Zayar. If your instincts are so good, tell him not to cross."
Vlad forcibly grabbed Gott, who tried to pull back, saying he doesn't feel good.
"I don't really understand this intuition stuff, but let me tell you, if you try to run away here, you won't die a graceful death. The sole witness fleeing the crime scene? Even I would catch and beat someone like that."
"So why did you grab me!?"
"So why did you see a ghost? Is it my fault that you saw a ghost?"
Gott frowned at Vlad's shameless response.
When the first group of mercenaries crossed safely, Zayar led the remaining members towards the river.
"Captain, captain! This could break, right?"
"Of course. If you say one more word, I'll break it and toss you in."
When Vlad first Gott, he thought the guy was bold for trying to scam him, but it turned out he was more timid than he thought.
"Why is this guy so scared!"
Vlad was naturally left behind from the group as he had to drag Goth, who kept backing away and refusing to move forward.
Even when the second group reached the center of the river, Gott and Vlad were still lingering near the beginning.
"Hee-heek! I can't! I can't go!"
"There's a limit even to my patience. Get up right now, you idiot..."
"Eeeeek! Aaaaack!"
Vlad, who was about to scold Gott for falling on the ice, ended up losing his turn as Gott suddenly screamed.
Gott yelled at Vlad with a pale face.
"Cap, Captain! Below! Below!"
"I told you it won't break! Do you want me to faint you and then drag to the other side?"
"No, below, under the river, there's a—"
Before Vlad could explode in anger, Gott, who had barely caught his breath, managed to shout what he wanted to say.
"A corpse! There's a corpse under the river!"
Vlad, finally understanding Gott's stuttering words, looked down at the ice beneath his feet.
Underneath the dark riverbed, where even the fish seem to be frozen.
Tiny bubbles rose.
There was something slowly drifting beneath the surface.
"What the fuck."
No, there were some things.
With vague shapes, they were gradually approaching.
They opened their mouths wide and stretched out their white hands.
"Sir Zayar!"
Zayar, who had been crossing the river for a while, turned his head towards his squire who was calling him desperately from afar.
"Is he still there?"
The moment when he was about to say something because he thought Vlad was being funny.
"Something is coming up from under the river!"
Finally, the presence of those things reached the surface.
Boom, boom, boom!
Things that crawled up from the dark and cold depths.
They began to wildly beat the ice that distinguished the boundary between the living and the dead.
They asked to get them out of here.
As if saying it's too cold here.
"The ice is cracking!"
"A corpse! There's a corpse under the river!"
Zayar felt something come up from under the river and grab his ankle.
It was an incredibly chilling sensation.
Zayar looked down at his feet and was astonished.
It was a corpse.
Moreover, a corpse of a man with black hair.
They came up quietly from the depths of the river and deceived even the senses of the knight Zayar.
The ice on the river was cracking along with the pitiful screams of the mercenaries.
"Save me!"
"Don't pull me in! Aaah!"
They were things that did not breathe, trapped in an incredibly cold place.
Thus, they were desperately reaching out their hands.
Toward those who breathed warmth.
"Hurry and cross the river!"
Zayar quickly drew his sword, slashed away what grabbed him, and shouted loudly.
"Right now!"
While Zayar was urging the mercenaries to cross the river, there was someone beside Vlad shouting.
"Aah! Aah! Captain!"
"This damn thing!"
Bodies suddenly rose up from the bottom of the river.
Vlad struck the hands reaching out towards him with his sword and grabbed the back of Gott's neck, who was still slumped.
"This damn son of a ······!"
[Don't panic! Decide on a direction before moving!]
Following the advice of the voice, Vlad quickly assessed his surroundings.
'I can't go forward!'
If that's the case, there was only one direction he could move.
Having decided on the direction, Vlad started to drag Gott with one hand and swing his sword fiercely with the other, retracing the path he had come from.
The white breath expelled by Vlad began to grow larger.
"Get up! You bastard!"
Cracking ice. A collapsing river.
And people scream endlessly above it.
That was the last scene the red sun, going beyond the mountain, witnessed.
As the search party struggled to cross the river, night was gradually approaching behind them.
Night, and darkness.
Those were not things the living ones were allowed to have.