The Return Journey to the City of Varna.

Josef confirmed that Vlad had recovered enough to move, immediately mobilizing the subjugation team.

Although the two knights under his command had not fully regained their senses, they were at a stage where they could not recover with just a day or two of care, so it was an unavoidable measure. 

"My guess is this. This might have been an attempt to show something rather than a direct intention to kill me."


Inside the swaying carriage, Vlad silently listened to Josef's words. 

No, he had no choice but to listen. 

Josef had assigned the carriage he usually rode to his knights who had not yet come to their senses, so there was only one carriage left.

"Why do you think so? It's simple. The conclusion was too hasty compared to the effort put in. They had succeeded in separating Zayar and left me in danger, so they should have quickly finished me off. But that didn't happen."

"······That's true."

As a result, Vlad had no choice but to quietly listen to the words of Josef, a nobleman, superior, and commander.

'He is a man of many words.'

Josef, who had become one step closer to Vlad through last night's battle, was willing to reveal his true self.

Of course, he didn't reveal everything, but to others, it would seem like Vlad was clearly favored by Josef.

'And there are quite a lot of people like that.'

Though Zemina was talkative too, he was able to handle her. Because when he told her to shut up, she would shut up. But with Josef, it was a different story.

'I wonder how she's doing.'

Listening to Josef's gossip while sitting there, Vlad felt somewhat depressed. So, he turned his head and looked out the window of the carriage.

There was no serene scenery in the direction Vlad looked; only the figure of Zayar, who seemed to be watching him fiercely.

'Treat him properly.'

His eyes said so.

Vlad had nothing to say since he dared to make the knight he was serving as his squire ride a horse and he himself was comfortably riding in a carriage.


Vlad, who had been pricked by Zayar's gaze, turned his head and looked at the window on the other side.

But even in the place he fled to for solace, there was someone waiting for Vlad.

A man with a long chin sending him signals with noisy gestures and kicks.

'Tell him about me! Captain, speak for me!'

On the opposite side of the window, there was Gott, urging Vlad to tell Josef about his achievements.

'...Really annoying.'

With loud commotion from the front and fierce gazes from both sides, Vlad just wanted to leave this place and walk freely.

"Think about it. Why would that be?"

"...I feel like I'd remember if I had a drink."

"That's a bit tricky."

Josef noticed that Vlad had his eyes on his whiskey and quickly pulled out the bottle, placing it behind himself.

"I live on an allowance too."

"People live the same everywhere."

"Just hope you can get up on your own soon."

Josef smiled softly when he saw Vlad racking his brain trying to come up with an answer, perhaps because of the alcohol or because of his own question.

To truly shine, a person had to meet various conditions. It wasn't just about skill with a sword; it included character, knowledge, manners, and more.

And the blond boy in front of him certainly had potential, but he lacked in many aspects.

'I can't personally teach him the sword, but.'

Due to his frail body, Josef may not be able to teach him the sword directly, but he may be able to teach him other things instead.

After all, Josef was someone with such capabilities.

"Well, isn't this something like a warning? A warning to the Bayezid family by killing you, Lord Josef? It does not matter even if they can't kill you?"

"Go on."

"You're not angry because I said 'It does not matter even if they can't kill you,' right?"

"Not really."

Although he said that, Vlad frowned as he watched Josef open the bottle and drink alone.

"Of course, I wouldn't be able to know, right?"

"Still, give it some thought."

Even though he was sitting in the carriage, Vlad was constantly receiving training.

"I said think about it."

Josef casually shook the whiskey bottle in front of Vlad and spoke.


Don't just accept the situation, but filter it through your own judgment.

Logical reasoning based on cause and effect, clues from the surroundings.

Through them, Josef wanted to train Vlad to become a knight with excellent judgment, no less than Zayar.

Because the boy's potential was shining.

"I don't know..."

Whether Vlad frowned or not, the journey back to Varna was incredibly peaceful.

As if the real target was not Josef as he thought.


City of Varna.

One of the three cities under the rule of the County of Bayezid.

As a city that had recruited a monster subjugation team, upon arriving here, Josef had to disband the mercenaries and report on the subjugation to the city's mayor.

Being the son of a count has a higher status than being an appointed mayor, but procedures were procedures.

And Count Bayezid mercilessly punished anyone who acted beyond the rules, even if it was his own son.

"I guess we will stay here for about a day."

Josef was not a resident of Varna.

After completing administrative procedures here, he planned to depart for Sturma, the ancestral home of the Bayezid family.

And there, he needed to devise a new plan to make up for the current failure.

"Is this your first time in Varna?"

"It's always the first time wherever I go."

"Now that I think about it, you're a country bumpkin."

Seeing Vlad say that he had only been active in the vicinity of Shoara his whole life, Zayar laughed as if he found something amusing.

"Well, I'll give you a day off today. Take a tour around the city."

"Don't get lost, brat."


Vlad couldn't help but feel frustrated by Zayar's mockery, but there was nothing he could do.

In reality, it was true that he lacked experience and insight.

[Zayar seems to like you.]

'If he likes me a bit more, he might try to kill me.'

Hearing the absurd words in his mind, Vlad shook his jingling pouch.

"What's in this city~?"

Regardless of Zayar's attitude, Vlad's words as he held the money naturally carried a rhythm.

What Josef had given him was a kind of daily wage.

Vlad, who is practically penniless, would need a minimum amount of money to enjoy the city of Varna.

"As expected, a rich man's dog is better off than a beggar on the streets."

[Instead of fooling around, buy things that can be useful for the future.]


Vlad had considered indulging himself a bit after a long time, but the voice seemed to have detected his intention and warned him in advance.

[Being well-prepared is akin to having an extra life. Don't forget that.]

"All I hear are nagging voices everywhere."

Although he grumbled, Vlad deeply sympathized with the voice's words.

Back in the days when he barely escaped from Shoara and wandered through the winter forest, carrying only a sword.

If he hadn't encountered the three mercenaries loitering nearby, Vlad might not have survived and froze to death.

[To prevent such incidents, it's good to have various things prepared.]

"So, what should I buy?"

Vlad was just about to leave the city hall, pondering the voice's advice.


Someone cautiously grabbed the hem of his clothes.

"Lord Vlad."

It was Andrea's young deacon.

"Is there something you need, Lord Deacon?"

Vlad found dealing with children bothersome, but the young deacon holding onto his clothes was an exception.

The child who was so small that the deacon's outfit he was still wearing felt awkward, but he did his duty despite the fear faced the previous night.

"If you have nowhere in particular to go today, the priest wishes to invite you."


Vlad looked up and saw Priest Andrea smiling behind the deacon.

"Why did you choose to seek me through lord deacon?"

".... I apologize."

Priest Andrea was hiding behind the young deacon and smiling humbly. A familiar coffin lay next to him.

"Still no one is willing to listen to you?"

"Perhaps this lady wishes for you to escort her as well?"

Vlad had nothing more to say as he looked at Priest Andrea who was laughing.

"Let's take a donkey. I'll support you from behind as we go."

Priest Andrea, Vlad, and the young deacon began driving the cart along the main street of Varna.

'It's quite different from Shoara.'

Although Vlad had lived in the back alleys, Shoara had its own atmosphere, distinct from the city itself.

But Varna seemed to have a more settled appearance compared to Shoara.

Quiet, serene, with few people making loud noises as if the city had settled into a calm, dawn-like atmosphere.

"As we approach the church, this atmosphere will become even more pronounced. Varna is a city with a strong religious color."

"I see."

Vlad nodded and understood Andrea's explanation.

Even in Shoara, people always walked quietly near the church.

"We're here."


Vlad, looking at the building in front of him, could clearly sense that Varna was indeed a city with a strong religious influence.

This is because there was a building there that looked twice as big as the church in Shoara.

"It's quite large. Shoara's church was not this big."

"The capital of the County of Bayezid is Sturma, but its religious center is Varna."

Vlad nodded at Andrea's explanation.

"In that case, I'll be going..."

"Since you're here, why not join us for dinner?"

"If that's the case, I won't refuse..."

"While you're at it, how about going down to the basement as well?"

"······It would be better to finish while we're here."

Vlad, who had been in the hands of Priest Andrea since he was grabbed by the young deacon, had no choice but to whine and put the coffin down in front of the temple.

"I'm sorry. Your body may not have fully recovered yet."

'This person knows that.'

Although he was filled with dissatisfaction inside, Vlad answered with a smile.

"I need to repay the favor for what I obtained at the camp."

"I am really good at judging people."

Perhaps in the current situation, he didn't even realize that complaining might be a petty grumble.

Given the circumstances, it was almost a privilege for someone to be asked by priest Andrea for a favor.

"Poor lady."


Priest Andrea sighed as he stroked the coffin, which had finally reached its place of rest.

"A mother's love is like the sea, heavy and deep. It seems someone unknown took advantage of it."

Though not yet completely investigated, Andrea judged based on the circumstances that this woman had fallen victim to evil dark magic.

"It's a terrible curse that takes advantage of maternal love. Although this isn't within my jurisdiction, the church in Varna will do its best to uncover the mastermind."

"If anyone can do it, it's a priest like you."

Priest Andrea, who was frowning with unbearable anger, looked at Vlad and smiled warmly.

"Now that you're here, how about saying a prayer before dinner?"

"Can someone like me, without any roots, dare to pray in a church?"

"Don't worry about that."

People living in the back alleys were not closely associated with churches, city halls, or official buildings. 

Vlad, who had lived in the back alleys all his life, was no exception. 

Therefore, Vlad felt awkward and uncomfortable in this place, and more than anything, he was intimidated by the thought of being in an unauthorized place.

However, Andrea held Vlad's hand and began to lead him to the chapel.

"Take a moment to pray; there's a place I need to check in on."

Leaving Vlad alone with his young subordinate, Andrea left the chapel.


"Shall we pray?"

The young deacon wrinkled his nose and asked cautiously, perhaps feeling sorry for Vlad due to Andrea's sudden neglect.

"This is my first time formally attending a prayer..."

"I'll show you how."

Vlad wanted to make an excuse and get out, but now there was no way.

'Oh well.'

Now was the time to repay the karma of acting like a praying Riemann.

[What a fulfilling vacation. If you tell Josef that you've purified your body and mind here, he'll be very pleased.]

'The guy is just enjoying himself all day.'

Vlad briefly held his sword and he heard the voice expressing satisfaction.

"Hmmm, hmm."

Vlad had no choice but to kneel, bow his head awkwardly, and stutter along with the young deacon's prayer.

About an hour or so.

Just as his knee was slowly going numb, the door to the chapel behind him opened.

"Did you wait long?"

"······No. It was my first prayer, so everything was new."

"Hahaha! Impossible. I'm still quite bored."


Vlad didn't know what to say as he looked at the priest who said prayers were boring and smiled kindly.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. Take this."

"What is it?"

Vlad accepted the small piece of wood that priest Andrea was handing over.

"It's your identification badge."


Perplexed by Andrea's words, Vlad quickly examined the small wooden piece he held.

A piece of wood small enough to fit in his hand.

The black wooden badge looked sturdy, and was full of small letters inside.

Vlad began to read the identity card in his hand with wide eyes.

"Birthplace... Shoa... ra."

Though he was aware of it, Vlad stumbled over the unfamiliar characters as he continued to read.

"Name... Vlad."

The moment he pronounced his own name, Vlad felt his chest swell.

This small piece of wood contained proof of his existence.

As a person from the back alleys who couldn't even register his birth, he could never have imagined such a thing.

"Josef would have taken care of it, but in fact, getting your identification done at the church is the most effective. Because the grace of the Lord extends throughout the continent."

Listening to Andrea's words, Vlad turned the wooden badge to examine the back.

There was a large sentence written there that could only be used in one place.

The name of the one and only god in this world. The emblem of the church that serves that God.

And beneath it, another person's name was written.

"Guarantor. Priest An...drea."

Vlad read another person's name written on his identification badge.

A person vouching for him.

Someone who will stand by him in times of trouble.

Vlad lifted his head and looked at Priest Andrea.

"If you're having a hard time, come visit me anytime. I am your guarantor."


"Now, let's pray. This is the closest place to the Lord."

Vlad, unable to hide his mixed emotions, simply followed Andrea and bowed before the God.

"Here is a new lamb I'd like to introduce today. May you embrace him with your wide arms..."

Garbage in the back alley.

A person who was born in a place where no one would look at him or even remember him even if he died.

However, Vlad was no longer that person.

"Here is the newly born lamb, Vlad of Shoara. May you kindly embrace..."

Today, Vlad affirmed his existence under the Lord's gaze with his precious guarantor.

For the first time since birth, he inscribed his name into the vast world.

From today on, he was no longer the Vlad from the alleyways but the Vlad of Shoara.

"I sincerely pray that you accept him as your child."

Vlad now had roots that could allow him to confidently face the world.

The light coming down through the multi-colored glass warmly enveloped the boy's blond hair.