Yustia walked into the thick fog.

The boy standing as if rooted to the spot watched her retreating figure and thought to himself.

Escaping the back alley wasn't simply about surviving.

Gazing at the old blacksmith's sword wasn't merely about admiration.

It was about moving forward.

"You will surely become a knight."

Merely living isn't enough.

To find the meaning of life, one must harbor something within their own heart.

"So you must understand. Our swords require justification and responsibility."

Gregory pulled the boy, who seemed ready to bolt at any moment, back by the nape of his neck and spoke with a solemn gaze.

"From now on, try to follow what I say."

"What is it?"

At the boy's question, Gregory hesitated for a moment.

Was it too early?

But perhaps it was necessary precisely because it was a bit early.

"Right now, it's the only justification we have."

As they listened to the dwindling breaths of children.

As they heard the cries of despairing parents.

Within the fog-filled small square, there was an ancient discipline murmured by a sturdy knight with a beard.

It was a discipline crafted by a man who was the greatest swordsman and knight of all knights.

Because it was old, the firm discipline stood as another pillar within the boy's world.


A church made of gray stone.

Yustia's green eyes were fixed on the bell tower high above the church.

The breaths of children were gathering towards the top of the ominous church.

"Open the door. This is not a place for you to dwell!"

Despite her call, the firmly closed door of the church remained unmoved.

But it didn't matter.

No matter how enveloped in dark energy it might be, the church before her was built upon the land created by God.

As someone who resided in her own home, she had the right to stand tall anywhere.


With a strike imbued with divine will, Yustia shattered the unresponsive wooden door of the church.

As she stepped into the church full of darkness, all she could see were patterns painted in red.


Traces of severe blasphemy.

"You've come sooner than I expected."

At the deepest part of the chapel, the altar, which should be closest to God, stood a priest holding a thick Bible.

Yustia raised her sword at the man who wore the garb of a priest and sucked in the breath of young children.

"Why did you come alone? Can't I and the knights alone offer a prayer for the people here?"


At the priest's sneering words, Yustia quickly glanced around the chapel.

There was no one there, and she felt no presence, but the man in front of her had said there were people here.

As Yustia narrowed her eyes against the strange energy permeating the church.


There came deep groan coming up from beneath the floor where Yustia stood.

It wasn't just one, but many.

All of them shedding pitiful black tears.


The church bells were tolling.

It was the sound of bells announcing the worship time.

"You were hiding it in the basement."

Despite the urgency of the situation, Yustia responded calmly.

She was prepared and expected for this.

The only thing lacking for her was a few days of free time.

However, Yustia knew well that the will of God is narrow door and that it would take a lot of hardship and patience to get through it.

"Please hear my prayer."

Yustia quickly illuminated the dark church with her sword and focused on the sounds coming from it.

Not just one, but many.

Not heavy, but light things.

It sounded like jumping barefoot on cold stone floors.


Finally, the crawling sounds rose up, roughly opened the door that hid the basement, and from there, black-stained hands began to reach out.

Child... my child.

It's too dark...

I can't see anything!

Women shedding black tears.

In the places where eyes should be, there were only empty voids filled with darkness.

The girls were struggling in the darkness.


Seeing the horrifying sight that was too cruel to witness, even Yustia found it hard to maintain composure.

More horrifying than the wailing women's twisted eyes was the fact that only their lower abdomens were soaked with blood.

"To do such a thing······"

The world always has harsh laws for the weak, but the current situation far exceeded the limits.

Something this out of place couldn't be created by just anyone.

Only those who have crossed the line could do such a thing.

"Aren't you afraid of God?"

"I'm afraid of God..."

The man who always seemed to smile at Yustia's threats slowly began to lose his expression.

It was a very natural change, as if it had always been that way.

"God may be a fearsome figure, but it doesn't concern me much."

The man dropped the Bible he had been holding, as if there was no longer any need to hide.

Under the feet of the liberated from death.

"I no longer need to return to His embrace."


Yustia's eyes trembled as she watched him.

Seeing someone who mocked her world, Yustia erupted in anger, unleashing her pent-up fury.

"O glorious commander of the heavenly army, and standing by the side of God, Saint Rogino!"

Yustia shouted the name of the saint, who shined brightly even in the history of the church, with a voice full of rage.

Light began to emit from her sword.

"Come forth and save the wretched souls from the tyranny of evil at a great cost!"

Women reaching out with stained hands, seeking something.

They were the ones sacrificed and robbed by someone.

Unable to hold all their hands, Yustia sought to open a path of light even in the darkness.

"I shall pay the price!"

A single torch shining in the darkness began to burn itself, emitting even stronger light.

It was a light that could be seen even without eyes, and found even in darkness.

Solemn exorcism.

The miracle that only holy knights who receive divine will can perform pierced through the unholy church.

"You were more remarkable than I thought."

The false priest, burning himself in his own flame, briefly turned his head away.

It was a wave of light, not imbued with any physical power, but the pillar of light made by Yustia's unwavering will was fiercely shaking the unholy church.


The warm and glorious light descending from the sky was wiping away the sorrow and grudges of the women shedding black tears.

It was sending them back to where they rightfully belonged.


Yet, even within the light that burned with righteous intent, the false priest only laughed.

"No matter how bright the torch may shine, there are limits to what one can do alone!"

Though the man's fingertips were being singed by the expanding pillar of light, he could still scoff, knowing full well where its end lay.

Yustia had performed the Solemn Exorcism without any sense of preparation, and while her skill was commendable, ultimately, she was alone now.

To fully illuminate the current darkness, more torches would be needed.


As Yustia prayed to the god with her eyes closed, sweat began to bead on her forehead.

It was a powerful spell, a miracle paid for with her own life.

While this world was filled with the will of the god, the divine presence was far away in the heavens.

As the cries of the wretched women diminished, so too did the light of Yustia's Solemn Exorcism gradually fade away.

Watching this, the false priest drew a sword from his shadow.

It was a dark-hued blade that seemed to suck in the light just by looking at it.


Yustia steeled herself as she saw the man approaching with the sword in hand.

As a knight, always prepared for the worst, she had at least one last resort in mind for dealing with the man before her.

Holy knights were those who prepared for moments like these.

"May your church destroy all adversaries."

This time, Yustia tries to recite a prayer to summon the divine flames with her own body, not her sword.

With each word that fell from her lips, her green eyes shook violently.

As she prepared for her final stand,


A loud noise came from behind.

The already broken door of the church, shattered once again, falling heavily to the ground.


"Gott! Get out of there now!"

Amidst rough shouts, there were men breaking through the crowd.

Along with blazing red carriage.


For a moment, all eyes turned to that direction.

Even the women, who couldn't see in front of them.

A new torch was rushing into the church, which was gradually filling up with darkness.

"Now, move aside!"

As Gregory signaled, two men pushing the burning carriage stepped aside.


Seeing Yustia rolling to the side in panic, Gregory swiftly pushed the carriage towards the man before him, as if throwing.

"What is this!"

With an unimaginable sight before him, the false priest swung the sword he held towards the carriage.

It was a reckless swing, driven by confusion and not thinking about the consequences.


The carriage burst outwards with a small explosion, and sparks flew out in all directions.

Every part of the church was on fire, and the flames that Gregory had intended began to spread in a space filled with darkness.

There is light here.


Amidst the chaotic movements, a boy charged towards the priest, pushing through burning debris.

[Crush the enemy with a splendid charge!]


A grand entrance, one of the knights' esteemed traditions.

Vlad was there, his world unfolding with his left eye closed.

The tip of his unadorned sword shone brighter than ever.


The two swords clashed with a thunderous noise, as loud as the explosion of the carriage just moments ago.

In the spreading flames, the two men facing each other with their swords exchanged glances.

"Messing with kids crosses the line. Damn it."


Seeing the growling boy's eyes, the false priest's expression subtly shifted.

"Nice to see you here again. I finally recognize you."

"Quit the crap and just die!"

As Vlad's blue eyes held the false priest, Gregory and Kade quickly surrounded Yustia, forming a defensive formation as the flames burned.

"Are you alright!"

"Won't you be in trouble if you come here?"

She looked at Gregory with a sad expression.

A knight's sword should be as sharp as it is heavy. 

Reckless swinging without justification is nothing but violence, and knights dedicate their swords to those who can bear the responsibility to prevent such situations.

"There's no other choice."

Gregory helped Yustia with a bitter smile.

"While the kids are dying."

"······Thank you."

Gregory swung his sword based on his own judgment, creating a justification. The responsibility for that now fell entirely on him.

Observing the virtue of sacrifice that knights should possess, Yustia recalled the reason she came here.

"We need to go to the bell tower. That's where the source of the curse is."


Gregory closed his left eye as he watched the sluggish figures approaching them in the darkness.


As he stamped his foot against the ground, a sturdy brownish light began to wrap around his body.

"We don't have time."

Yustia's words were right.

Even now, the children were likely gasping for breath, dying.

'I should take care of that bastard first.'

Given the urgency of the situation, there was no time to move up while sorting things out step by step. 

In times like this, they had no choice but to separate the group, even if it was unreasonable.

Luckily, there was one fellow ahead, energetically leaping around.


With his throat inflated and air sucked in, Gregory lunged forward with a powerful cry.

"I'm here—!"

With a loud roar, his momentum exploded as he charged towards the false priest.

Gregory pushed through and lunged at the unknown figure at a speed that seemed impossible from his bulky frame.

Passing by Vlad, who was momentarily surprised by Gregory's charge like a raging bull, his eyes glinting, Gregory crashed into the false priest along the wall, sending debris tumbling down.

"······Sir Gregory!"

"Ugh, there's something in the bell tower!"

Holding down the struggling false priest, Gregory shouted loudly.

"I don't know what it is, but go there and smash it!"


Vlad, who received the order, nodded.

While he wanted nothing more than to tear apart the man pretending to be a priest, the priority was to save the children.

Vlad, filled with anger yet keeping his composure, quickly turned his head and began to scan the darkness.


He spotted it—the spiral staircase leading beyond the darkness of the chapel.

Though precarious, it seemed to be the only way up.

"Where are you going!"

Suddenly, incomprehensible, eerie words began to flow from the false priest's mouth.

It was a curse, and also a signal.


My child is over there!

Women who had not yet ascended began to flock towards Vlad.

"Damn it!"

With every step he took, another child's breath seemed to vanish.

Knowing full well that time was running out, Vlad focused all his attention on moving forward rather than swinging his sword.

A scratch appeared on the boy's face from sharp claws, but the protective aura of the white snake shone brightly to ward off the relentless onslaught of evil.

'There are too many!'

Yet despite Vlad's efforts to block them, the gestures of the pitiful women attempting to impede him were getting closer.


Suddenly, Vlad turned his head to see a woman's head exploding right in front of him.

It was a knight wielding an arrow blessed by Yustia.

It was Kade.

"I will cover you!"

Urgently conveying his intentions with a gesture, Kade quickly shot another arrow towards another woman rushing towards Vlad.

It was a shining arrow piercing through the darkness.


Thanks to Kade's arrows, Vlad managed to stomp on the heads of the women and successfully sprinted up the stairs.

Deflecting the black hands reaching out from all directions and ignoring the relentless curses of the false priest echoing behind him, the boy had found the only path leading to the sky.


The boy with blue eyes was climbing up towards the sky veiled by fog.

Without a moment's rest, the boy swung his sword, knowing that he had a single star in his heart that needed to be lifted up, and to do so, he had to ascend to where the children's breaths were.

In the Vlad's hand, grasping the dusty railing of the stairs, was a flowerless flower ring.

"Get out of the way!"

In the darkness that filled the unholy church, there was a cry of a boy striving towards the sky.


All things of this world is precious, but not everyone can protect themselves.

But you are the ones who have sworn to protect.

So if you are where you should be,

Do not hesitate at the moment you need to stand.

Become the torch that lights up the darkness by burning yourself.

That is my second discipline.