The back alleys that burned in the heat of the night, only miserable remnants remained.

It was the time for those who had worked and those who had indulged to find shadows somewhere and drift off to sleep.

At that time, when the sun was not yet up, there were people who came in with the church flag.

"Everyone stop!"

Soldiers trampling over the mess of the filthy alley.

They halted at Madame Marcella's inn, Rose's Smiles.

"We are sent by the Bishop of Shoara, Lord Pierre! Open the door, innkeeper!"

Knight Vlad ignored the indulgence issued by Bishop Pierre.

This was nothing short of disregarding the will of the god, a serious act of sacrilege.

And here, in Rose's Smiles, were people who had killed the innocent.

"If you don't open the door now, you will be treated as blasphemers too!"

The voice of the holy knight echoed through the quiet back alley.

It was the will of the god that had reached the place most in need of salvation, but the will was nothing but a cold judgment, not a warm smile.

"······Drag the sinners out of here!"

Even in the face of the abstract order of the holy knight, Rose's Smiles did not flicker.

The holy knight standing under the sacred flag nodded as if to say it was for the best.



The bishop's soldiers each drew their weapons and advanced towards the nest of the boy.

While the embrace of God is merciful, His will is cold, and so humans must all bow their heads before Him.

"Break down the door!"

Vlad clenched a shining star in his hand, but the light was still feeble, not enough to protect himself, let alone those around him.

The hardships that come in life are like storms, impossible to withstand with just two hands.

And so people must lean on each other to survive.

Just like this moment.

"You guys have a short temper."

A man emerged from within the unlit Rose's Smiles, holding a single candle.

The man with the impressive scar on his half-shaved head looked like an unusual person wearing shiny plate armor.

"....Who are you?"

Despite approaching dozens of soldiers, the man showed no sign of wavering.

"I am Knight Maxim, serving Lord Josef."

In this city, no one would dare not yield to the word of the bishop, except for Josef, the mayor of Shoara.

"Apologies, but the inn, Rose's Smiles, is currently under our investigation." 

If the powers are so equal that it is difficult to compare them, then in the end, justification will come first.

And now, it was Maxim, Knight of Josef, who first invoked judicial authority within the Rose's Smiles, not the bishop's holy knight.

"The people here are suspected of blasphemy."

"And some are also suspected of murder."

There is a line that nobility and the church must not cross.

However, it was Bishop Pierre who first crossed that line, so Josef had no reason to adhere to the implicit rules until now.

"From now on, the Rose's Smiles will be under our blockade. If you wish to enter, seek permission from the mayor."

With Maxim's words, soldiers of Josef began pouring out from within the Rose's Smiles, pushing aside the bishop's soldiers without hesitation and gradually expanding their territory.

"....You'll regret this."

The rage of the holy knight who had missed his prey was fierce, but Maxim merely smiled wryly.

Knight Maxim of Josef.

He was one of the two knights who had been involved with the woman shedding black tears alongside Cade.

Regret could still exist while one lived.

If it hadn't been for Vlad that day, Maxim wouldn't even be standing here now.

"I'm a debtor too, can't help it."

The authority of the church was difficult for a single knight to handle, but Maxim volunteered that he would do it himself.

He thought he had to do this to repay the price of his life.


The prison in the basement of the city hall.

Even though it was a place where one could still feel the outside air through small windows, Vlad's expression remained dark.

"I always told you to be prepared for the next."


Vlad had no words to answer Zayar's words coming from outside the bars.

"In the end, Lord Josef will have to take care of all your mess. You idiot."

In the end, it became no different from when he was a squire.

All the responsibility for this incident had fallen on Lord Josef.

"I'm sorry."


Zayar was on the verge of burning from inside as he saw Vlad bowing his head and saying sorry.

Still, there was not much he could say. This was more of a trap than a mistake.


He knew if the boy had been a bit more perceptive, he wouldn't have gotten into this mess.

But the boy still lacked understanding of not just the world of nobles but the broader world including the church.

Bishop Pierre had chosen his target wisely.

"······You'll soon testify in the church. Be prepared for that."

As the justification lay on their side, eventually they would have to go out to the church to explain.

Pierre, who had been an heresy inquisitor, had risen to the position of bishop with his excellent interrogation skills, so it was obvious it would be a severe trial.


Vlad watched Zayar's retreating figure from inside the bars for a long time.

[Don't blame yourself. You did what needed to be done.]

Even with the comfort of the voice, Vlad couldn't easily shake off the gloomy emotions.

It was definitely the right thing to do, and even now that he is in prison, he doesn't think he did anything wrong, but in the end, it ended up like this.

"I'm the one at fault."

The world of the back alleys and the world of knights are different.

Unlike a back alley where you must repay on the spot to avoid being looked weak, a knight's anger must be like thick lava that can be used for the future.

A sword is sharp and must be heavy.

And now, Vlad seemed to understand what it meant to be heavy.


"So, that's why you insisted on waiting a week?"

Bishop Pierre stood by the window, looking down at the scene below.

There, a blonde knight with hands tied walked towards the church across the square like a criminal.

Josef, who had been holding Vlad tightly while ignoring his requests vehemently until now, must have reached his limit.

This was a fight for a justification, and even Josef would have been unable to bear this burden.

"It seems quite plausible."

However, there were not only soldiers guarding Vlad as he was being escorted to the church.

"We'll fight to the death against such a scoundrel! He's accused of selling pregnant women!"

"A guy like that deserves to die! I heard he sold out pregnant women!"

"Don't insult our knights!"

Vlad of Shoara.

Born and raised in the city of Shoara, he was a symbol of self-made success, rising from the back alleys to prominence.

Vlad, the knight who had already made a name for himself at a young age, was undoubtedly a source of pride for the citizens of Shoara.

"We cannot accept a bishop sent from the Vatican! This is the North!"

[T/L: Vatican, the central governing body of the Church headed by the Pope.]

"We want a bishop who carries the blood of the North!"

Not only support for Vlad, but also occasional murmurs of dissatisfaction towards Pierre among the people.

As Vlad's march slowed down, the voices echoing throughout Shoara's streets grew louder.

"You're making quite the effort."

Watching the scene, Pierre turned away from the window with a cold smirk.

How dare you try to sway me through the public sentiment of Shoara?

Indeed, those who inherited the blood of Bayezid are not to be underestimated.

"Are the Heretic inquisitors all prepared?"

"They are prepared."

However, no matter how much effort was put in, it was all just a charade.

In the end, all of this was nothing more than a petty trickery that would bow down before the truth.


Despite the tense situation, Vlad did not neglect to survey his surroundings.


The sight around him, despite not being directly related to the impending trial, still felt oppressive.

'So this is how it feels.'

Even though he had lived in Shoara all his life, this was a place he had never set foot in before.

For those who lived without the church, it was a place with too high a threshold.

"Knight Vlad, step forward."

The trial chamber, shaped like a semicircle.

The place where the judge, Pierre, and the suspect, Vlad, would stand was in the very center of the court, and the officials, including Josef, and the city's influential people, who had been specially invited by the church, were to look down on them from above.

[These are Heretic Inquisitors. The crystal ball he is holding looks unusual.]


Vlad turned his head to look at the inquisitors surrounding him.

Eight inquisitors in total.

Each of them held a crystal orb the size of a human head in both hands.

".....There are eight of them in total."

"They wouldn't go to such lengths even for witch hunts. This has gone too far."

Josef frowned as he felt the bitterness rising from above.

'I must prepare for the worst.'

Despite striving for a week to steer the trial favorably, time had ultimately run short.

Now, he had to prepare for the next move, considering the worst possible outcome.

"Place your hand on the Bible, and swear to speak only the truth, Sir Vlad."

Inside the church built in God's name, Vlad placed his hand on the Bible.

"I swear to speak only the truth."

An oath is something you say with your mouth and keep with your conscience, but in the current situation, it will be expressed a little differently.

The intricate writings on the floor of the courtroom would cause the crystal orbs to dim the moment Vlad tells a lie


Josef silently looked at Pierre standing in front of him with burning eyes.

However, Pierre's response was only a stoic coldness.

"Let us begin the trial of Sir Vlad, a knight of the Bayezid family."

Though it was the declaration of the trial's commencement, it might as well have been its conclusion.

For this trial was nothing more than a staged performance to reach a predetermined outcome.

And that outcome would not be a favorable sight for Vlad.

"Knight Vlad, is it true that you murdered a man known as the Black Bear, who bore a letter of indulgence?"

Upon hearing the bishop's question, Josef unconsciously clenched his fists.

Pierre was now framing Vlad for the crime through leading questions.


"You admit to defying the word of God... What do you say?"

Though Vlad's response was merely admitting to killing the Black Bear, Pierre interpreted it as defiance against God's will.

"I did not defy the word of God!"

"Next question."

One question, one answer.

With Vlad's response, one of the inquisitors stepped forward.

"Does Knight Vlad believe that every decision he has made in taking a person's life, including this incident, has always been just and righteous?"


He did what needed to be done when he needed to be there.

The Black Bear was a despicable man who trafficked pregnant women, and even with an indulgence, his wrongdoing could not be hidden.

"It's a lie."

But in response to Vlad's answer, one of the inquisitors' crystal orbs lost its light.


No one can always make the right decisions while living.

However, Pierre always concealed within his questions an unreachable standard, subtly coercing lies from Vlad.

"This is!"

"Next question."

Although it was only two questions, the experienced Pierre was clearly pinpointing Vlad's weaknesses.

"A year ago, there was a report of a boy struck by black lightning in the alleys of Shoara. Was that boy you?"

Pierre begins to bend a man named Vlad to his will by distorting his intentions and asking deceptive questions.

His next question aimed to undermine Vlad's hard-earned reputation by casting baseless suspicions.


However, Pierre's prepared question had a greater impact on Vlad than anticipated.

Because within the boy's soul resided a voice whose identity remained unknown.

"······It's true."

"An ominous omen accompanies it."

With the third answer, Vlad became a knight tainted by ominous omen.

From now on, all his achievements would be subject to doubt and suspicion.

"Did you hear any voices or receive any prophecies from an unknown entity after being struck by lightning?"

Pierre's pupils gleamed with a ghostly light.

It didn't matter whether he answered yes or no; Vlad's reputation, once shining brightly, would now be marred.


Struggling to answer Pierre's question, Vlad was in a state of mental confusion due to this new form of malevolence he had never experienced before.

"Why do you not answer?"

As Vlad hesitated to respond, murmurs of discomfort began to spread, starting from the influential people in the city who shared the same views as the bishop.

"If you were asked whether I heard a voice..."

Answering yes would make him an evil being, while answering no would brand him a liar.

It was a dire situation where whatever Vlad said couldn't be taken back.

[Just say yes,] the voice urged, observing Vlad's hesitation.

The voice understood that in this case, telling a lie would be more fatal.

It would be better to at least make an excuse that he lost consciousness for a moment due to the aftereffects of being struck by lightning.


[If you say no, it will be a lie. Then you won't even have a chance to justify yourself.]

The worst case scenario would be when the identity of the voice is revealed in front of everyone.

However, the voice had already made up its mind from the moment it entered the courtroom.

[Don't worry, just say yes. I'll make sure my identity remains concealed at all costs.]


With the interrogators doubting him and the bishop pressuring him for an answer, Vlad, facing a dilemma, had to say something.



As Vlad was about to speak, a loud voice echoed from the entrance of the courtroom.

The cold winter wind began to blow in from the wide open entrance.

"Stop this trial!"

Standing at the open doorway were people: an old priest panting heavily, a young deacon yet to fully grasp the situation, and even Gregory, exhaling a sigh of relief behind them.

"This trial is unjust!"

Though late, the people who had finally arrived here were not too late.

"Unauthorized people cannot enter!"

The guards attempted to block the abrupt intruder, but upon seeing the white robe he wore, they hesitated.

The attire signaled him as a devout servant of God.

"How dare you question the validity of this trial in front of me!"

Pierre's flow was interrupted by the sudden interruption, and he glared at the man who broke into the courtroom with shining eyes.

However, the man who had just entered had every right to declare that the current trial was unjust.

"I am the one who vouches for Knight Vlad's name!"

Vlad of Shoara.

There was a person who picked up the name that was lying on the ground without anyone knowing and placed it in front of God's name.

"If there were any suspicions against his name, you should have consulted me first!"

When Vlad heard that he was his guarantor, he turned his head and looked towards where the entrance was.

There was a man hurriedly walking towards the judge without even being able to remove the snow chunks from his beard.

With the support of the young deacon, he stepped forward, his steps weary and laborious.


"Stay silent from now on."

Andrea stood by Vlad's side, his breaths punctuated by coldness.

"I'll speak for you."

It was an unfair trial, a skewed judgment.

But with just one move in favor of the boy, the trial began to regain some semblance of balance.

"....Finally, you've come here."

In Pierre's gray-white eyes, the face of the person he least wanted to see appeared.

He was the faithful priest whom everyone in the north acknowledged, and the one who vouched for the boy.

"It's been a while, Bishop Pierre."

Following the knight's lead, a man had traversed the harsh northern winds.

"Priest Andrea. Greetings."

Priest Andrea.

He was a man who was willing to step on the scales for the boy he had vouched for.