The forest of the elves, Ausrina.

The place was filled with the vicious roars of Nidhogg.


Nidhogg was raging at this moment.

Even now, one of the arrows fiercely dug into his body was inflicting anger and agony upon him.

"Baradis... From now on, you're in command."

A middle-aged elf grabbed his blood-stained shoulder and shouted heavily.

Nidhogg's thorn was already deeply embedded in his shoulder.

"It must not break through..."

The great warrior of the elves and the leader of this operation, handed over command to Baradis, and his lips were growing darker.

The sharp malice of the dragon still pierced through his veins, stabbing at his heart.

"...I beg of you."

Baradis nodded his head as he watched the great warrior who was turning paler by the moment.

The great warrior, born under the World tree's mother, was looking at Baradis with his eyes wide open until the moment of his death.

"Everyone gather! Concentrate your firepower!"

Now, the only remaining commander was Baradis, the leader of the rangers.

The generational change that no one desired had just taken place at this moment.

"Captain! That bastard is too tough! Even with our aura, our weapons can't pierce his skin properly!"

"Contrary to our expectations, it seems that the dragon has already completed its growth into an adult. Its immunity to magic is powerful."

At the desperate reports coming from all directions, Baradis clenched his lips tightly.

The elves had done their best to stop Nidhogg, but the dragon's potential, which had already fully awakened, was too much for anyone to stop.

"Are we retreating?"

So now, the only remaining option is to retreat to where the World Tree is and join forces with the main camp.

If we can gather the power of the World Tree and the elders, maybe there's a chance.

"No. The end must be decided here."

But using what needs protection as a shield in battle is absurd.

Even now, on the branches of the young World Tree, there were young spirits not yet ready to take flight.

They couldn't be used as a front line.

"We have to do it."

The eyes of Nidhogg roaring ahead met those of Baradis.

His arrow still lodged in one of Nidhogg's eyes.

It wasn't finished because it was shallow, but the existence of the arrows that were still bothering Nidhogg clearly showed that there was a possibility.

"Create an opening one more time."

If the arrow was shallow, then shooting from closer range would do the trick.

And Baradis was ready to leap towards the sharp malice without hesitation.

"This time, I'll make sure to pierce through his brain."

A faint aura began to emanate from Baradis' eyes as he prepared himself.

Within his eyes, a magic eye that only a few among the elves could possess was burning brightly.

Baradis of Ausrina.

His world, ablaze with rage, was becoming as sharp as Nidhogg's.


"Help... please... help."

A girl trembling as if having a seizure was holding onto Vlad's sleeve, murmuring weakly.

"The dragon is coming..."

Though the girl's voice was faint, her grip on Vlad's sleeve was as tight as to make it pale.

The priestess of the World Tree, or rather the young World Tree itself, desperately desired the knight right in front of her.

Because the World Tree, able to see the result beyond the process, knew that only Vlad could protect it.

"So, this means... now..."

"It is a prophecy."

A trembling voice came from the elven guard who hadn't spoken a word until now.

The priestess was the passage connecting the World Tree and the elves.

The revelation of the sacred tree, able to see beyond the limits of mortals, was something that could never be ignored.

"...The dragon is coming."

The World Tree and the priestess had been watching from the beginning.

The threat in the future, the eyes of the dragon filled with malice.

"······The dragon came."

That's why the elves were able to prepare in advance.

They were alert to the surroundings, excluded suspicious items, and set up a barrier.

Therefore, Baradis and the elves were now able to face Nidhogg with their own preparations.

"...But the dragon is still watching."

The dragon comes.

The dragon watches.

The World Tree and the priestess had tried to see as much of the future as possible, but they were still young and inexperienced beings.

So they didn't realize.

That there was not only one pair of eyes looking at the World Tree.


Suddenly, a chilling roar echoed throughout the village.

From the opposite side of the barrier set up by the elves, there was the roar of the dragon spreading.

"...This is..."

Vlad's face stiffened as he heard the ferocious roar.

Now, it was something that anyone could recognize, not just a prophecy.


With a tumultuous noise, the barely-rooted elven village began to crumble from the boundary.

It was another Nidhogg.

"Help, please."

A single tear streamed down the girl's cheek.

Her fingers, clinging desperately to the sleeve, looked pitiful.


Seeing the tears in the girl's eyes, Vlad involuntarily glanced at Auguste.

What should he do in this situation?

"But what can I do if you look at me?"

However, the person before him was neither Josef nor Zayar, and there was no lord or senior knight present. There is only one person who can give instructions to Vlad right now.

"You have to decide."

Only himself.

The owner of a knight named Vlad was only Vlad.

"...That's right."

The white moonlight streaming through the window illuminated Vlad. On one side of his chest, a small inscription was written.

Vlad lifted his finger and quietly wiped away the girl's tears.

On the chest illuminated by the moonlight, an honorable inscription written by San Rogino was inscribed.

"I, Vlad of Shoara, will accept the request of the priestess."

Vlad of Shoara.

The knight who protected the children.

Now, Vlad's empty pommel shone in the moonlight.



It's a dragon! A dragon!

Everyone, run!

The huge and agile body was running through the elves' house as if cutting through the waves.

Arrows shot from various places, but to Nidhogg, their attacks were merely annoying.

To reach the sharpest dragon, one needed a sword with a deeper world.

"Why are you following?"

"Because it's my choice."

Two knights followed after Nidhogg.

Vlad and Auguste leaped over buildings, chasing after Nidhogg.

"The elves are enemies of the empire."

"Who's the enemy and who's the ally? In this world, there's only problems and solutions."

Prevent the distribution of Absilon.

And thereby prevent the empire from being flooded with drugs.

Auguste had joined Vlad solely to achieve that goal.

"After I have done them a favor, I can ask them to distribute elven tea. We can settle the debts later."

It was more important to plug the hole in the dam than to argue over who was at fault.

The empire was in such a weakened state that it couldn't afford to unleash rightful anger.

'Where are you?'

The eyes of the former captain of imperial security guard, now focused on Nidhogg, began to shine with a blue light.

It was a technique that only Auguste, who had spent a lifetime distinguishing truth from lies, could attempt.

"What are you doing?"

"...Seeing through weaknesses."

Everyone has something they want to hide.

Their own weaknesses, flaws they don't want to expose, fatal vulnerabilities that, once pierced, can never be restored.

That's why people hide their weaknesses with lies and intimidation.

Like the current Nidhogg.

'The front paw... Inside the membrane.'

The scales were tough and the erected thorns were vicious.

The horn protruding from its forehead was so sharp it could tear through anything, but Nidhogg was not satisfied with just that.

"It seems like the armpit area inside the blood membrane is its weak spot. Attack there."

The dragon from the East, who still harbored desires for the sky, still bore traces of wings.

The messy membrane, stubbornly attached with obstinacy, was Nidhogg's weakness.

The aura reflected in Auguste's eyes said so.

At that moment, Nidhogg's advance was suddenly obstructed with a loud noise.

Buildings crumbling, rocks surging out from the ground.

A giant magic circle suddenly appeared, blocking Nidhogg's path.

"It's magic!"

Vlad quickly turned his head towards the World Tree upon hearing Auguste's words.

Though not clearly visible, some elves were gathered in front of the World Tree.

They were the elder of the elves.

"Good. Take advantage of this gap..."


The magic circle created by the elders was undoubtedly designed by high-level sorcery.

However, Nidhogg was already in its adult form.

Dragons who had reached maturity were beings who could not be deceived by magic that fooled the world.

"What the...!"

Nidhogg began to tear apart the magic circle as if it were a piece of meat.

With the dragon's formidable bite force, the magic circle was being torn apart.

"Damn it!"

Magic circles shattered in the sky above.

Vlad gritted his teeth as he watched the debris of the magic circle falling like glass shards.

'······Is this a dragon?'

The young Deathworm, which had not yet reached maturity.

Lindworm, who had just realized that he was a dragon.

Vlad had faced two dragons before, but the Nidhogg before him was a completely different opponent.

Has the Dragon Slayer Knight Order really faced such dragons before?


1 layer, 2 layers, 3 layers.

The magic circles, breaking apart and reforming each time, were undoubtedly created by squeezing out the energy of the elders.

However, the newly formed magic circles were becoming fainter, and projectiles flying from all directions were decreasing in number.

An opponent that magic couldn't handle.

The elves' decision to intercept the dragons from outside before they came in, if there were warriors, any means to find a way, was now returning as a fatal mistake.

"Vlad! Charge!"

"Damn it!"

The massive body finally reached the World Tree.

Elder Geronimo tried to block Nidhogg until the end by spreading out his arms, but his old body could no longer express clear determination.

Dark red blood that he could not swallow flowed from the corner of his mouth.


Nidhogg, the cruel predator who swept away all obstacles.

Finally, Nidhogg's claw struck the young World Tree.


Under the moonlight, branches swayed in confusion.

The girl's body bouncing painfully in the distance.

Both the young tree and the priestess were trembling in fear as they felt the greed coming from the dragon's claws.

The breath of destruction was right next to them.

"I'll lure him!"

"Got it!"

The young spirits at the end of the World Tree.

While Nidhogg's gaze momentarily focused there, Vlad and Auguste swiftly rushed in from both sides.


With his left eye closed, Auguste conjured his own world.

From his sword, the radiant dawn of a new day began to emerge.

Former Captain of the Imperial Security Guard, Auguste.

His light was the dawn that exposed lies.

"Right here!"

No matter how much one identifies a weakness, it's meaningless without exploiting it.

In the sudden appearance of Auguste, Nidhogg's snout, which was about to climb onto the tree, quickly covered his armpit.

"You are ugly."

Auguste's gaze intensified as he faced the fierce breath.

Yet, if he could hold this creature's attention here, there would undoubtedly be an opening for Vlad on the other side.


However, Nidhogg didn't intend to engage Auguste. He simply spewed out sharp thorns and hurriedly tried to climb upward.

A stream of venom began to spray over the head of the old knight.

"Damn it!"

Vlad, rushing from the other side, saw Auguste falling far away and quickly closed his left eye.

Although he wanted to seize the perfect opportunity if possible, the situation didn't allow for it.

"Before that bastard climbs up..."

There wasn't enough time to bring up the deep world.

But Vlad captured at least a trace of the voice.

A white lightning began to form from Vlad's left eye.

"You son of a bitch!"

Nidhogg is about to step on the World Tree and climb up.

At the tip of his pitch-black claws trembled the young spirits.

Dragons consume potential.

To become more perfect.

And now, these newly born young spirits were undoubtedly bundles of potential that dragons would surely covet.

"Right here! You bastard!"

Understanding Nidhogg's intention, Vlad began to ascend the World Tree without hesitation, launching a swift assault.

A streak of lightning, starting from the ground, was piercing into Nidhogg's side.

Fast, sharp, and more fierce than anyone else.

"That's it!"

Even Auguste, rolling on the ground, clenched his fist at just the perfect moment.

Vlad's sword, reaching towards the weakness, showed no sign of wavering.


However, Nidhogg's movements were agile enough to exceed everyone's expectations.

Vlad's world touched Nidhogg more sensitively than any other world.

Kind recognizes kind.


A dark shadow was falling across Vlad's gaze.

It was Nidhogg's tail, full of poison.


The air was filled with the sound of something shattering, accompanied by someone's screams, as shards scattered from beneath the World Tree.

Like shattered starlight.


Deep within the World Tree.

Within the warm embrace of the established roots.

There was a silver knight kneeling alone, bowing his head.


Without an ego, but with determination.

The silver blade sharpened its blade in response to the unpleasant sensation felt outside.

One was the greedy Dragon of the east.

And the other was the young dragon carrying the cold wind from the North.

However, the silver sword couldn't easily judge.

To the young dragon carrying the cold wind from the North, there was certainly a familiar aura.

That aura was undoubtedly a remnant of someone who had been with it.


I am a talisman protecting the World Tree, but originally, I am originally a sword.

The sword must be drawn to reveal its true form.

So, come to me.

You should be able to draw me.

The silver sword, standing under the moonlight, proudly raised its head.

Through the connecting worlds, it was silently calling the young dragon, bathed in starlight.

Tonight's moonlight was blue.