Soldiers were walking along a narrow mountain path.

The creaking sound of a carriage, laden with something heavy, echoed through the mountains.

"······But there have been strange rumors going around lately."

"What rumors?"

The march was not only peaceful, but also boring.

The supply convoy heading for Deomar had been traveling a peaceful road, so much so that tension was gradually easing for everyone.

"They say supply convoys heading to Deomar are being attacked."


One of the soldiers began to speak to the man next to him, perhaps out of boredom from the monotonous journey.

But upon hearing the words, the soldier beside him just chuckled as if it were absurd.

"What kind of bandits would dare to attack a supply convoy filled with armed soldiers?"

"Apparently, it's true. I heard people talking about it in the last village we passed through."

Who would dare to assault a group of soldiers armed to the teeth?

Even if the supply unit is weaker than the general military procession, it would be a burden for regular bandits to target.

"Don't talk nonsense. If there were a group bold enough to rob soldiers, rumors would've spread long ago."

"······That may be so, but..."

The soldier who initiated the conversation seemed to realize his concerns were unfounded, scratching his head and falling silent.

Moreover, they were currently on a wartime footing.

Even if there were bandits targeting supply convoys, now was not the time to speak freely, considering the bustling activity of military personnel.


However, misfortune always had a way of approaching from unexpected angles.

"Arrows! Fire arrows!"

"The carriage is on fire!"

The ominous presence had a way of drawing near when it called out its name.

"The trees are falling!"

From amidst the bushes, arrows filled with malice were shot, and simultaneously, trees began to topple in front and behind the procession.

"It's an ambush! Ambush!"

"Everyone, arm yourselves!"

In an instant, the path was blocked.

The black smoke rising from the carriages, the startled cries of horses. It was the moment when Bayezid's malice, deeply rooted in the western depths, bared its fangs.

"Stay calm, everyone!"

Although it was a sudden and unexpected situation, the leader of the supply unit quickly tried to calm the situation by encouraging his knights and soldiers.

"All stop! Protect the cargo!"

A knight of middle age, appearing solemn.

As experienced as he seemed, he quickly attempted to rectify the situation and prepare for the impending assault.


However, the onslaught of malice was faster and sharper than he had anticipated.

A speed to be reckoned with.

But by the time he saw it, it was too late, and by the time he reacted, it had already passed.

"Gawk, gag!"

With a chilling sensation, warm liquid gushed forth.

The leader of the convoy, unable to believe the current situation, grasped at his throat, wheezing. Yet, the beats originating from his heart continued to escape through his throat incessantly.

"······Couldn't even react."

While the soldiers were frozen in shock at the sudden situation, someone was smiling behind the splattering blood.

It wasn't a duel, but a war.

Nevertheless, the technique of killing with a single blow was applicable in any battlefield.

"This should suffice······. For now."

Where am I, and how far can I go?

The inexperienced young knight, through numerous trials, had sought to ascertain his position, and now he was certain.

"You two, come at me."

Now, I have become a formidable presence in someone's eyes.

"This madness! Captain······."

"You! Who are you!"

The two knights, startled by the death of their captain, drew their swords hastily and approached Vlad, surrounding him.

Two against one.

Yet, it was the one opposing them that overwhelmed the battlefield.

"Who am I?"

A calm yet resonant voice.

Amidst the attention of all, a single thread of the world began to emanate slowly from the blond-haired man.

"I am someone who has received legitimate authority from a noble person."

From his left eye, a clearly shining aura began to emanate.

The flag, name, and world.

Now, Vlad was someone who had the qualification to carve his own world in this world.

"I am Lady Alicia's knight, Vlad."

A single proclamation echoed quietly through the forest.

The forest began to shake as if it had been waiting for that proclamation.


"Kill them all!"

Merciless mercenaries, starving barbarians.

With Vlad's call, unidentified individuals began to rush out.

Shining white teeth were clearly visible between the distorted tattoos.

"You sons of bitches! Why are you so late!"

"Now we'll chop some people instead of trees!"

One scream followed by another.

Underneath the gruesome axes, soldiers' helmets burst open.

Beneath the incessantly fluttering banner of the west, the grains loaded on the wagon began to quench their dry thirst by swallowing bright red blood.

"Let's get started quickly. At this rate, all your subordinates will die."


Contrary to Vlad's seemingly relaxed expression, the two knights were simply bewildered.

The screams that relentlessly echoed from behind.

Yet, the knights couldn't easily draw their swords towards the intruders before them.

"Aren't you going to come in?"

Because this place was Vlad's battlefield.

Naturally, the flowing world was slowly dying this world in his colors.


"Good work."

"Do not mention. Father."

A city with the history of Bayezid. Sturma.

Two Bayezids looked at each other.

"As you ordered, I have led all the soldiers from the fortresses along the northern border. About a thousand soldiers in total."


After hearing Rutger's report, Peter nodded with satisfaction and accepted the map given by his advisor, Lagmus.

"The enemies are currently advancing towards Deomar, approximately 5,000 in number."

Peter explained the situation in detail along with the map.

If military movements were so blatant, there was no reason they wouldn't notice.

"In opposition, we have about 3,000 soldiers, even after combining forces with the Hainal army."


Gaidar was not alone in their march.

Since they were coming with direct and indirect support from the six families that followed them, it was safe to call them the Western Allied Forces.

"What does Iron Duke have to say?"

"He said he would help fend off any potential threat from the barbarians, but... It seems their direct involvement in battle will be difficult."

However, even with the strong provocation from the west, Tymur Baranov, the protector of the north, couldn't participate in opposing Gaidar's northern advance this time.

For him, the most urgent matter was resolving the evil presence of Baron Utman.

The forces in the central region, still clumping and sticking out like thorns, were tying up Iron Duke's limbs.

"On the surface, it's simply a confrontation between Deomar and Gaidar. Excluding us, who are direct allies, other northern lords may not have enough justification to participate."

Peter couldn't help but furrow his brows at the appearance of disadvantage seemingly orchestrated by someone.

The war between the seven and two families.

At first glance, the outcome of the battle may seem predetermined by sheer numbers.

"However, there is undoubtedly a gap to exploit."

Peter's finger pointed to a section of the map.

Towards the rear of the west.

It was where the western families, whose routes were not yet clearly defined, had settled.

"Gaidar is not yet the undisputed ruler of the west, and their allied army is like a fragile band. So, we will target this."

One of the biggest reasons Gaidar aims for the north is regime stability.

The top goal of this war will be to acquire scarce resources and at the same time solidify their regime through strong military power.

"I will give you eight hundred soldiers."

"As you command, father."

To win, one must know the enemy and oneself.

And Peter, along with their strengths, had already seen through the fatal weaknesses of Gaidar.

"Lead the soldiers I've given you and take a ship."

".....A ship?"

An unexpected order to head south.

While Rutger was taken aback, Peter's finger firmly pointed to the river that starts from Shoara.

"Our enemies are like grains of sand, and we will exploit that gap."

The direction of the war is decided from the preparation stage.

Peter never intended to determine the outcome of this war in a pitched battle between five thousand and three thousand.

"Lead the soldiers and occupy the city of Nassau in the Iznik Barony."


Peter's finger pointed towards the sea along the river.

No one would have expected it.

That Bayezid would withdraw troops and launch a preemptive strike in the current situation.

"It's fine if you can't occupy it. Instead, destroy it thoroughly."

They may not be able to directly enter the port of Nassau, which has many ships.

But if they manage to land successfully in the vicinity, there would be no possible way for the city of Nassau to stop Rutger's soldiers.

After all, their remaining ground forces were busy operating supply lines for Gaidar.

"I understand, father."

Now that Rutger finally grasped Peter's intentions, he accepted the orders handed to him and bowed his head.

"Perhaps we may even obtain the year-round port through this war."

"...Now is not the time to consider gains."

A war where no one could help.

It was undoubtedly unfavorable conditions, but if one were to flip the perspective, it also meant that all spoils of war in this conflict would belong to Bayezid.

Peter, as a ruler, was someone who prepared for the worst and even the best scenarios.

"Go, and be careful."

"Yes, father."

Understanding the sincerity embedded in Peter's dry tone, Rutger left the office with a small smile.

Clack- Clack-

The office, now vacated by Rutger.

As Peter and Lagmus quietly looked down at the map, a crow tapping on the window caught their attention.

Judging by the lack of hesitation in its tapping, it seemed like it was not the crow's first time delivering messages.

"It has finally arrived."


The crow brought a letter from the undercover group that Peter cultivated with as much effort as the Knights Order.

"······I guess he changed his name to Marcus this time."

The name changed with every dispatch of a message, but that was not important.

What mattered was whether the contents of the letter could satisfy Peter or not.


Though Peter rarely revealed his emotions, this time he was wearing a faint smile.

"Lagmus, prepare a crystal ball to send a message to Josef."

"Yes, my lord."

Looking at Peter's somewhat satisfied expression, Lagmus could guess the contents of the message within the letter.

As Lagmus quietly cast his spell, the light emitted from the crystal ball began to brighten gradually.

Peter, gazing at the light intently, seemed to be drifting further away with his thoughts.

"······They started it, so it's only fitting that we finish it."

A pillar and noble family of the North. Bayezid.

The eyes of the head of the family, Peter Bayezid, were focused on the western usurper, who was approaching the north beyond Deermar.

The ruthlessness of the North had no intention of treating those who invaded them with kindness.


The battlefield fell silent.

Only the occasional groans accompanied the merciless slashing of blades in this place filled with carnage.

There, Vlad was sitting on a half-collapsed carriage, muttering something.

"Is that tasty?"

"It's decent. In its own way."

His hands were busy peeling off the half-scorched wheat husk.

However, no one could deny that his actions didn't quite match his appearance.

"Hey, adjutant. Have you burned all the provisions?"

"We've burned them all."

"And the arrows?"

"Of course, those too. I have done this kind of thing once or twice before."

Aage reported confidently in response to Vlad's question.

It wasn't surprising, considering looting and arson were specialties among the barbarians.

"And have you taken all the gold coins?"


"Bring them. Every last bit."

Aage sighed as he looked at Vlad's outstretched hand, as if to say, "Hurry up and give them to me."

"You really seem more suited to this than being a knight."

"Bring them quickly. I'll distribute everything later."

A ruffin of the back alley who naturally preys on the bandits of the grassland.

Josef's recommendations were remarkably accurate.

Watching the scene of evil being suppressed by evil, Stefan shook his head in disbelief.

"If everything's been taken, let's go."

Though it's unclear which family they belonged to, Vlad's assault team successfully raided the supply convoy according to orders.

Carriages starting to catch fire in various places as per Vlad's orders.

The intense smell of burning wheat, slightly masking the scent of blood, filled the air as the flames roared.

"Captain, look. There's a crow coming."


Aage, with his sharp eyes like those of a barbarian, spotted the crow circling in the sky. Vlad merely cocked his head at the sight.

"How do they keep finding me every time?"

A mysterious knight. The crow, undoubtedly sent by Marcus, began descending in a leisurely spiral towards Vlad.

The black feathers now settled reminded him of the man's face full of scars.

"······I heard that crows like shiny things."


Aage shrugged in response to Vlad's question.

"Isn't your blonde hair shiny? I think even a crow would find it easily."

"······So you're a crow expert now."

Responding with a wry smile to Aage's banter, Vlad deftly retrieved a scroll tied to the crow's ankle.

"I wonder what's next."

As soon as the mission was over, another job came in, but no one here complained.

After all, they were at war right now, and they knew that Bayezid would have an advantage whenever they continued to move.

And Bayezid was one of the few employers who paid generously.

"Follow the crow?"

Two orders written on a small note.

One was to follow the crow's lead.

And the other remaining order.

'Rescue the last remaining Rabnoma.'

The bold handwriting emphasized the importance of this mission, unlike any before.


After reading the last order, Vlad naturally looked at the crow that was stealing and eating the wheat he was carrying.

The look in its eyes seemed to be asking them if they were ready to leave.

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