Josef's office bathed in gentle sunlight.

The office Alicia specially allocated for Josef wasn't as grand as Shoara's mayor office, but it was still a decent space.

"You went out with only ten men and provoked them..."

However, what could be heard in this decent space was not cheerful chatter, but merely the sound of a desk being tapped.

Zayar, who is expressionless but showing signs of discomfort next to him, is probably a bonus.

"According to the scouts' report, you went almost to the point of confrontation, right?"


To the questioning, Vlad merely rolled his eyes around.

In fact, it wasn't just almost to the point of confrontation; they had basically engaged.

Though he didn't draw his sword, he had kicked a few and returned, effectively making it a skirmish.

"I apologize."

Josef hates lies.

Vlad, reflecting on the valuable lessons he had learned during his time as a praying Riemann, quickly assumed a posture as if this were a model of repentance.

The slightly bowed head and the posture of politely admitting fault seemed like skills honed through practice.


Josef didn't even sigh anymore as he watched Vlad just say he was wrong without any intention of making excuses.

"You must have thought it was worth it."

He had initially thought Vlad was difficult to handle, but in reality, that judgment was a bit off.

Vlad was the kind of person who shone when left to his own devices, not one to be controlled.

"I hope your provocation was made through sober judgment."

Josef decided to respect his emerging personality.

It wasn't lacking or wrong; so he had to judge it based on the results.

Through this operation, Vlad had sufficiently proven himself as a full-fledged knight.

"Just remember. A knight's thoughts should be prudent, and his steps heavy."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Josef just wished he would be a bit more cautious from now on. Now that Vlad's name is known, every trace of the results of his actions will follow him like footprints, until he stops. Constantly.

"Make sure to rest well. It's good to conserve your energy."


Josef's advice to conserve energy in preparation for the upcoming war.

Contrary to Vlad's expectations, he didn't receive a severe reprimand, which left him somewhat surprised.

"What are you waiting for? You can leave now."


However, Zayar still tilted his head slightly, glaring at Vlad, seemingly with a stern gaze hinting at anticipation.

Unlike Josef, Zayar still seemed reluctant to easily let Vlad off the hook.


Watching Vlad step forward with a refined attitude without letting go of his tension until the end, Vordan, who had been sitting in a guest chair drinking tea, chuckled.

"That lad is still quite elusive."

A knight who is absolutely ruthless in what he does, but has an elegant appearance.

Vordan had never seen a knight with such a clear discrepancy between behavior and appearance.

"It seems like an amazing mix."

"…He may bounce around a bit, but he's the color Bayezid needs."

A knight who grew on his own rather than one created.

Josef wanted such a knight, and Vlad lived up to his expectations.

"It's a color that even my older brother covet."

Josef quietly picked up Vlad's report from the desk and walked over to the window, peering outside.

The sight of the soldiers, somehow excited, stirred something inside him.

They're probably excitedly discussing Vlad's provocation that happened today.

"Among Bayezid's knights, how many of them want to do such crazy things on purpose?"

Seeing the lively atmosphere at the garrison after a long time, Josef faintly smiled.

A shabby flag standing in the corner of the office.

Gaidar's eagle, along with Stephen's sword, had become a fine trophy and was gradually turning into another decoration.


"Sir Vlad."

"Oh, Stefan."

People packed tightly into the small mansion.

With familiar faces everywhere you stepped, Vlad and Stefan's meeting was natural.

"Are you hurt anywhere?"

"You say what you have to say first."

"I don't have anything to say."

Stefan, the mercenary leader, naturally followed up next to Vlad and spoke to him.

"Where are you headed?"

"To check on my horse."

"Ah, that one."

"I have to check on him at least once a day. His temperament is so unpredictable."

Stefan nodded quietly at Vlad's words.

His skills were excellent, but his temper was foul.

Having observed him from the sidelines, Stefan could easily imagine Noir.

"Shall we take care of the small things? We can at least provide him some food."

"I'd appreciate that."

He might appreciate it if they did, but whether they could or not was another matter.

Other than Gott, there was no stable keeper who could handle him.

"I've also requested an extension of the contract from Lord Vordan, so try not to cling too much."

".....Ha ha ha. It wasn't meant in that sense at all."

Vlad knew why Stefan was sticking to him.

Mercenaries were people chasing after shiny gold coins.

However, in this world, where everyone understood the value of gold coins, there was always bound to be noise in the exchange process.

"We simply want to work with you again, Sir Vlad, even just once more."

"Save your sweet talk."

In that sense, Josef Bayezid would undoubtedly be a great employer.

He wasn't as deceitful as Count Bitskaya in Tanoboya, nor was he as impoverished as Baron Dalmatia in Dobrechti.

"This way. Apparently, the stable's location has changed from before."

Stefan navigated confidently, as if he knew his ways.

Having arrived ahead of time with Marcus, Stefan had quickly figured out the ways of the mansion.

Stefan knew well that each of these small preparations would elevate his evaluation.

"This seems to be it. But it looks like someone is here."


A black horse was clearly taking up a vast space, unlike any other.

However, there was already a small shadow clinging to Noir's side even though Vlad did not allow it.

It was a child with familiar green hair.

"What are you doing here?"


As Vlad entered the stable, Charles had a subtle expression on his face.

It seemed welcoming, yet at the same time, it appeared uncomfortable.

"How often do I have to say this?"

"Why? If I have money, can I buy it?"

Vlad took the brush brought by the summoned stable keeper and brushed Noir's fur without even looking at Charles next to him.

Noir, who had been sensitive to unfamiliar voyages, began to growl like a dog, feeling Vlad's care after a long time.

"No matter how much money you have, there are things you can't buy. He's that kind."


Though the question may have seemed rude, it probably wasn't meant to express genuine desire to buy. It was likely just something said out of frustration.

Observing the suffocating awkwardness between Vlad and Charles, Stefan quickly exited the stable to give them space.

"Is that woman okay? The one who was hit by an arrow."


Now, there were only two people in the stable.

Looking at Charles, who stubbornly refused to leave despite being warned, Vlad could sense that the child had nowhere to go.

Being unwelcome anywhere was something Vlad was all too familiar with.

"Marta is fine. She's recovered a lot."

"Go take care of her then."

"She needs to rest. So, I don't disturb her."

Though Marta wasn't Charles's biological mother, she had raised him.

Having been the only person he could emotionally rely on, it made sense that Charles would hover around Vlad.

"Your cloak. I'll return it."

"...Keep it for now. It'll just get in the way during battle anyway."

Vlad thought of the woman growing cold while holding the child in her arms, and felt fortunate that she was safe.

Though they had no connection, there was something familiar about her.

Vlad hoped that his cloak would be of some help to her.

"······This one."

"What's this?"

The girl, disguised as a boy, hesitated for a moment before handing Vlad a small necklace.

"I was taught to always show gratitude sincerely. It's what Rabnomas do."


A brown necklace given by Charles.

The necklace, which seemed to be made of brass rather than gold or silver, had a smooth shine as if it had been carefully polished amid all the chaos.

"Why are you giving this to me?"

"Because you saved Marta. And me too."

Charles remembered Vlad's sacrifice to save the group.

If it weren't for Vlad's sacrifice, they might have been wandering in the cold wilderness by now.

Because the grace of life-saving was a heavy burden, Charles was determined to give as much as he promised, even if not right away.

"I don't have anything to give you right now. But I promise I will someday..."

"Put it away."

Vlad threw the brush he was holding into the bucket and opened his mouth bluntly this time, examining Noir's hooves.

"Is that some sort of heirloom or keepsafe? I decided to never accept anything like that again."


It seemed to have a story behind it.

Regardless of its value, Vlad had resolved not to accept such items.

Even now, avoiding Alicia at all costs stemmed from the same reason.


After thoroughly inspecting Noir's hooves, Vlad placed his hand on the sturdy flank of the horse and chuckled softly.

It was a simple statement, yet as he uttered it, there was a strange emotion welling up in his chest.

The moment has come for him to pass on this knowledge to someone else.

Truly, the ways of the world are unpredictable.

".....A knight should only receive a fair price."

A heavy statement, always kept close to his heart.

A person once told him that a knight should only receive a fair price, even for the smallest deeds.

Through him, Vlad confirmed the reality of the vague dream and was still chasing him, looking up into the distant sky.

The arrow shot towards the blue moon by the boy from the back alley still flew through the sky.

"I've already received a fair price for this mission. So, I won't accept what you offer."


Charles, finally looking back at Vlad, closed his mouth at the strange weight emanating from him.

A knight speaking of entitlement, and a girl who didn't even have the right to call herself Rabnoma yet.

Charles instinctively grasped the necklace she had offered earlier.

For some reason, she felt a tinge of annoyance.

".....But I'll definitely repay you later."

From the lying knight to the boy from the alley.

And to the girl who had nothing to offer in return.

The knight's oath, which had a strange resonance, continued to be passed down to someone else.


"We'll arrive in two days."

"Understood, Godin."

Now Deomar is so close that you can see it if you squint your eyes.

Despite some opposition and obstacles, Sigmund successfully led the main army back.

Even with the rapid advance, the lack of deserters showcased Sigmund's exceptional leadership.

"We're a month behind schedule, but we're still within the expected range."

Sigmund's fierce grin was directed towards the north.

His goal and purpose lay in this place.

As he felt the gleaming black dirt beneath his feet, Sigmund could sense that they were approaching the place he desired.


The scent of summer, not the harsh winds of the west.

Godin, like Sigmund, closed his eyes quietly and felt the approaching wind of Deomar.


Singing birds can be heard from far away.

Among them, Godin found the birdsong that distinctly reached his ears and opened his eyes with a faint smile.

'The cuckoo sings in summer.'

The sound of a cuckoo.

There was the sound of a cuckoo on a winter day that announced the beginning of a long-lasting relationship.

They had crossed paths once before, but they thought they would never see each other again. Yet fate had circled back around, bringing them face to face once more.

"There are many things to retrieve. Some things must be completely severed."

"Yes, Count."

The lord and the knight, sharing the same thoughts, nodded at the same time.

An army of five thousand from the Western Alliance.

Now they were pushing their first steps into Deomar's territory.

[T/L: Read more chapters here: - ]