Then suddenly after srinu sold ornaments he came to company and get to know that one of his investors had backstabbed him and because of him the company lost some millions of crores and then some employees recorded investors phone call and called cops on him . Faithfully all lost crores were returned he bought back Lakshmi's ornaments and the company once again reached top of the world . It has became number one tech company in the world everything was happy . So after facing so many struggles they decided to organize a party and in that party .lakshmi spoke a few words about srinu. Srinu loved me a lot and has taken care of me more than my father even though he's struggling he never made me upset. You know before our marriage an fortune teller said that we would be separated if we get married and here we're struggled a lot but never blamed each other for any reasons and never made clashes to cut our true love. So , people I want to tell you one thing a girl is lucky when you get a husband like srinu I mean one who respects women and never made her low on any reason. And other thing is no matter what if you believe in what you love no destiny could stop you from achieving it. Thank you. Then lakshmi took srinu to a garden by closing his eyes and srinu asked where are you taking me lakshmi by closing my eyes. Then lakshmi gave a gift box to him and said open it . There was a watch for srinu and a note in the box. Srinu pulled out the note and read it . It was written like we are becoming parents. Then srinu was at the top of the world and he lifted lakshmi and roamed a round. They were so happy.