

Hey give me back my bag stop I dont like this at all. I ran with all my might to catch up with the person who took it. He was tall dark and huge but really scary.

Am an heiress a Spoilt one. My uncles and grand uncle are multi-billionaires what do i have to lose. But that bag was really important to me it was bought for me by my most favorite uncle(Steven). 

That aside i was still on the chase and almost lost my breathe when one tall looking slender lady comes out of restaurant and jabs the thief by the leg causing him to fall cause he never expect it.

I used that little interlude to quickly rush over and take the thief down and retrieve my bag yet back.

Afterwards I looked up to see the girl looking at me like i am a sort of supper hero she fell in love with at first site..

To make it more dramatic I flip my hair to the side and blew breeze on my hand acting all cool.

"Wow!!!!". She shouts with dreamy eyes.

"Thanks a lot for the help". I said taking her warm hands in mine. She was still day dreaming i guess.

I gave a laugh and tried awakening her from it.

Alma come back inside here and take your trash and leave my restaurant you shitty thing.I was wondering who Alma was until my beautiful fan cut our meeting short and excused herself inside. So her name is Alma. So beautiful too.

I rushed inside after her and shouted at the owner. I also pleaded on hwr behalf and she was so happy thats she still get to keep her job.

End of flashback.

"Alma what re you doing here in my uncles houses. I thought you still worked in that restaurant".

 I questioned her and she told me all about how her father borrowed money and was not able to refund it. I was really mad but happy at the same time I guess how fates are really intertwined.

I quickly left my uncle to help my new found friend in doing the dishes.

2hrs later wer were done and i invited Alma tommy room at first she turned me down i had to convince her painstakingly before she agreed.

We both went to my room am played princess. We changed into a lot of clothes as usual Alma was shy to try it but i did my best to convince her. 

It was already getting late and Alma's curfew was due. She starts to panic and i was at lose for word.

"You can just sleep over at my place i don't mind. There is enough space for the both of us on my bed".

I hurriedly jumped on my bed and parted a space for her. 

She takes off some layers of her clothes and sleeps right next to me. I felt so happy she is getting comfortable with me. I want her for my arrogant first uncle. I believe only she can tame him.

That Wa the thought in my mibd before i drifted to dream land and dreamt of them getting married. They were the perfect couple.

"Katee, get the fuck down here this instance". My uncles were at it again it is too early to deal with then am so fucking fed up.. Who uses the intercom to wake someone from sleep.

I look to my bed and realize that Alma had gotten up. My Instinct immediately told me that she might be the reason Steven is shouting this early morning. I just I hate how he behaves at times.

I quickly tie my robe around my body and rush Down the stairs no time to take the elevator.

"Good morning my ever sweet uncle wassup this morning and why do you seem all riled up". I tested the water first.

I look around the sitting room and i could see Alma kneeled on the floor. Heree goes he lecture about how the royals are not to be intimate with the servants again. I won't gice him the satisfaction of that lecture.

"Yes uncle i know am not supposed to be intimate with rhw servant and all but common she is a friend ohk??". 

He looks at me and i know that look he feels defeated . I grin and went ahead to hug him dismissing all the maids including Alma.

I decided to cook for my uncle so as to appease him and score more brownies from him. Hehehehe don't blame me they spoiled me.

Two weeks later.


Its been two good weeks and both Alma and Andrew never for once met. She cleaned his room always but it was never when he was around. Alma was more happier in the mansion because she and get new found Friend went everywhere together.