Chapter 13

Jake's POV

"Have you lost it?" My eyes shifted into Crimson color.

All of them bared their necks in submission and the Alpha aura hit them hard.

"Jake stop.." Chloe pleaded.

"Since when did I begin to take permission from you?" I bent down to where Sullivan was.

"I'm sorry Jake…I mean Alpha." He apologized for not wanting death after all.

"Good know your place!" I told him and went back to my normal state.

"Dad, wait." Sullivan ran away and Anabelle chased after him.

Celine and Nicholas helped Chloe stand up and Celine stood there looking at me in shock,I went back to my seat and continued eating.

"What's happened!" Steel came inside and looked around seeing Chloe shivering must have made him mad.

"What the heck did you do? She's your sister!" He dragged me by the collar.

"Steel stop, he isn't himself!" Chloe yelled.

"Let go of me." My eyes shifted,my claws were out.

"Jake, what 's wrong with you?" Steel released his grip.

"I'm sorry Alpha." He bowed.

"I would never hurt Chloe, you should know that." Chloe was his mate that was why he was furious.

"I know." He replied and sat down.

"I needed to put Sullivan in place,he had been breaking some rules recently and the council were scared of punishing him." I explained.

"Why?" Steel asked.

"They think they'll go against me because Anabelle is related to him." 

"They don't even see her as your mate so why?" He muttered.

"What?" I heard him clearly.

"Never mind." He replied.

"Are you hurt?" Steel asked Chloe as she was about to sit.

"Don't act like you care?" Chloe rolled her eyes.

"When are you going to stop being indifferent towards each other it's not as if you guys haven't mated." I looked at the both of them arguing.

"You guys are mates?" Celine asked I didn't know she was still there.

"Yes." Steel scratched his hair.

"Kinda." Chloe blushed.

"Wow this dinning hall is so full of surprises,the other day I got to know he's your brother and now." Celine shook her head.

"I'm sorry…. you're the one that has been avoiding me lately." Chloe replied.

"This family is weird." Celine whispered and continued serving.

"So what's up?" I asked him.

"There's been another killing." He sighed.

"Not here." I frowned. I didn't want him to scare the rest.

"Did you just say another killing, what's going on Jake." Chloe asked.

"Nothing, it's not something that I can't handle." I told her.

"Oh okay but I don't want Steel going anywhere around killings." She stated this time she wasn't playing.

"He's the Beta of this pack. I give him orders you don't tell me what to do." I frowned at her. I ate being challenged or instructed.

"I'm serious Jake, if anything happens to him you wouldn't find it funny." She folded her arms.

"Calm down Chloe." Steel told her.

"Don't tell me to calm down! The other day he ordered you to go to the rogue's territory and you almost died!" Chloe slammed her fist on the table.

"But he didn't because someone here showed up in time to save him,if he had followed the plan he wouldn't have been hurt." Jake slammed his knife on the table.

"Why do I bother arguing with you because you can never know how I felt." Chloe stood up.

"What do you mean?"

"Mate… you don't how it feels watching your mate going through pain because you don't have one…now I know why the moon goddess didn't bless you with one." 

"Chloe, that's not right!" Steel yelled at her.

I clenched my fist in anger. Chloe walked out and Steel followed her.I looked up to see Celine looking at me with pity.

That's right the moon goddess didn't bless me with a mate she cursed me with one.

I woke up with an intense headache and body pain after the incident Anabelle hadn't visited and Chloe had been feeling guilty. She thinks I'm still angry at her. For some reason I just don't feel like going out.

"Good morning Alpha." Celine came in.

"Just call me Jake when we're alone." I went back to sleep.

"No.. I'll stick with Alpha, that's what everyone calls you then why should I be different." She replied I didn't have the energy for her tantrums so I let her be.

"Aren't you going out today?" Celine asked.

"Hmmm." I muttered I was feeling so weak and tired.

"Are you fine?" I didn't reply.

"Alpha?" She called.

"Oh my!" Celine had lifted up the duvet to see my lips were pale,she touched my head to feel my temp.

"Chloe!" Celine was about to call for help but I stopped her.

"You need a doctor." She looked at where I held her.

"I'll be fine." I replied and released her hand.

"Not if I can help it,I would love for you to die but my wolf won't be at peace." I chuckled at her words.

"If you won't let me call Chloe, let me at least get something to calm the fever down." Celine was worried which actually surprised me.

"Fine." I grunted.

"I'll be back." She left in a hurry.


"What's wrong with me?" I got no answer.

"Okay unbutton your shirt." Celine came in with a basin of water and a napkin.

"You've got to be kidding me." 

"I can't calm your fever down when you're all dressed up." 

"Fine." I frowned.

 I took off my shirt and rested on the bed frame.

"Oh my." Celine gasped as she looked at my body features.

"Carl, I need you to answer me."

"The full moon is approaching." He answered.

"And?" I asked.

"If we don't get mated we'll go wild." He replied and went back to my head.