Chapter 33

Jake's POV

Sullivan words made me furious he was challenging my authority truly I was having relationship with Anabelle and I had promised her the title of my Luna but her father bringing it up to the elders was infuriating.

Sullivan wasn't doing this because he has good intentions for me he was doing it because of his selfishness and he thought the best way to achieve his goal is to bring it here how stupid if him!

"So your solution is to have Anabelle as my Luna?" I stood up from my seat and walked towards him.

"Yes Sir,you need a mate and Lady Anabelle is the only mate figure you have." He replied.

The elders murmured in agreement their eyes were on me the whole time I guess they thought I would yield to Sullivan's request.

"Aren't you going to tell them that you have a mate?" Steel said through the link.

I didn't want Celine in the picture now accepting her as my mate can be dangerous for me and for her.