chapter Thirty Five

Sally's heart skips a beat at the sound of the notification. The familiar chime and the glowing text in her vision are a stark contrast to the forest's primitive and perilous atmosphere. She quickly glances around, but none of the others seem to notice the notification. The chime must be audible only to her.

She hesitates for a moment, then mentally selects "Yes." A faint glow surrounds her and the women around her, forming a spectral ring before fading away.

|| Party formed ||

The notification vanishes, and a new interface appears in her vision, showing the status of each party member. Names, health bars, and other vital statistics are listed alongside each woman's face.

|| Dagi: HP 685/850 || Lv: 1 ||

|| Britta: HP 630/700 || Lv: 1 ||

|| Perena: HP 605/650 || Lv: 1 ||

|| Jurai: HP 675/750 || Lv: 1 ||

|| Veene: HP 466/550 || Lv: 1 ||

|| Mare: HP 785/900 || Lv: 1 ||

|| Firn: HP 500/550 || Lv: 1 ||

"Are you alright, Sally?" Dagi's voice pulls her back to reality. The deer kin woman is watching her closely, a flicker of concern in her eyes.

"Yes," Sally replies, shaking off her distraction. "Just... a bit overwhelmed."

Dagi nods, a sympathetic look crossing her face. "I understand. This forest can do that to you. Let's keep moving."

The group continues their cautious journey through the dense forest. Sally keeps a close eye on the party interface, ready to alert the others if any of their statuses change. The forest seems to close in around them, the shadows growing longer as the sun sinks lower in the sky.

As they walk, Sally's senses remain on high alert. Every rustle and whisper in the underbrush sets her nerves on edge. The forest is teeming with life, but not all of it is friendly. Her fingers tighten around the bow, ready to draw an arrow at the slightest sign of danger.

The sun dips below the horizon, and the forest is plunged into twilight. Dagi raises a hand, signaling the group to stop. "We'll camp here for the night," she says. "It's too dangerous to travel in the dark."

The women set to work quickly, gathering wood for a fire and setting up their makeshift tents. Sally helps where she can, her eyes constantly scanning the forest for any sign of movement. The party interface shows everyone in good health, but the tension in the air is palpable.

As the fire crackles to life, the group settles down around it, the warm glow providing a small measure of comfort against the encroaching darkness. Dagi takes the first watch, her eyes sharp and alert.

Sally lies down on her bed of leaves and moss, exhaustion tugging at her eyelids. She closes her eyes, but sleep eludes her. She brings up the interface again.

|| Sally ||

|| Lv: 1 || Exp: 500/2000 ||

|| HP: 13,200 ||

|| MP: 33,000 ||

|| STR: 17,000 ||

|| AGI: 48,500 ||

|| Inventory ||

|| Party || ×7 ||

|| Locked ||

"The numbers are all different." She taps each tab, noting the difference between this interface and that of the game. "This one says locked, wonder what it is. My skills maybe?" After noticing nothing new of interest, she soon falls asleep.

The next morning sees the group back on their feet. The forest floor is uneven, filled with roots and fallen branches that make each step a potential hazard. As they continue their cautious journey, the air becomes cooler, and the dense canopy above seems to swallow the last remnants of daylight. The chirping of insects grows louder, accompanied by the occasional rustle of unseen creatures.

Sally's senses remain on high alert, her eyes flicking to the party interface periodically. She is still adjusting to the surreal blend of her situation and her new reality, the system overlaying her vision like a guide. The health bars and names of her companions give her a sense of their well-being, a small comfort.

The forest is ancient, with towering trees whose branches intertwine to create a near-impenetrable roof of leaves. Vines hang down like green curtains, and the air is thick with the scent of earth and foliage. The group moves silently, their footsteps muffled by the thick layer of moss and leaves underfoot. Every rustle and whisper sets Sally's nerves on edge, her bow always at the ready.

Despite the tension, the women try to maintain a semblance of normalcy. Britta, breaks the silence with a soft voice. "Sally, where did you get your clothes? I can sense magic in them. You must have been quite rich to buy clothes like this." She glances at Sally's dress, her blue scarf flowing with the wind along side her knee length blue coat.

Sally glances at her, grateful for the distraction. "Not quite. I got this after fighting a giant magic fish as a re... more like I made it from the fish materials."

Perena, the rabbit kin, chuckles softly. "Fighting a magic fish, you must be an adventurer then."

Dagi, ever vigilant, keeps her eyes on the path ahead. "We should focus on getting out of the forest before nightfall tomorrow. The creatures here are more active after dark and I have a feeling, our luck won't last much longer."

As the sun dips below the horizon, they find a small clearing and decide to set up camp. The women work quickly, gathering wood for a fire and setting up makeshift tents from animal hides and branches. The fire crackles to life, casting a warm glow that wards off the encroaching darkness.

Sally sits by the fire, her thoughts drifting to her interface once again.

Dagi takes the first watch, her spear at the ready. The firelight flickers across her determined face, casting long shadows that dance in the night. Sally lies down on her bed of leaves and moss, exhaustion finally catching up with her. Despite the day's events, sleep comes slowly, her mind racing with thoughts of the journey ahead.

The next morning, they break camp early, the forest still cloaked in the soft light of dawn. The group moves cautiously. The terrain begins to change, the dense forest giving way to rocky hills and rugged terrain.

The ground becomes more uneven, with jagged rocks jutting out of the earth and steep inclines that test their endurance. After two hours, Sally can feel the strain in her legs as they climb, her muscles protesting with each step. The air is thinner here, cooler, and the wind carries a hint of the distant mountains.

The conversation is sparse, each woman focused on the challenging terrain. Veene, a fox kin, stumbles on a loose rock, but Sally is quick to catch her. "Are you okay?" she asks, concern etched on her face.

Veene nods, a grateful smile on her lips. "Thank you. It's just a bit harder with the extra weight."

Sally smiles back, though the concern doesn't leave her eyes. "We'll get through this."

As they reach the top of a particularly steep hill, the view opens up before them. The rugged hills stretch out into the distance, a stark contrast to the dense forest they left behind. The sense of progress gives them a much-needed boost of morale.

They take a moment to rest, catching their breath and taking in the view. Mare, a bear kin with brown fur, sits down carefully, her hand resting on her swollen belly. "It's beautiful up here," she says softly, her eyes scanning the horizon.

"It is," Sally agrees, her mind briefly wandering back to new world online and her best friend. 'Maybe I can find her here.' Dagi gazes at the sky. "We should keep moving, though. We need to find a safe place to camp before nightfall."

The group continues their journey, the rocky hills gradually giving way to a wide, open plain. The grass is tall and sways gently in the breeze, creating a sea of green that stretches out as far as the eye can see. The sky above is a brilliant blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds.

The plains offer a different kind of challenge. There is no cover here, no trees to hide behind, and the sense of vulnerability is palpable. The women stay close together, their eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of danger.

Despite the open expanse, the plains have their own beauty. Wildflowers dot the landscape, their vibrant colors a stark contrast to the green sea of grass. The sound of insects fills the air, a constant hum that is both soothing and unsettling.

As they walk, the women start to open up, sharing stories and experiences. Britta talks about her childhood in the forest, how she learned to track and hunt from a young age. Perena shares stories of her travels, the places she's seen and the people she's met.

Sally listens intently, grateful for the distraction and the sense of camaraderie. She shares her own stories, about her life in new world online, the battles and her friends. The women are fascinated, asking questions and marveling at the stories.

The sun is high in the sky when they come across a small stream. The water is clear and cold, a welcome relief from the heat of the plains. They take a moment to rest and refill their water containers, the cool water revitalizing their spirits.

Jurai, the wolf kin, sits down next to Sally. "Tell me more about this Maple."

Sally smiles, her thoughts drifting back to her home. "She's amazing, kind, she can sometimes be a little clueless, but I think that makes her cute, and then she does all this unbelievable things. She's very different from me, but..."

Jurai nods, a thoughtful look in her eyes. "She sounds wonderful. When you meet her again, it might be best to tell her how you feel."

"Wha..." Sally jumps, a blush visible on her facy. "I don't... there's nothing going on... I... I don't swing that way."

Jurai just gives a toothy grin. "Keep telling yourself that. Just make sure it's not too late."

The journey continues, the plains gradually giving way to rolling hills and farmland. The landscape is dotted with patches of cultivated land all abandoned, signs of a once thriving agricultural community. The air is filled with the scent of earth and growing things.

Dagi slows the group with the extension of her spear. "We're nearing the empire's borders, we have to really pray we don't get sighted or we're as good as dead."

The women move cautiously through the farmland, their eyes constantly scanning for any sign of danger. The fields are overgrown, the crops long since abandoned, but there is a sense of peace here, a quiet reminder of simpler times.

As they walk, they come across a dilapidated farmhouse. The roof has caved in, and the walls are covered in ivy, but it offers a brief respite from the open plains. They take shelter inside, grateful for the opportunity to rest and regroup.

Dagi sits by the door, her spear at the ready. "We should be safe here for the night. Let's get some rest."

The women settle down, the tension of the past days finally easing. They share a simple meal, the food providing much-needed nourishment and comfort. Sally takes the opportunity to check the party interface again, noting that everyone is in good health.

As the night falls, the farmhouse offers a sense of security they haven't felt in days. The walls may be crumbling, but they provide a barrier against the outside world, a small measure of protection in an otherwise hostile environment.

Sally lies down on the floor, her thoughts drifting to the past, her talk with Jurai opening up memories of her best friend. "I don't think of Maple like that, do I?" She whispers into the night a blush settling on her cheeks.

The next morning, they set out early, the sun just beginning to rise. The farmland stretches out before them, a patchwork of fields and rolling hills. The air is fresh and crisp.

As they walk, the conversation flows easily, the sense of camaraderie growing stronger with each step. Sally feels a sense of hope.

That hope, is squashed almost immediately.

Jurai hears it first, her ear twitching as they swivel. "Something's coming... From the air." Veene's ears swivel as well. "Large too, I don't think it's a random flying monster." She faces a direction. "Over there."

In the distance they can see a dot in the sky, then quickly it gets bigger and Dagi's eyes widen. "Run!"

They immediately take to their heels with Dagi bringing up the rear.

Behind them with large flapping wings is a black wyvern. The wyvern swoops in at wind breaking speed, Dagi notices and calls out. "Get down!"

The women and Sally immediately drop to the ground as the wyvern misses them in it's dive.

Mare, hits the ground a little too hard. "Aaaahhh. Hah... Hah." She clutches her stomach in pain as she takes deep forceful breaths.

Sally hears Mare's scream of pain and the others rushing to the pregnant woman, but she focuses her gaze on the wyvern. On the creature's back, she spots a figure. 'a human?'

Back on her feet, Sally waves her arms. "Hey over here! I'm human. Stop attacking! I'm human!"

The wyvern makes a U turn and dives towards her. On getting close to her though, it slows and then roars at her.

Sally, seeing the wyvern slow down speaks again. "I'm human, we're being hunted. These are pregnant women, they are no threat."

The wyvern opens its large mouth again in what Sally expects to be a roar.

Sally feels the hair on her skin rise and her instinct takes over. The wyvern releases a blast of pressurized wind.

The blast creates a small crater on the ground, but Sally is already leaping away. The shockwave however is large and Sally is carried along with the wave, landing a few distance away.

Rolling with her landing, relatively unhurt, Sally draws her daggers. ' I'll have to incapacitate his mount and knock him out in an instant. It'll be tough to do mid air but I should be able to...'

"Sally!!" Jurai screams, her furs standing upright as her fangs grow. She had seen the wyvern attack Sally but had no idea if Sally had survived. "You bastard!!"

The wyvern turns to the wolf kin, gliding over to the enraged woman.

Jurai is not deterred however as she rushes towards the flying creature on all fours. She leaps high into the air her claws slashing at the wyvern's hind legs.

The wyvern however, feels nothing as it forcefully slams its leg down.


Right on top of the wolf kin.

The world seems to pause as the women freeze and stare at the body of their comrade under the wyvern's hind legs.

A man in armor jumps down from the Wyvern with a thud. "And here I thought it was just going to be another boring patrol." He turns his gaze to Dagi, who grips her spear tighter. "Who knew I'd get to have so much fun."

With his dark hair flowing in the wind he turns to Sally. "And you're a human right? You must be cajoling with these animals. Don't worry when I'm done with you, I'll give you a painless death. A little too young for my taste but I'm not picky."

Sally barely registers his voice though as her eyes are stuck to the interface before her.

|| Jurai: HP 13/750 || Lv 1 ||

|| Jurai: HP 12/750 || Lv 1 ||

|| Jurai: HP 11/750 || Lv 1 ||

Tears form on the edge of her eyes and stream down her face. Before the first drop can touch the floor however, Sally vanishes.

A sonic boom echoes as Sally closes the distance between her and the man in an instant, her daggers glowing a fluorescent light.

The man draws his sword, but that's all he does as Sally's dagger slices through it and then through his hands and then in one motion she stabs her dagger into his mid section dragging it upwards and out of his shoulder.

Sally isn't finished yet as she lets out a roar, slicing into his other shoulder and out of the other side of his mid section. She then proceeds to slice him from his groin up to his head, easily cutting through his skull and splitting him in two. His body is still in the process of falling when she slashes it horizontally cutting it in four places, then diagonally cutting it into six places, diagonally again, cutting it into eight places. Sally continues to slash and slash cutting the body into smaller and smaller pieces.

Blood sprays the air as Sally finally stops to take a breath. Pieces of meat raining all over. At some point the wyvern had ended up as chopped pieces of meat as well.


Sally turns back in an instant, her eyes widening as a broken Jurai twitches and wheezes for breath.

|| Jurai: HP 4/750 || Lv 1 ||

"Jurai!" Sally rushes to the wolf kin's side.

|| Heal ||

She casts her skill. "Please... please... please... please... please."

"Please work."