Chapter Fifty Two

The fall had lasted a good forty seconds before the entire cliffside shattered on contact with the ground. The adventurers immediately collapsed into a mess of broken bones and limbs.

The entire raid party was down, every adventurer either dead or unconscious, except one.

"Okay... This might not have been such a great idea after all." Chrome groaned as he got on his feet, feeling a little shaken.

As he surveys his surroundings, he's met with an otherworldly landscape. Meadows stretch before him, a vast expanse of fiery terrain.

The ground beneath his feet crackles with heat. Towering grasses with razor-sharp blades. Their leaves shimmer like molten gold.

Flora burst forth from the earth, vibrant flowers that seem to contain miniature infernos. Petals of fiery orange, crimson, and yellow.

Moss carpets the terrain. The moss's emerald-green hue seems almost surreal amidst the sea of flames.

Beasts roam the meadows, massive felines with scales that shimmer like polished obsidian. Their fur ripples with heat, as if infused with the very essence of a volcano.

Creatures tower above, horned beasts with coats that mirror the fiery landscape.

Birds flit through the air, avian creatures with wings that burn. Feathers leave trails of destruction in their wake.

Lava streams flow through the meadows, narrow rivers of molten rock that see formations loom, towering monoliths of hardened ash.

Geysers erupt, spewing superheated steam into the air. The sight is a deep contrast from the sight from before they were chased by Cyclops.

"Wow... We fell all the way to the second floor. That's a very Maple thing to do, huh?. Next thing I know we'll be attacked by a group of powerful monsters." Chrome stretched his arms wide with a groan when he heard a growl.

Apparently, their entrance hadn't gone unnoticed as the obsidian felines surrounded the group. They were massive, the smallest being two meters tall and all muscle, their claws had a sickening sheen betraying the toxicity behind them.





"Me and my big mouth."


"Ugh." Bekhan groaned as he opened his eyes, his legs felt like they had been crushed between the tusks of a Rhynoo and his arms felt no different from the jelly cake he enjoyed that one time. Gazing up at the sky he was slightly jarred by the scorching red sky shimmering down on him. That, along with the pain made him believe he was dreaming.

Then he remembered. 'The cyclops, the dungeon... the cliff... screaming, and then... pain.'


The sound of battle snapped him from his dazed state as he took in his surroundings.

Littered across the ground, were the prone forms of the adventurers that had joined the raid

Bekhan's gaze swept across the carnage, his mind racing to piece together the events that led to this devastation. The clash of steel on steel echoed through the air, punctuated by grunts and cries of exertion. He struggled to sit up, his body protesting with a chorus of aches and pains.

As he assessed his surroundings, Bekhan's eyes landed on a pack of Kraelions, their massive forms looming in the distance. The creatures' eyes blazed with fury, massive claws swinging in wide arcs, crushing anyone who dared to stand in its way. The raiding party, once a cohesive unit, now lay scattered and broken.

Bekhan's thoughts turned to his comrades, his heart sinking as he spotted Chiyo's limp form, her sword lying a few feet away, smeared with dark, viscous blood. Nearby, Arin's massive frame stirred, the warrior's face twisted in a grimace as he slowly came to. The others, however, remained still, their bodies battered and bruised.

With a Herculean effort, Bekhan heaved himself to his feet, his legs trembling beneath him. The scorching red sky seemed to intensify the pain, making his head spin. He squinted, shielding his eyes with a raised hand.

The clash of steel on steel grew louder, and Bekhan's instincts kicked in. He forced himself to focus, his gaze darting between the felines and his fallen comrades. Chrome, the representative of the Maple Tree guild traded blows with several of the creatures, his massive cleaver slicing through the air. But the pack was twice a dozen strong, and the impressive shielder would be hard-pressed to protect their large group. Bekhan knew he had to act, to join the fray and help turn the tide.

With a deep breath, Bekhan steeled himself and rushed forward, laying his hands on Arin's stirring form, a white glow encompassing them as he pushed his healing magic forward.

As the healing energy coursed through Arin's body, Bekhan felt the warrior's strength begin to return. Arin's eyes snapped open, locking onto Bekhan's with a mixture of gratitude and determination.

"Chiyo..." Arin's voice rasped, his gaze darting toward the fallen rogue.

Bekhan's expression turned grim. "We need to get everyone up, and fast. Chrome's holding off the Kraelions, but he can't keep it up for long."

Arin nodded, his massive frame surging upward as Bekhan helped him to his feet, the battle raging around them.

Chrome's cleaver bit deep into a Kraelion's shoulder, but the creature's poison-tipped claws ripped through the air, forcing the shielder to dodge. The pack's numbers seemed endless, their fury unrelenting.

"Arin, take point!" Bekhan shouted, his hands weaving intricate patterns as he summoned a barrier of shimmering energy. "I'll keep the Kraelions off our backs! Look around for anyone that may be a healer."

With a roar, Arin charged forward, his sword slicing through the fray. Bekhan's barrier flared to life, deflecting snapping claws and venomous fangs. Chiyo's limp form was mere feet away, but Bekhan tore his gaze away, looking through the fallen forms for a healer.

A Kraelion lunged, its jaws wide open, and Bekhan's barrier shimmered under the impact. The creature's poison seeped through the energy shield, threatening to overwhelm Bekhan's concentration.


A red shield slammed into the feline, sending it flying a dozen feet into the distance. Chrome grinned. "About time, one of you woke up, this is the fourth pack now, I'm exhausted. Can you hurry up with the others please?."

"Alright, we need to prioritize the healers – look out!" Bekhan yelled, his vision blurring from the strain, as three Kraelions pounced on the shielder, slicing and biting.

A massive sword launched into the ranks of the three felines and they retreated from the shielder. Shade's rising form having thrown the weapon the moment he woke.

Arin heaved a mage-prone body over his shoulder, and appeared at Bekhan's side, Bekhan's barrier buying them precious seconds. Chrome rushed back in, his cleaver slicing through the Kraelions' ranks, clearing a path.

The clash of steel on steel, the scent of blood and poison, and the scorching red sky all blended into a maelstrom of chaos. Bekhan's thoughts narrowed to a single focus: healing.

Bekhan's eyes locked onto the mage's prone form, his mind racing with the urgency of the situation. Arin gently laid the mage down, and Bekhan immediately began assessing the extent of their injuries.

"Alive, but barely," Bekhan muttered, his hands weaving intricate patterns as he channeled healing energy into the mage's body.

The mage's eyes flickered open, and they gazed up at Bekhan with a mixture of confusion and gratitude.

"What's your name, boy?" Bekhan growled as he rushed. "K-Kaelin," the mage stammered, their voice barely audible.

"Welcome back, Kaelin," Bekhan said, his expression grim. "We need your skills. We have multiple injured raid members."

Kaelin's gaze darted around the chaotic battlefield, their eyes widening as they took in the carnage.

"Petra... Bone... Jax..." Kaelin's voice trailed off, their face pale.

"We'll get to them," Bekhan assured, his hands still channeling healing energy. "But first, we need you to stabilize the others."

With a nod, Kaelin began to stir, their hands trembling as they summoned their own healing magic.

The clash of steel on steel intensified, and Bekhan's barrier shimmered under the impact of snapping claws and venomous fangs.

"Arin, we need to hurry!" Bekhan yelled, his vision blurring from the strain.

Arin nodded, his massive frame charging forward, sword slicing through the fray.

Chrome and Shade fought in tandem, their movements fluid as they cleared a path through the Kraelions' ranks.

Bekhan's barrier held strong, but the creatures' relentless assault began to take its toll. In the distance, another pack of massive scorching Kraelions headed their way.

"We need to fall back!" Chrome shouted, his cleaver biting through a Kraelion's shoulder, exiting from its side.

"They're not all up yet!" Bekhan yelled, his hands weaving intricate patterns as he healed the leader of the Gale party.

The raiding party began to wake as Bekhan healed through the ranks, their movements chaotic as they struggled to regain formation.

More Kraelions approached, their fury unrelenting.

A massive gauntlet emitting a milky aura, smashed into the skull of a Kraelion as Kitti roared. "We have to find the leader of the pack!!"

Kitti's gauntlet shattered the Kraelion's skull, sending its lifeless body crashing to the ground. The warrior's eyes blazed with determination as she charged forward, her massive frame clearing a path through the fray.

"Of course!" Bekhan suddenly realized. "Find the alpha!" He shouted, his barrier shimmering under the relentless assault. "Take it down, and the others will falter!"

Chrome and Shade fought in tandem, their movements fluid as they cleared a path through the Kraelions' ranks. Arin's sword sliced through the fray, his massive frame unstoppable.

Kaelin's healing magic wove through the party, stabilizing the injured and reviving the unconscious. Petra's eyes flickered open, and she sprang to her feet, her bow singing as she unleashed a hail of arrows into the Kraelions' ranks.

Bone, a rogue, stirred, his eyes locking onto Bekhan with a mixture of gratitude and determination.

"I can find the alpha," Bone growled, his daggers flashing in the scorching red light.

Bekhan nodded, his hands weaving intricate patterns as he maintained the barrier.

"Kitti, clear a path!" Bekhan yelled.

Kitti's gauntlet smashed through the Kraelions' ranks, creating an opening for Bone to slip through.

The rogue darted forward, his daggers flashing as he weaving through the fray.

"Alpha's ahead! North West." Bone shouted, his voice carrying above the clash of steel.

A massive Kraelion hid beyond the chaos, its eyes blazing with fury, its claws dripping with venom. Unlike the obsidian-striped visage of the normal Kraelions, the alpha was a sickening yellow with green stripes, yellow fumes bellowing from its jaws with every breath as venom dripped from its teeth.

A quick glance at the beast sent shivers down Bekhan's spine as the shielder leaped towards the alpha in a single bound. Bekhan's respect for the man soared even higher considering the man had been fighting for far longer (based on the dozens and dozens of Kraelions corpses littered over the ground) than the entire raid party put together.

The other party leaders charged towards the alpha with a roar.