Tragedy And New Beginning

Several months had passed since Yun Tian arrived in Tianyun Village. The months had passed since Yun Tian's arrival in this unknown world. During this time, he gradually adapted to his new life. Memories of New York had faded, replaced by the tranquility of the mountain village and the warmth of his new family. Yun Tian spent his days working in the fields alongside his father, Yun Bao, and his mother, Li Cao. The evenings, he devoted to cultivation under the guidance of the old man

Master Liang.

Every morning, Yun Tian woke up at dawn to help prepare the fields for the next harvest. The arduous tasks of plowing and sowing, although physically exhausting, brought him a new satisfaction. He could see the tangible results of his efforts in the fertile soil and verdant plants. The villagers had accepted him as one of their own, and their kindness warmed his heart.

In the afternoons, he joined Master Liang for intensive training sessions. Under the watchful eye of the old master, Yun Tian had learned to sense and absorb Qi. The initially difficult breathing and meditation techniques became more natural over time. Every day, he progressed a little more, his connection with Qi strengthening. Even if it is still very difficult for him in terms of his ability to progress.

The stories of powerful cultivators told by Master Liang resonated within him like distant dreams. But he refused to be discouraged. The memory of his parents and their unwavering love for him fueled his determination.

One evening, as the moon gently illuminated the village with its silver light, Yun Tian sat by the fire with his parents. Li Cao, his mother, prepared a simple but delicious meal, while Yun Bao, his father, tended the fire. The atmosphere was calm and peaceful, a bubble of serenity in their daily lives.

Yun Tian looked at his parents with a mixture of admiration and gratitude. After several months in this world, he had found a new home and a new family who loved him deeply. However, an ambition burned within him, a thirst for power and knowledge that he could not ignore.

"Mother, father," Yun Tian began, breaking the silence, "I wanted to talk to you about something important."

Li Cao put down his kitchen utensil and turned to his son, a gentle smile on his lips. "Yes, my son? What is it?"

Yun Bao nodded, urging him to continue. "Whatever it is, we are here to listen to you, Tian'er."

Yun Tian took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "Since I regained consciousness, I have learned many things from Master Liang. Cultivation, Qi, the extraordinary powers that cultivators can achieve... All of this intrigues and fascinates me. I want to become stronger, not just for me, but so that I can protect you and this village."

Li Cao smiled fondly, approaching his son to stroke his hair. "You have a big heart, my son. Your desire to protect us shows how much you love us."

Yun Bao, his face marked by years of hard work, looked at his son with pride. "I knew you had a strong spirit, Tian'er. The path to cultivation is arduous, but if that's what you truly desire, we will support you."

"I also want to find a purpose in this life," Yun Tian added, his voice trembling with emotion. "In this world, I have a chance to start over, to become someone better, someone powerful. But I don't want to do it alone."

Li Cao hugged him, his eyes shining with affection. "We will always be here for you, Yun Tian. Your family is your pillar, no matter where life takes you."

Yun Bao walked over and placed a reassuring hand on his son's shoulder. "The road will be long and difficult, but with your determination, I believe you can achieve great things. Just remember to stay humble and never lose sight of what is truly important."

Yun Tian nodded, touched by his parents' unwavering support. "I promise I won't disappoint you. I will work hard and become strong enough to protect those I love."

Li Cao wiped away a tear that was rolling down his cheek. "We are so proud of you, Yun Tian. No matter what happens, know that you always have a place in our hearts."

Yun Bao smiled, his eyes shining with emotion. "We believe in you, my son. You have the strength and will to succeed."

Yun Tian felt warmth filling his heart. Their words comforted and motivated him more than ever. He hugged his parents, a silent promise to never give up.

As the evening progressed, they continued to talk about their aspirations, sharing stories and dreams. The moon still shone high in the sky, bearing witness to these precious moments of complicity and family love.

Yet, despite the moments of peace and happiness, a dark shadow loomed over the horizon. Disturbing rumors circulated throughout the village, reporting growing conflicts between sects and cultivator clans.

This tranquility was brutally interrupted a few days later by the din of battle between two powerful cultivators. The peace of the village was shaken, and Yun Tian found himself plunged into chaos.

The months spent in the village had been a time of growth and learning for Yun Tian. He had become accustomed to the simple but rewarding life of working in the fields with his father and helping his mother at home. Every day, he spent time with Master Liang, absorbing cultivation teachings, practicing breathing and meditation techniques, and training in manipulating Qi. Her parents' support and Master Liang's encouragement gave her the strength to persevere despite challenges.

One day, while working in the fields with his father, a loud noise echoed through the air, followed by a shock wave that shook the ground. The birds flew away in panic, and the villagers looked up in worry. Yun Tian turned to his father, his eyes wide.

"What was that ?" he asked, his voice trembling.

Yun Bao frowned, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "I don't know, but it doesn't bode well. Let's go back to the village."

They hurried back to the village, where a crowd of villagers had already gathered. Everyone looked towards the sky, where two figures were moving at incredible speed, exchanging blows that shook the air. Both cultivators were surrounded by a bright aura, their power evident even from a distance.

Yun Tian felt a ball of fear forming in his stomach. "Father, who are they?"

"Cultivators," Yun Bao replied, his eyes fixed on the fight. "And powerful ones. Their battle could devastate the village."

Qi blasts and energy blasts caused the ground to vibrate, creating cracks and flying debris. Houses cracked under the pressure, and villagers ran for shelter. Yun Tian turned to his mother, who was clutching his hand tightly.

"We need to take shelter," she said, her voice shaking.

As they tried to flee, a shock wave more powerful than the others passed through the village, overturning everything in its path. Yun Tian lost his balance and fell to the ground, out of breath. He heard the cries of the villagers, the cries of the children, and in the midst of all this, he looked desperately for his parents.

"Yun Tian!"

His mother's voice cut through the chaos. He saw her and her father stuck in the rubble, trying to reach him. But before they could reach it, another blast of energy struck, sweeping them away.

"No! Mother! Father!" Yun Tian yelled, rushing towards them. But it was too late. The bodies of his parents lay motionless among the debris. Yun Tian collapsed beside them, tears streaming freely down his face.

"Mother, father…" he sobbed, squeezing their cold hands. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..."

Tears blurred his vision as he made his way through the smoldering rubble, desperately searching for any sign of life among the ruins. But despite all his efforts, he found only the oppressive silence of death.

His mind swirled in a mixture of grief and despair as he realized the magnitude of the tragedy that had just struck his life. His parents, his only landmarks in this strange world, had been swept away by the violence of the farmers' battle.

Tears flowed freely down his cheeks as he knelt beside his parents' remains, whispering words of despair and sorrow to them. But even amid the ruin and destruction, a glimmer of hope lingered in his broken heart.

In the wake of the destruction, Yun Tian stood, witnessing the devastation that had befallen his village. The houses reduced to ashes, the once fertile fields ravaged by flames, and the cries of pain echoing in the smoke-filled air all created a picture of desolation that broke his heart.

Her tears mingled with the ashes, her pain muffling the cry of despair that threatened to escape her throat. Kneeling before the remains of his parents, he felt alone, lost in a world that had suddenly lost all meaning.

As he cried, overcome by pain and loss, a figure approached him. It was the victorious farmer, an imposing man with long, black hair, dressed in rich, elegant clothing. His gaze was stern but not without compassion.

"Young man," he said in a deep voice, "were those you mourned your family?"

Yun Tian looked up at him with tear-red eyes. "Yes...they were everything to me..."

The cultivator nodded, his eyes shining with shared sadness. "I'm sorry for your loss. The path of cultivation is often cruel and unforgiving. But know that your parents died knowing that they loved you and believed in you."

Yun Tian clenched his fists, pain turning into burning determination. "I want to become stronger. I want to be able to protect those I love and never be helpless again."

The cultivator looked at him intently. "I see great willpower in you. If you are ready to follow the path of cultivation, I can take you to my sect. There, you will learn to harness your powers and become stronger."

Yun Tian wiped away his tears, looking at the cultivator with determination. "I'm ready. Take me."

The cultivator nodded and extended his hand to Yun Tian. "So follow me, and prepare to embrace a destiny greater than you ever imagined."

Yun Tian grabbed the outstretched hand, a new flame of determination burning within him. As they left the village ruins, Yun Tian vowed to remember his parents words and fight to honor their memory. The path to cultivation was long and difficult, but with the pain of his loss as motivation, he was willing to face anything to become the protector he had always dreamed of being. By a miracle of life he was given a second chance and he was ready to take full advantage of this chance so as not to regret anything.