
This is the second time that I reacted well to a child of destiny. I really thought it was going to be super difficult but it seems not. In any case, I hope that all the children of destiny are like those I have already met.

With the people still in front of him and awaiting his orders, Yun Tian spoke with authority. "Well from now on, each of you will have to concentrate only on your training. As I said previously, cultural and technical sutras as well as resources will be made available to you. We will soon be a bronze family you must at least reach the middle of qi condensation even better the foundation realm. Most of you are in the peak of the body building realm. Be diligent, be determined and I assure you you will make tremendous progress."

By speaking, Yun Tian gave hope to all the cultivators present. To tell the truth, they were all rogue cultivators, it is difficult for a cultivator without resources or support to cultivate normally. There are even some who were orphans, war survivors, rejects of secrets. So being promised resources and techniques as well as an environment conducive to culture, for us it was a gift from heaven.

While speaking, little Yun Lian, aged 8, approached her father. She had grown well for three years and had become a beautiful young girl. Her appearance now resembled a little girl of 12-13 years old when she was only 8 years old. Furthermore, her cultivation had made enormous progress, in three years of intensive training, she had successfully broken through to the qi condensation realm.

My daughter is so cute. Beware of the one who will be my son-in-law, I will not give him an easy life. I sense a hidden power within her, she must have broken through and entered the realm of qi condensation.

Stopping his own thoughts, Yun Tian spoke to him. "You have grown well my daughter. By the way, congratulations on your breakthrough. Ahaha!"

Yun Lian, who was initially happy to see her father, pouted after hearing the last sentence. "Father, it was supposed to be me to tell you, it was a surprise! I hid my culture I thought I could surprise you but it looks like I was wrong."

"Ahaha it doesn't matter, I'm still proud that my daughter achieved this breakthrough at such a young age. I hope your rise continues." Yun Tian said with a loving smile.

Yun Lian, blushing, tried as best she could to react to her father's words. "I'm… I'm happy to see you too."

Yun Tian sat up, observing his daughter with a mixture of pride and tenderness. Yun Lian had grown, not only in height but also in character. Her black hair, long and silky, framed a delicate face with harmonious features. His eyes shone brightly, reflecting his determined spirit. She wore a simple light blue cotton dress, practical for training but elegant in its cut. Her outfit was decorated with discreet embroidery, representing lotus motifs, symbols of purity and rebirth.

"My little Lian," Yun Tian said smiling, "I'm sure you will continue to surprise me in the future."

Before Yun Lian could respond, Ji Xue entered, carrying the twins in her arms. Ji Xue, as graceful as ever, radiated calm and beauty. Her dark, slightly wavy hair was tied into a sleek ponytail. She wore a simple but refined white dress, contrasting with her dark eyes sparkling with warmth and joy.

Oh I see that she too has made enormous progress in three years. She is about to enter the realm of foundation establishment. That's wonderful. My boys have nothing to envy of Lian'er, they are just as beautiful.

At three years old, Yun Hao and Yun Lei had become true rays of sunshine in the Yun family. Their golden hair had grown out, framing their angelic faces with a softness reminiscent of morning light. Yun Hao's golden curls fell on his forehead, giving him a playful and curious look. His golden eyes always shone with a bright and mischievous glow, testifying to his adventurous spirit and boundless energy. He wore a simple but elegant tunic, light blue in color, which highlighted his bright complexion and golden hair.

Yun Lei, more calm and reserved than his brother, had slightly wavy hair that fell gracefully over his shoulders. His golden eyes, deeper and more contemplative, reflected a wisdom and serenity surprising for his young age. He wore a green colored tunic, symbolizing his quiet and thoughtful nature. His smile, gentle and reassuring, had the power to calm storms, bringing peace and comfort to those around him.

The twins, despite their differences in character, were inseparable. They shared a deep and special bond, often seen playing together in gardens or following their parents with insatiable curiosity. Their melodious laughter echoed through the halls of the Yun Mansion, bringing joy and light to all who passed them.

"Dad !" Yun Hao cried as he wriggled out of his mother's arms and ran towards Yun Tian. Yun Lei followed shyly, still holding Ji Xue's hand.

Yun Tian bent down to greet his sons. "My little warriors! How you have grown!" he said, taking them in his arms in turn.

Yun Hao, his eyes shining with excitement, asked, "Dad, are you going to teach us how to fight like you? Mom and big sister haven't stopped telling us about you."

Yun Tian laughed and replied, "Yes, but not right away. You have three now, you still have to wait a year or two before you can start.

Ji Xue smiled as she watched the scene. "They haven't stopped talking about you, Yun Tian. They want to be like you so much."

Yun Tian turned to the new members of the Yun family, who were observing the scene with respectful curiosity. "These are my children," he said proudly. "Yun Lian, my eldest daughter, and my twins, Yun Hao and Yun Lei. They represent the future of our family."

The cultivators bowed their heads respectfully, some exchanging admiring glances at the love and unity of the family.

Yun Tian spoke again with authority. "You all showed your potential and loyalty today. You are now full members of my Yun family. Jian, I entrust you with the task of guiding them and helping them settle in."

Jian stepped forward, respectfully greeting Yun Tian. "I'll take care of it, Master. Come with me, everyone."

The twenty new members followed Jian, their faces marked with excitement and determination. They would receive not only a home but also an opportunity to become stronger.

"Zhao Feng, you stay with me." Yun Tian said hurriedly seeing Zhao Feng leave.

"Good Master." Zhao Feng bowed

"I introduce you all to my first disciple, Zhao Feng, he will have a special status in the family and will train with Lian'er from now on."

Zhao Feng, with a respectful bow, addressed Ji Xue and the children. "I greet the mistress, the young mistress and the young masters. Take care of me."

Ji Xue, smiled warmly. "Welcome, Zhao Feng. We are happy to have you among us. Don't hesitate to ask if you need anything."

Yun Lian, alongside her mother, took a step forward. Her long black hair, which shone in the sun, framed her delicate face. His eyes sparkled with lively curiosity and intelligence. "I'm glad you're here, Zhao Feng. I hope we can learn a lot from each other."

Zhao Feng, seeing her up close, was slightly intimidated by the aura and maturity that Yun Lian exuded, despite her young age. "Thank you, young mistress. I hope to become a worthy training companion for you."

Yun Hao and Yun Lei, standing demurely alongside their father, watched with wide golden eyes. Yun Hao, unable to contain his enthusiasm, stepped forward and pulled on Zhao Feng's tunic. "Are you really strong, like dad?" he asked, his eyes shining with admiration.

Zhao Feng smiled, crouching down to be at their height. "I am still far from reaching my master's level. But with his teaching, I will become stronger every day."

The more reserved Yun Lei slowly walked forward and whispered, "Will you teach us things too, big brother Zhao Feng?"

"Big brother ?" Zhao Feng thought. He was confused for a moment but realized that he had not just had a Master, but that he had a new family. This thought warmed his cold heart and hardened it.

Zhao Feng placed a comforting hand on Yun Lei's head. "With your father's permission, I will be honored to share what I learn with you."

Yun Tian, ​​observing this scene, felt deep satisfaction. "Very good," he said, placing a firm hand on Zhao Feng's shoulder. "You are now a member of this family. The loyalty and determination you show will take you far."

The other cultivators, seeing this scene, murmured among themselves, inspired by Yun Tian's warm welcome and words. The shadow of war and pain seemed to fade away, replaced by a promising future.

"Okay, let's go back!" Yun Tian said confidently. His family, Zhao Feng, Kang and Mei followed him into the main house of the grand mansion.

Entering the main hall, Yun Tian stopped and turned to Kang and Mei. "I'm going to step away for a while. Kang and Mei, I will leave it to you to take care of clan affairs in my absence."

Kang and Mei bowed their heads respectfully. "Yes Master. We will make sure everything goes well."

Yun Lian, visibly worried, stepped forward. "Father, you have just come out of your isolation. Are you going to leave already?"

Yun Hao and Yun Lei, despite their young age, looked at their father with pleading eyes, hoping that he would stay with them.

Yun Tian placed a comforting hand on Yun Lian's shoulder. "Don't worry, my children. It will only be for a few days this time. I need to meditate on some important things. I promise to come back soon."

Ji Xue, holding Yun Lei's hand, added softly: "Be careful, and come back to us quickly."

Yun Tian smiled, touched by his family's concern. "I will be back soon. In the meantime, continue to train diligently. I'm counting on you all."

He then turned to Zhao Feng. "You too, Zhao Feng. Train hard and learn as much as you can from Kang and Mei."

Zhao Feng bowed his head. "Yes, Master Yun. I'll do my best."

With a final hug for his children and a look of assurance for his wife, Yun Tian headed to his quarters to begin his brief retirement.

Entering his room, Yun Tian spoke directly to the system.

System are you there?


[The system is there Master. Moreover, many achievements have been accomplished]

[Congratulations to the master, your daughter has entered the realm of qi condensation, you have obtained 5 years of cultivation.]

[ The Yun family is growing with new members. Congratulations to the master for obtaining a level 2 energy array and technique storage room ]

Energy array ? Storage room ?

Level 2 Energy Array :

The energy array is a complex structure that enhances the distribution and efficiency of Qi within the mansion and its surroundings. With advancement to Level 2, the energy array presents several significant advantages:

1. Increased Qi Concentration

The array is able to concentrate Qi in specific areas, making training locations much more effective. Cultivators can thus progress more quickly thanks to better absorption and use of the surrounding Qi.

2. Energy Stabilization: Qi fluctuations are minimized, creating a more stable environment for cultivation. This reduces the risk of deviations or disruptions during major breakthroughs.

3. Optimized Distribution: Qi is distributed more evenly throughout the mansion, allowing each member of the family to benefit from balanced and sufficient energy for their cultivation needs.

4. Protection and Detection: The Level 2 energy array includes protection and detection functions. It can spot intrusions or potential threats, providing proactive defense against outside attacks.

Technical storage room:

This new facility is a special room dedicated to storing and organizing cultivation techniques and martial arts. Its features include:

1. Secure Storage: Techniques are protected by spiritual barriers, preventing unauthorized access. Only members of the Yun family with permission can view or borrow these techniques.

2. Advanced Organization: Techniques are categorized by type, level of difficulty, and utility, making it easier to find and access. This allows cultivators to quickly find the techniques adapted to their level and their needs. (the techniques present will be at human, mystical and Earth level for the moment)

3. Training and Study: The room is equipped with training and meditation spaces where cultivators can practice techniques in an environment optimized for learning and mastery.

Amazing ! These facilities will enable greater learning efficiency. It's perfect for a growing family like mine.

[ Ding, it is detected that the egg in Master's possession will hatch soon ]