Middle School

Mia sits at the principal's desk. His dad sitting beside him as Mia looks down sadly. There was silence as Mia's dad spoke up.

"So… It's not often you call me to the school for Mia… Did he get bullied again?" The principal covers his mouth slightly.

"Mr. Nuclear… I knew you discussed with us when you first moved here that you wanted to avoid your son entering any conflict… But today it seemed unavoidable" Mia's dad raises an eyebrow.

"What do you mean by that?" The principal takes a deep breath.

"Your son has become an Awakened" Mia's dad's eyes are out of sight as he exhales deeply. Looking as though he's trying to speak but struggling.

"Thank you for telling me… Now I have business I need to get to for my job… And i'll be bringing my son home early…" The principal nods as Mia's dad stands.

"Come on Mia… we're going home…" Mia looks up confused and nods. Quickly walking out after him. The principal sighing.

"Your only half the man I used to be friends with…" A picture sits on the desk of The principal and his best friend. Mia's dad: Aisuru Ikati.

"I was hoping I wouldn't have to deal with this again!" Mia slightly stumbles back. His dad screaming in the halls. Quickly running over and pointing at Mia.

"You don't understand the trouble i'm gonna have to go through because of you!" tears well up in Mia's eyes as he stumbles on his words.

"W-what's wrong…?" Aisuru screams and plops down on the couch.

"You really don't get it… the Awakened are a slim… Select group of people granted powers to aid them in their destiny… And I was hoping I could escape from dealing with them anymore than I already have!" Mia's eyes water as Aisuru growls.

"Your mother died… working in that line of work… I don't wanna loose you too!" Mia is slightly shocked as tears roll down his dads face.

"But I don't have a choice anymore I guess… They're gonna force you to join the Government forces… wether I say so or not…" Mia looks up at his dad.

"Dad?..." Aisuru pauses for a moment. Realizing what he just said to a 6 year old.

"Mia… Please go to your room… I need some time to myself…" Mia gulps and scoots off the couch and walking into his room.

Mia sits on his bed thinking to himself. He's always wanted to be an animator, But his dad says he's going to be forced to work as a Government agent. He's never wanted to be an office worker. But now it seems like a destiny he doesn't want is being forced on him. 

Tears flow down his cheek as he starts sweating. Mia sniffles trying to stop himself from crying. He feels hot as his whole body seemingly starts glowing orange. Flames sparking off of his entire body. Mia screaming as he falls to the floor. Flames engulfing the entire room as Mia cries in fear. The fire rises as Mia's dad seemingly teleports into the room.

"What's going on Mia-" He looks around in shock as Mia looks up at him.

"D-dad…?" Aisuru's eyes widen as he jumps forward hugging Mia tightly.

"Im sorry for yelling at you Mia!... Im just worried!" The flames slowly stop burning as Mia looks up crying.

"W-worried?" Aisuru nods as he still hugs Mia.

"Yeah… I used to work fo the government cause I was also an awakened… Your mom died and I was fired… I didn't mean to scare you… I just didn't want to loose another person close to me!" Mia looks on in shock as he hugs Mia tighter. Mia crying into his dad's shoulder.

Years passed and they all made it to middle school, some staying the same, and others growing in popularity even if they were the shyest person in the school. Which goes for Mia, He never really liked his eruption into sudden popularity, so any chance he could get he would hide from the rest of the world with his friend. 

After an increase in bullying over the start of their first middle school year. Mia, being the way he is decided he would secretly start an anti-bullying club; so he did. But he never went to any meetings or talked about it remaining anonymous to the new club. 

Even in secret, reporting a bully or temporarily stopping fights with his abilities. Gyro Which allows him to control gravitational forces around him and Burn which allows him to manipulate and turn into flames. which leads us to whe-

"I told you! shut up!" The girl raises her fist into the air then swinging it towards the kid with black hair laying on the ground in front of her. Then freezing in place, having experienced it before she knew who it was. 

"Why do you keep doing this to me!?" She resisted the freeze put on her to spin her head towards a boy with long blue hair, pale skin, and dark blue eyes. He looked at her and intensified the gravity making it so she couldn't move, he walked over to her and glared at her.

"I've already had to deal with you three times just today, and if you continue I WON'T hold back…" A few flames sparked from his face as he became quiet once again, then putting up his hoodie, he looked around then speed walked away. Chloe fell to the ground gasping for air as the black haired kid looked back at his friend then at Chloe before getting up and chasing after him down the hall, eventually running into Mia grabbing onto his shoulder

"Hey Mia, are you okay?" He looked at Mia as he took his hood off then turned to face his childhood friend.

"Why? why do you always keep getting into fights?" He spoke towards Nohan as he lifted his hand and tapped his friend's forehead. Nohan pushing Mia's hand away.

"You're not an Anime character… Quit it…" Mia smirked at Nohan.

"Oh, come on Nohan, do you always have to get into fights though?" He asked him again

"Well I can't help that people don't like me!" He looked down as Mia continued directing his friend to a set of stairs they normally sit at. An awkward silence between them.

"I heard you wanted to be an Agent? Why?" Mia looked at Nohan. 

"Yeah, We're both awakened so the Awakened World Agency will eventually contact us anyway…" Mia is shocked as he remembered his old preschool teachers words.

"You can do anything you put your mind to, I'm not saying you can or can't, what i'm saying is just believe in yourself, Nohan" Nohan looking surprised but also cringed out.

"That sounds so weird coming from you instead of our old teach… what about you?" Nohan looked up at Mia who was sitting beside him thinking.

"I wanted to be an animator…" the two looked at each other. Mia slapping his knees and standing.

"Sorry, but if I stay any longer I'm gonna miss my club meeting. Peace out'' Mia smiled as he walked away putting his hood up. Nohan forgetting about Mia's anti-bullying club then remembering that Mia never goes to any of the meetings.