Chapter 4

The first grid is used for the wooden house and shelves, and the second grid is used for the garage and oil depot.

As if he knew how to pass through walls, Qiao Xi passed through the space wall on the right and came to the second grid.

The No. 2 compartment originally contained only the motorcycle, RV and two mountain bikes that contributed to the success, as well as 86 100L barrels of gasoline, 92 100L barrels of diesel and five manual refueling guns. Each saved a hundred barrels that year, and several barrels have been used one after another over the years.

Now there are more than 200 large and small cars, hundreds of large oil tanks, a gray iron cabinet full of car keys, 7 and a half barrels of 50L gasoline, 5 and a half barrels of 50L diesel and two simple refueling machines. machine.

In the No. 3 compartment are twenty tons of coal, ten tons of charcoal, ten tons of honeycomb briquettes, twenty-three boxes of barbecue charcoal, fifty bundles of firewood, and stacks of straw, branches and haystacks piled high.

In the fourth compartment, there are 5 304 stainless steel insulated water tanks with ladders with a capacity of 5 tons, and 10 insulated water tanks with a capacity of 3 tons.

10 1000L water storage barrels, 20 500L water storage barrels, 50 200L water storage barrels, and 50 100L water storage barrels.

The water tank is filled with tap water at normal temperature, and the water storage bucket is filled with boiled drinking water. Direct drinking water can be filled at home, which is not expensive. What is more expensive are these water tanks and food-grade water storage barrels with faucets.

1,000 ice cubes of 50*50*25cm are made one by one using molds in order to save money.

50 plastic buckets of edible crushed ice, made by yourself with an ice machine.

Cell No. 5 is filled with hope.

A large box of vegetable seeds, a large box of fruit seeds, two large boxes of mushroom planting kits, two common fruit tree seedlings each, a total of 120 trees, 200 fertilized eggs each of chickens, ducks, goose, pigeons, quails, etc., and 5 household incubators .

Fertile Soil One Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty-five Foam Boxes. The soil was dug out by herself in the deep mountains and old forests. The foam boxes were leftover packaging boxes of fresh ingredients from restaurants. She didn't spend a penny. She didn't have much money at the time. Save if you can.

Fifty 50kg bags of nutrient soil, bought online.

There are ten boxes of hydroponic culture medium, each box is 5L*6 bottles. I wanted to buy more, but it was too expensive, so I only bought ten boxes. Fortunately several containers were received on the freighter.

There are several boxes of pesticides and fertilizers each.

There are also some farm tools.

Originally there were some electrical appliances and generators, but after she no longer believed in eschatology, she gradually put them into restaurants and homes for use.

Speaking of which, before she was 20 years old, she was really serious about preparing for the end of the world. If her financial strength hadn't restricted her performance, she could sit back and relax now.

Everyone is drunk alone, but I am young and awake alone.

Fortunately, in recent years, although she no longer believed in the apocalypse and did not continue to hoard these supplies, she did make money seriously and hoarded a lot of useful things.

Compartment No. 6 contains fruits. In addition to the batch of special fruits from country T that were just collected, there are also watermelons, cantaloupe, sugar oranges, mandarin oranges, grapefruits, cherries, lychees, kiwis, grapes, and yellow peaches that we bought before. , red bayberry, yellow peel fruit...

This kind of food with no expiration date is marked with low prices during good seasons. She always buys it in dozens or hundreds of tons. It is cheap and trouble-free. Anyway, there is enough space so there is no need to worry about spoiling it.

The No. 7 grid contains vegetables, including spring bamboo shoots, lettuce, Chinese toon, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, okra, pumpkin, pepper, ginger, garlic...

The eighth compartment contains meat, eggs, fish, shrimp, and crab eggs. The most popular ones are all kinds of seafood. It's a seafood buffet.

The ninth grid contains grains, oils and seasonings.

The tenth compartment is for restaurant supplies, such as napkins, wet wipes, dental floss and toothpicks, disposable cups and chopsticks, disposable gloves, packing boxes, plastic wrap, garbage bags...cassette stoves used in some dishes, Boxes, baskets and bags of alcohol stoves, cassette stove gas tanks and solid alcohol were neatly piled into small hills.

This food alone was enough for their family to last a lifetime, but daily necessities were far from enough. Fortunately, she picked up a big leak at the port.

The eleventh to sixteenth compartments were filled with colorful containers. She collected them in a hurry and placed them in unreasonable positions, which wasted a lot of space. Organizing can also free up a lot of space.

There must be a gross estimate of four to five thousand containers. It is indeed a super port that handles 90% of the country's foreign trade. It is a pity that more of it was burned.

Seventeen squares are all filled with tap water.

The eighteen grids are all filled with lake water that reaches the level of direct drinking.

A person will drink 50 tons of water in his lifetime, and the water used is as high as 7,000 tons. Their family of three consumes 21,000 tons. Fortunately, the space is in the form of independent storage compartments, otherwise many containers would have to be prepared.

Storing this water is a bit expensive, time-consuming and labor-intensive. There are 100,000 tons of water. It took more than a year to get running water, so she rented a villa with a large indoor swimming pool. Turn on the water inlet switch before going to school, it will automatically stop when the water is full, and it will collect the water after school. She was also asked several times by the property management company why she consumed so much water, but she was always excused by saying that she loved swimming and had a mysophobia.

The time to collect the lake water was shorter. As long as everything her body touched could be retracted into the space, it was not limited to her hands. She would jump in with her whole body. However, the collection speed was still limited, and due to her limited energy, she had to stop and rest from time to time, so she had to stay in X Island Lake for more than half a month. I was very envious at that time, no, I was jealous of some of the protagonists who could drain the Great Lakes in one day.

After going through all the supplies, Qiao Xi's sense of security was instantly filled.

She looked at her watch. The hands stopped motionless at the time she entered, 00:45. The power outage occurred at 8:17 pm on the 7th, and she left the warehouse at 9:52, which meant that she spent three hours on supplies at the port.

These three hours are much more tiring than collecting lake water for three consecutive hours. After all, the weight and volume of water collected in the same unit of time are completely incomparable.

Qiao Xi touched his stomach. He was not only tired but also hungry. He was very, very hungry. It felt like he had been hungry for several days. This was the price of overloading the space.

Just eat when you're hungry. She picked up a bowl of hot pineapple and seafood fried rice, fried crab with curry, and fragrant coconut chicken soup from the shelf. This is the signature dish of a well-known local restaurant. She likes it very much and bought fifty copies yesterday as a reason for a business meal. After eating these fifty portions, I am afraid I will never have the chance to taste this taste again. I know I will order a hundred portions, no, a thousand portions!

She added a fruit salad made in her own restaurant, sat down in the restaurant, and began to enjoy this late-night snack.

After eating and drinking, Qiao Xi, who was a little drowsy, took a cup of black coffee and drank it slowly. She couldn't sleep. Once she fell asleep, she probably wouldn't wake up for twenty-four hours. When she woke up, the port Everything on the floor had already been burnt to ashes.

Therefore, she did not sleep but rested, and waited for her strength to recover before going out to take a look. Maybe she could pick up something in the fire, even a container, just in case it happened to be something she didn't have.

Although it shouldn't be done, to be honest, buying something for zero dollars is a bit annoying.

The time on the phone watch stagnated, and Qiao Xi didn't know how much time had passed. She felt that her condition had recovered well, so she left the space immediately.

The parking lot has been reduced to a fire scene, the fire crackling and burning, and only the scattered car frames are left in the flames.

The parking lot, the port and the city behind were all filled with fire, which was connected with the aurora in the sky. The picture was so majestic and eerie.

Qiao Xi seems to have glimpsed a corner of the future. Without the help of technology, human beings will be vulnerable to nature. Even though she holds the space in her hands, she is still a mortal body. If nature does not leave any room for human beings to struggle for survival, it will be difficult for them to survive.

After calming down, I took out my satellite phone and dialed my parents' number, but still couldn't get through. I wonder what's going on in Beijing? It can't be the same as here - ah, crow's mouth, no way!

Qiao Xi suppressed his bad thoughts, there was no point in thinking about it, he could only act anxiously. Her current physical strength no longer allowed her to start a long journey immediately. Moreover, the shore was a sea of ​​fire, and traffic would be chaotic in places where there was no fire. Even on the shore, it would be difficult to move, and she had to guard against fire and other accidents. For now, it's safer to stay at sea than on shore.

She wiped the water from her face and focused on her eyes.

The port was completely shrouded in fire, and there was no place to stay. However, there was a burning freighter on the sea a few hundred meters away. Under the light of the fire on the ship, you could clearly see that the containers on it were full.

Qiao Xi took out his binoculars and observed carefully. The freighter was docked in front of the loading and unloading dock. It should be loading and unloading cargo. This was probably why it was affected by the port fire. The flames were concentrated at the bow of the ship, and it was estimated that it would take some time for it to burn to the stern or capsize and sink.

This little time is her chance.

She wanted the container on the freighter, because there was a shortage of supplies in the space, and the quantity was not all-encompassing.

She also wanted lifeboats on board. The International Maritime Organization stipulates that large ships must have more than one lifeboat on each side, as well as a number of life rafts. If the lifeboat cannot be used as a rescue boat, a rescue boat that can accommodate at least six people must be equipped to prepare for rescue in the event of an accident such as a crew member falling into the water.

If it was just a solar storm, it would actually be okay. Without electricity or Internet, the worst possible outcome would be to return to the farming era where transportation relied on walking and communication. People in ancient times lived well, but they were afraid that other disasters would happen.

She doesn't have the ability to predict the future. She doesn't know what the future will be like, so she can only take into account all the disasters she can imagine.

In the event of flooding, water transport will be required. She has a rubber boat, but it is far less safe than a rescue boat. If you don't have a chance, forget it. If you have a chance, there's no reason not to give it a try.

Qiao Xi returned to space, charged up the rubber boat, put on the fuel propeller, filled it up with fuel, and drove towards the burning freighter at full power.