Chapter 12


Ma Meiying's shrill cry rang out in the medical room. She grabbed the young doctor's arm tightly, her whole face was distorted with fear, and her teeth were trembling: "You lied to me, it's impossible. Please treat me quickly. Send me to the hospital. Send me to the hospital." A big hospital can definitely save us. Our family is rich. We have a lot of money! How much do you want? Five million or ten million. As long as our family can be well, how much do you want? My son will give it to you!"

The young doctor's eyes were slightly red. The little girl was not the first death case he had come into contact with in the past few days, but she was the youngest one. Her life should have had unlimited possibilities.

"I'm sorry!" His mother is of Chinese descent, and he can speak Chinese Mandarin.

Ding Lanyue and He Haiyu held onto the collapsed Ma Meiying, her voice choked with sobs: "Aunt Ma, Aunt Ma, don't do this."

Liu Yifeng couldn't believe it: "Why is it gone? It was fine in the morning. She still wants to see Pleasant Goat."

The doctor straightened his crooked glasses: "Heat stroke is an acute disease. With sound medical treatment, the mortality rate of severe heat stroke is as high as 70%, and the mortality rate is even higher for frail children and the elderly. I'm sorry, but I really tried my best."

"Send her to a big hospital, why not send her to a big hospital!" Ma Meiying screamed, "You are discriminating and only save your own people."

The doctor looked bitter: "There are many, many burn patients queuing up in the hospital waiting for help. Many people couldn't bear to die before waiting for treatment. It's not that they didn't want to save, but that there were not enough medical staff and medical equipment." This city is because of The fire caused heavy losses, and rescuers from outside could not get in due to traffic jams. Now there is a shortage of everything in the city.

Ma Meiying was stunned, pushed Ding Lanyue and He Haiyu away, stumbled onto the little girl who was lying quietly, and cried loudly. Her cry was very much like the woman just now, full of despair and helplessness.

[Doctor, doctor, come and see, my mother is vomiting again! ]

The young doctor cheered up, left a message of "sorry and be patient", and quickly followed the panicked man away.

Looking at that pale and tender little face, Qiao Xi's heart felt a little clogged. A small, soft life had withered away like this. Will there be more and more tragedies like this in the future?

Outside the hotel, dazzling lightning pierced the dark clouds, and deafening thunder resounded throughout the world.

People swimming in the sea were startled. Some realized that this might not be an ordinary thunderstorm. They panicked and called their relatives and friends to go ashore and return to the hotel.

If there is one, there are two, and more and more people choose to go ashore.

However, there are still some people who are reluctant to leave this cool and pleasant ocean and move slowly. Some people are too high and are too far away from the hotel to come back for a while.

The calm on the beach was interrupted by a bolt of lightning falling from the sky. A huge coconut tree was split into two pieces, and the fallen trunk hit the young man passing by.

The tragic screams were like the trumpet of disaster. Before they could react, bolts of lightning fell one after another on the beach and the sea, and the frightened screams sounded one after another.

The young mother hugged her child tightly and ran to the hotel. Soon, soon, she saw the hotel door. Suddenly, she saw the child's hair standing up, his steps stagnant, thunder and lightning falling from the sky, and the mother and son twitching and falling down.

The people in the sea tried their best to swim up, and the thunder and lightning fell on the sea surface and disappeared in an instant. Before the young man five or six meters away had time to rejoice in his good fortune, he was paralyzed by the electric current flowing along the sea water, and he sank into the water in disbelief.

The old man who fell to the ground got up using his hands and feet, and ran towards the hotel with one foot deep and one foot shallow, while looking left and right to find his family.

The child, who was scattered by the panicked crowd, sat on the ground crying helplessly. When she was about to be stepped on by the panicked people, a middle-aged woman passing by grabbed her up and ran with her.

The peaceful and cheerful beach not long ago turned into a hell on earth in a blink of an eye. People fled for their lives in a hurry under the thunder and lightning, and the cries and screams could not be heard.

"how so?"

Ding Lanyue's pupils in front of the window were full of fear, and her whole body was trembling slightly.

"Thunderstorm." Qiao Xi pulled her back, "Stay away from the window, go to the corridor, and take Aunt Ma out!"

Before she finished speaking, she rushed out of the room to look for the doctor.

The doctor was treating patients and rescuing people in another room. Fortunately, the patient's condition was not in danger and his life was not in danger. Qiao Xi asked him: "Which medical equipment must not be turned off? Turn off everything that can be turned off to prevent electrical appliances from causing lightning strikes and fires."

The doctor was a little confused and subconsciously replied: "They can all be closed."

Qiao Xi asked again: "Where is the switch?" She was fed up with being chased by the fire and didn't want to experience it a third time.

The doctor was confused: "I don't know." Seeing that Qiao Xi's face turned ugly, he was frightened and said, "The generator is on this floor."

Qiao Xi dragged him out: "Lead the way!"

After turning several corners to reach the generator room, Qiao Xi turned off the machine, the lights went out instantly, and the humming mechanical sound stopped abruptly.

A power outage will cause a certain amount of panic, but it is better than causing a fire. Once a fire breaks out due to such strong winds, it will inevitably get out of hand. If you don't run away and get burned by fire, if you run out and get struck by lightning, you're going to die on both sides.

Relieved, Qiao Xi turned on the flashlight on his mobile phone and walked back when he suddenly heard the sound of glass being smashed.

People standing in front of the windows looking out shouted in horror: [Hail! Why is there hail? It's July now! ]

Many people subconsciously think that hail should appear in winter. In fact, hail mostly occurs in spring and summer, when cold and warm air meet intensely to form hail.

Thunderstorm is also a kind of local strong convective weather that often occurs in spring and summer. It is often accompanied by lightning, thunder, strong wind, rain or hail. In severe cases, it may also cause tornadoes and downbursts.

Hailstones bigger than fists crashed down, the glass shattered, and people in the room scrambled to stay away from the outside windows.

The strong wind blew in through the broken windows in an instant, carrying a series of hailstones, smashing more glass, and those who could not dodge were hit with bloody heads, and they ran desperately into the corridor.

When the last person escaped from the messy room, Qiao Xi closed the door hard, blocking out the violent wind and hail behind the door. The others followed suit and worked together to close the doors to other rooms.

The curtains blown by the strong wind rustled, the hail that came in along the wind made a crackling sound when it hit various equipment and furniture, and the closed door kept shaking and making a heart-stopping banging sound.

Needless to say, everyone crawled back into the windowless room on the other side of the corridor, fearing that a door would not be able to block the violent wind and hail.

The people hiding behind the door couldn't help but wonder what would happen if hailstones hit them. Are the people on the beach outside okay?

There are corpses everywhere outside, and the coastline is more than a thousand meters away from the hotel. This distance has become a chasm between life and death for many people.

Lightning strikes and hailstones became obstacles on their way back to the hotel. The panicked people could only run around without realizing it as they ran further and further away from the hotel. Even if they were lucky enough to escape the lightning strike, they could not escape the dense hailstones that hit their heads and faces. . The person who was hit had no time to get up, and was hit again and again by the hail, making no movement at all.

Except for those who saw that the situation was not good and decided to return to the hotel immediately. The remaining people who stayed on the beach when the lightning struck were less than 30% lucky enough to escape the lightning strike and the hail. Ninety-percent of these 30% were people who successfully escaped into the hotel. At this moment, they were still There were very few living people left on the beach.

The most innocent people here are undoubtedly the staff. In order to remind the victims who refused to come back, they had to stay on the beach. As a result, they missed the best time to escape back to the hotel.

After more than two hours, it became noticeably quiet outside.

Qiao Xi opened the door and came to the corridor. He stood outside the door of the infirmary and listened to the situation. He felt that everything was fine and reached out to unscrew the door.

Ding Lanyue and Liu Yifeng, who followed out cautiously, were nervous: "It's safe, is there any danger?"

Qiao Xi: "It should be fine if it's so quiet. Thunderstorms come and go quickly."

The two looked at each other and stopped talking. Since she said that, it must be like this. If she hadn't made a decisive decision just now, she didn't know what would have happened.

There was something blocking the door, so Qiao Xi pushed it open with some strength, squinting due to the hot sunlight outside.

The thunderclouds dissipated and the blazing sun took over the sky again.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw that the large floor-to-ceiling window facing outside had been smashed to pieces, leaving only a huge hole. The curtains used for sun protection and heat insulation were gone, and half of the curtain iron bars were hanging there.

The floor was covered with sand, broken glass, branches, and hailstones of all sizes. Some hailstones were even as big as an adult's fist. Under the hot sunlight, they melted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Tattered cabinets, chairs, hospital beds, medical instruments, and electrical appliances lay scattered in every corner.

The wall was dented several times by something.

Outside the window, the beach and sea were covered with bloody figures, and some trees that had been uprooted by the strong wind were still burning.

Liu Yifeng, who was looking straight out of the window, murmured: "The end of the world, it really is the end of the world."

Ding Lanyue's face changed drastically, as if a cat had been stepped on by the tail: "If you don't scare people here, it will be a serious natural disaster."

Liu Yifeng looked at Qiao Xi.

Qiao Xi didn't say anything. Saying this now can only accelerate his emotional collapse. Some people have already started crying for this apocalyptic world.

Local rescue workers arrived quickly and carried out post-disaster rescue work non-stop.

The hotel where Qiao Xi was staying was in pretty good condition, there was no lightning strike, and the number of survivors was over 60%. The five-star hotel two kilometers away from them was struck by lightning and started a fire. The small flames were fanned by strong winds and turned into fireworks that soared into the sky. The survivors who escaped lightning strikes and hail and escaped back to the hotel did not escape the raging fire. A total of 10,158 victims were accommodated in this hotel, plus 117 staff members. In the end, only 679 people survived.

Fortunately, there were no buildings around, the fire did not spread, and it did not lead to the tragedy of burning half of the city.

The entire city has not yet recovered from the fire, and new disasters have been added. This thunderstorm covers an area of ​​more than 20 kilometers, concentrated on the seaside, covering 17 victim resettlement sites and five residential areas, with 30 people affected. Thousands.

Rescuers were stretched thin, and many uninjured survivors volunteered to help.

Qiao Xi learned first aid knowledge, so he went to help deal with some simple injuries, and saw the body of Cockscomb Head on the way. He was being dug out from under the sand by rescuers. The left side of his head was dented, and his red hair became even redder.

She also met the middle-aged man and his wife who lived in the same room. The man was dead and the woman was only slightly injured.

Qiao Xi helped her bandage, and she cried and said to Qiao Xi: "I fell, he could run away by himself, but he didn't, he lay on me, he lay on me, he died for me."

Qiao Xi was a little sad. In fact, this man just said that he was very good to his wife. He always saved the mineral water for his wife to drink. When he knew that day, he would not reject him and let him recharge his batteries.