your sister's boyfriend!

Regina slapped her before she could continue. " Look here, Sasha, I will no longer tolerate anything trashy from you all from now on. Trust me when I say, I'm not getting married to anyone and I won't be staying with you all any longer. I've tried my best to be the best for you all. I've been submissive, but not to the point where I have to commit suicide by marrying a murderer just for your sake. " She shook her head in dissappointment and her eyes brimmed with tears. " Maybe if you all had shown me love, I would be willing to give me life up for you. " The tears she'd been holding finally came pouring down.

Regina knew Sasha saw her at the bar last night. She turned and a small Smirk appeared on her face. She would never!

Sasha watched in disbelief as Regina walked away with her head held high. 'Oh, so she's a proud bitch who got had sex with my boyfriend. Does she think that'll hurt me? I'll be sure to make her pay.' She couldn't believe that Regina had the courage to slap her across the face– twice!

Regina turned her heels with a smug look. She felt so good for the fact that she could retaliate. 

Sasha raised her brows and then walked into the house a few minutes after Regina did. Regina had gotten a new phone and through back-up she had all her previous Data restored. The hate on her face after she continued to stare at the pictures she took over and over. She was suprised that Regina worked in a night club, nobody would believe her if she went in empty handed.

Regina sat down in her room, with a strange feeling of freedom and superiority surging within her. She would leave this house today and when the family finds out what she'd done, they wouldn't be willing to take her in as their daughter in-law.

Her phone buzzed and a farmiliar ringtone came to her hearing. She glanced down anlt her phone to meet the familiar name of the caller. It was Athena. A chuckle escaped her lips as she picked up her phone and answered. " Athena?"

" Ohhhhhhh Thank God you're alright." Athena spoke on the other line and Regina picked up a sigh of relief from her tone. " So, how did it go? Wait! Don't answer." Athena sighed. " Flora already told me. Are you crazy?!"

Regina chuckled at her remarks. " What?" She asked in a soft tone.

" You forgot to use condom! Nooooo!! " She could hear her friend's fake cry on the other line.

" So?" She replied dryly.

" OMG you might get... Preg" Athena replied with a worried tone this time.

" What's preg?" Regina played dumb and then let out a deep sigh.

" Mmmmm I don't know. Maybe when it happens, you'll Know the meaning. I heard his description from Flora as well." Athena replied almost instantly with a hint of smugness in her tone.

" I see... " Regina replied with a yawn. " okay I'll be coming to your place just as planned. Get ready for a new roomie, Athena."

" Sure... Please take care. The courage you summoned to do what you did yesterday was quite... Well, your family pushed you into doing such. I am very suprised. " Athena sighed softly and then spoke up when she noticed that Regina was silent. " Bye, honey."

" Mmmm " Regina retorted and finally hung up.

Bang! Bang!

" Who's there?" She said in a dragged tone and lay flat on her bed with no intention of opening the door. She closed her eyes slowly but instantly opened it when she heard the continuous knocks. Aeh She ratted me out already? Mmm.

" Go away, I'm in no mood to talk right now." She yelled loud enough for the person, who she was sure was either her father or mother standing by the door.

" Open this door now! " She heard her father scream loudly. " How dare you slap your sister? Do you want to kill her? You're such a disgrace. come out now!"

Heh? So that was it? She shook her head and closed her eyes again. Click! The door opened.

Dylan, Sasha her father and mother walked in looking furious... well, all except for Dylan who only followed them in without actually knowing the reason they were all angry. He saw then walking towards Regina's room and he followed, knowing fully well that the look on their faces screamed anger.

Regina sat up with a nonchalant look. " So? why are you all here? and how did you open the door?"

" I think you forgot to lock the door. " Dylan spoke up with a loud chuckle. " You're in so much trouble now."

" Regina! " Her mother cried with her usual dramatic act and held Sasha's arm. " I never knew I wasted all these years training you just for you to end up as a whore. Donald, show her the pictures Sasha took of her in a night club."

Donald, Regina's Dad, took out his phone and turned the screen directly to face Regina. " Explain this." His voice came in a low and intimidating growl, but Regina feigned ignorance and shrugged. Deep within her, she couldn't deny the fact that he made her scared. Of course she just couldn't get over it that quickly, she was still scared of them, but not like the previous times where she'd keep quiet and accept anything they call her.

" Oh, so it's true... " His eyes fell a little making her heart ache. " I really didn't expect this from you, Regina. I... I don't even know what to say to you right now."

Donald gave her a look of dissappointment. There wasn't any hint of scorn in his look this time. There was only fear, dissappointment and anger in his eyes as he darted his gaze back and forth from the phone he held back to his daughter.

" And that too with your sister's boyfriend." This time Regina brought her gaze up with her eyes widened.