you're all the same

Regina watched as her father took slow strides towards her with a crazy chuckle escaping his lips. " You're a shame to this family, a shame to the world itself. Just look at what your rebel has brought up on you. "

After reaching her, he grabbed her harshly by the throat and leaned in closer. " Who's loosing now, you lowlife?" He retraced his hands when he felt she was starting to choke.

" Don't worry, I won't harm you like this. " He brought our a napkin from his pocket and whipped of his hands clean. " We're in an hospital, so I have to be careful. " He also wiped her neck and grinned.

A doctor walked in looking a little uncomfortable. " Sir, the patients is completely fine now. She's been discharged. "

" Oh, is that so? " Kimberly, Regina's mother asked with a sky grin.

" Yes, ma'am. " The doctor replied and left almost immediately.

" Mom, is she still of any use to us? " Derick finally spoke up after staying silent the whole time.

" No, my dear. She can go to the side of the road and beg for change from now on. I want to see her achieve her dreams there. " Kimberly replied with a mocking tone.

" You're saying you're really going to disown her?" Sasha's voice was heard in a low tone. She wasn't happy about the fact that she's be replacing Regina. God knows how ugly or repulsive the man might actually be not to have had a relationship all his years of extience.

At least she's just going to be his public girlfriend. Not that she'd permanently move in with him. She'd just have to restrict her carefree life.

" Yes, my darling. " Her mother replied with a smug grin. " She deserves that after what she's put you through. Let's see how she gathers the ' nutrients ' her body needs to grow. "

" Trust me my dear when I say, your friends won't even be able to help you out of this one. " Thomas added.

Regina paused as if catching on to what they were saying. If word gets out about what's gone wrong, the family of her friends would restrict them from mingling with her any further... Would that really be an hindrance oto their friendship?

" Let's leave her... I hope you rit though. " Sasha scowled at her and turned her heels.

They'd already blocked all her credit card. She had her own savings in her personal bank which was only up to a thousand dollars.

Regina felt a deep sense of dejection and rejection after being disowned by her family. She had always tried her best to gain their approval and love, but it seemed like no matter what she did, it was never enough. She had sacrificed her own desires and happiness to meet their expectations, but in the end, they had still rejected her.

She couldn't knew she had been used by her family. They had only kept her around as long as she was useful to them, but now that she was no longer needed, they were discarding her like trash. The pain of their rejection was like a heavy weight crushing her, making it hard for her to breathe.

They couldn't even consider the fact that she didn't sell them out...

She thought back to all the times she had tried to please them, all the sacrifices she had made, and all the love she had given. But it seemed like it had all been for nothing. They didn't care about her, they only cared about what she could do for them.

Regina felt like she was nothing more than a tool to them, a means to an end. And now that she was no longer needed, they were abandoning her. The thought filled her with a sense of despair and hopelessness.

She wondered if she had ever truly been loved by her family, or if it had all been a lie. Had they ever really cared about her, or was it all just a ruse to get what they wanted from her? — They've never even shown her real affection except the day after her supposed father in-law complained of her being thin...

The questions swirled in her mind, making her feel lost and alone. Regina didn't know who to turn to or where to go. She felt like she was adrift in a stormy sea, with no anchor to hold onto... Especially now that she realized the gravity of the whole situation.


In this dark moment, Regina realized that she had to find a way to let go of her family's rejection and move on... ' But my revenge will be sweet, cause by the time I strike back ' she chuckled within herself. ' They'll never regret why I was ever born. '

She had to learn to love herself and find her own worth, because it was clear that her family was never going to give her the love and acceptance she deserved...

'' Let's go. " Kimberly urged and complained a little about being tired. " I don't like this hospital smell, it gives me creeps. She's above eighteen, so it's okay to leave her. "

Sasha wasted to time in joining her mother and Thomas followed suit...

Derick paused for a moment and turned back. It was clear that he was a little hesitant, but he rugged his hands in his pocket. " I'm going to be an adult soon too. Maybe when you suffer a little, I'll come get you. You really hurt mom, dad and Sasha by what you did. " He shook his head disapprovingly.

He started walking out, but then paused. " I... Take good care of yourself... It's not like care, but " his voice cracked a little. " You're a bad influence, so just stay away... " He didn't know what to say... He'd actually miss bullying her.

Regina frowned. " Get lost. " She finally sat up from the bed and spoke without looking directly at him. " You're all the same. "

Derick clenched his fists hard. " Why did you do it though?"

" ... " Regina didn't reply. She turned to the side and found her phone lying on the smallish table right next to her bed. '' you can build a nest there if you like, I don't owe you any explanation. You're not dumb. "

Derick felt a little embarrassed... He turned immediately to leave without a word.